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Mind Mapping

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Mind Maps - Mind Mapping Training from MindTools. A Powerful Approach to Note-Taking (Also known as Mind Mapping, Concept Mapping, Spray Diagrams, and Spider Diagrams) "Mind Map" is a trademark of the Buzan Organization (see

Mind Maps - Mind Mapping Training from MindTools

We have no association with this organization. Record ideas memorably with James Manktelow & Amy Carlson. Have you ever studied a subject or brainstormed an idea, only to find yourself with pages of information, but no clear view of how it fits together? SQ3R - Learning Skills From MindTools. Studying More Effectively "Mind Map" is a trademark of the Buzan Organization (see

SQ3R - Learning Skills From MindTools

We have no association with the Buzan Organization. There are better ways to retain information! © iStockphoto/Cimmerian Nowadays, it's easy to access new reading material. However, it's not so easy to remember everything that you've read. SQ3R helps you do this. As such, it makes your reading both more efficient and more effective. Mindly Makes Mind Mapping Simple and Beautiful on Small Screens. Memofon. Mindmapping, concept mapping and information organisation software. Mind Mapping Software. Mind mapping software continues to evolve and the latest generation is really, really, really good.

Mind Mapping Software

I first tried software mind mapping with MindJet's MindManager X5 Pro. The interface was intuitive (click insert or enter to add topics), formatting was easy, and I liked all of the options available to customize my maps (color, type of connectors, line styles, relationships, callouts, arrows, icons, and much more). MindJet's newest version, MindManager 7, is amazing. I am particularly impressed with the range of new map options. MindMup: Zero-Friction Free Online Mind Mapping. Capture ideas at the speed of thought – using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping.

MindMup: Zero-Friction Free Online Mind Mapping

Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. Brainstorm, create presentations and document outlines with mind maps, and publish your ideas online and to social networks. Get Started Why use MindMup? Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online. Scapple for Mac OS X. Coggle. XMind: The Most Professional Mind Map Software. Collaborative Tools and Work Management Software: Mindjet. CPN Tools Homepage. Visual strategic planning and outcomes tool. WebspirationPRO: Online Visual Thinking Tool.

Visual Understanding Environment. Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software. Vensim. MindManager. What is Mind Mapping? (and How to Get Started Immediately) A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts.

What is Mind Mapping? (and How to Get Started Immediately)

It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity. In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works. Since it is an activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages your brain in a much, much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions. How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain's Creativity and Potential.

Make a Mind Map to Keep on Top of Everything in Your Life. Thinking Map. 43 Intricate Mind Map Illustrations. For the uninitiated, a mind map is a graphical organization of ideas and concepts that can be used to facilitate the generation of ideas and the learning process.

43 Intricate Mind Map Illustrations

The reason why this has been argued to be more effective than the traditional method of learning (e.g. rote learning, linear text reading, etc) is because such structuring of ideas and concepts resembles the way our brain works – i.e. via links or associations. Mind mapping is done by connecting one idea to another with the aid of colors and images to tap both sides of our brains. When that happens, creativity gets a boost without compromising our sense of logic.

15 Stunning Examples of Data Visualization. Data Visualization is a method of presenting information in a graphical form.

15 Stunning Examples of Data Visualization

Good data visualization should appear as if it is a work of art. This intrigues the viewer and draws them in so that they can further investigate the data and info that the graphic represents. In this post there are 15 stunning examples of Data Visualization that are true works of art. Click on the title or image for a larger view of each visualization.

The Strengths of Nations Here’s an image that discusses the variations in how different nations pursue science. Madrid.Citymurmur CityMurmur tries to understand and visualize how media attention reshapes the urban space and city. Genome Jules & Jim This visual represents the relationship between characters in the movie Jules & Jim. One Week of the Guardian This is one day in a series that takes the news from one week of the Guardian newspaper, and visually represents it as a series of static visualisations. One Week of the Guardian Leisure & Poverty Stock Data Related Posts. Mind Map Library. 1000s of Mind Maps in FreeMind, MindManager and other formats - Mappio. Software for mindmapping & information organisation.

Mind Map Inspiration. 100 examples of how you can use mindmapping whether completely new to mind maps or a seasoned pro.

Mind Map Inspiration

I hope the list helps generate ideas for you. 100 Reasons to Mind Map 1. Explore a subject 2. Study & learn a new topic, culture or country 3. Want to share your Mind Maps with others? Here are the 100 reasons on one page: