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The Brains of Successful vs. Unsuccessful People Actually Look Very Different. What's the best way to take control of your own life and push yourself against boundaries?

The Brains of Successful vs. Unsuccessful People Actually Look Very Different

According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, it's all about your mindset. Successful people tend to focus on growth, solving problems and self-improvement, while unsuccessful people think of their abilities as fixed assets and avoid challenges. Designed Culture.

Employee Motivation

Are You a Shusa? A few weeks ago I had a chance to interview Kamal Manglani for Projects at Work.

Are You a Shusa?

Kamal is an Agile coach who has written a book, The Apprentice and the Project Manager, that was recently rele... Posted in: The Reluctant Agilist We're lucky to be in a field, a discipline, a career - whatever you choose to call it - which has a tremendous, rosy, powerful future. A recent feature in PM Network has t... Posted in: People, Planet, Profits & Projects As we consider how to integrate long-term thinking into project management, one thing we really need to remember is the project manager as an individual. I am going to purposely stay away from the polarity of the global climate change debate between the advocates and the deniers. AtTask: the only project and portfolio management software that meets the business intelligence needs of executives, the planning needs of managers, and the collaboration needs of project teams, helping organizations get jobs done on time, on budget.

Team Motivation

Command & Control Management – The Party Killer « in context. I was asked why some developers don’t have parties or late night coding sessions.

Command & Control Management – The Party Killer « in context

I do not think it was meant literally, since organising a party is a trivial activity and does not warrant a discussion. Dealing With Bad, Ineffective Managers and Bosses. Can't stand your job because of your bad boss?

Dealing With Bad, Ineffective Managers and Bosses

Bad and ineffective managers exist in every organization. The worst managers fail to trust employees, don't respect employees, and intimidate employees. Find out how to understand and deal with bad managers and bosses here. Management Secrets: Core Beliefs of Great Bosses.

Personal Motivation

How Great Bosses Motivate Employees. Job enrichment vs. job enlargement. Why is it that we often see great talent melt down when given more responsibility?

Job enrichment vs. job enlargement

In this blog our coach John M McKee explains a common mistake made by managers and organizations each day. "Jack's done such a great job; I've decided to punish him. " While I don't really believe that there are many (although there are some) bosses who think this way, the fact is that many act as if they do. Tell me if this doesn't ring true: An individual (let's call him Jack) who cares about doing his/her job right, often goes beyond what's required and delivers great results. And soon, because Harry recognizes that subordinate Jack gets things done, Jack is given more responsibility, perhaps even a new title or a pay increase. Both parties feel pretty good at this stage: Boss Harry is happy because his area's performance is improving.

Six lines your boss should never cross. A list of six ways you can tell if your boss has crossed the line of professional behavior.

Six lines your boss should never cross

The employment experts at Allison & Taylor have offered some great tips for knowing whether your boss has crossed the line of professional behavior. According to Allison & Taylor, your boss is crossing the line if he or she: 1. Makes references to your salary in front of other staff. Generation X: Stepping Up to the Leadership Plate CIO. CIO — The United States is on the brink of a generational transition the likes of which has not been seen before.

Generation X: Stepping Up to the Leadership Plate CIO

The largest generation in history to retire—some 77.5 million people, according to the AARP—will begin vacating the workplace in the next five years. Management Techniques for Bringing Out the Best in Generation Y CIO. CIO — Over the next two decades, 76 million Americans will be retiring and only 46 million will be entering the workplace to replace them, according to the American Society of Training and Development.

Management Techniques for Bringing Out the Best in Generation Y CIO

The vast majority of those 46 million workers will be from Generation Y, also known as the Millennial generation. There's been a lot of talk recently about Generation Y. Its members, born between 1982 and 2005, are known for their sense of entitlement, outspokenness, inability to take criticism, and technological sophistication. Fortune deemed Generation Y in its May 28, 2007, issue the most high-maintenance, yet potentially most high-performing generation in history because its members are entering the workplace with more information, greater technological skill and higher expectations of themselves and others than prior generations.

In addition, Time described members of Generation Y in its July 16, 2007, issue as wanting the kind of life balance where every minute has meaning. Gen Y, Gen X and the Baby Boomers: Workplace Generation Wars CIO. 106 Excuses That Prevent You From Ever Becoming Great. The following is a rare guest post, this time coming from Tommy Walker.

106 Excuses That Prevent You From Ever Becoming Great

Tommy Walker is an Online Marketing Strategist and host of “Inside the Mind” a fresh and entertaining video show about Internet Marketing Strategy. Five New Management Metrics You Need To Know - Forbes. 10 tips for remembering names.