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13 Simple Ways Women In Business Can Make A Difference In 2014. Women must take a special interest in supporting other women in order to help make gender equality in business a reality.

13 Simple Ways Women In Business Can Make A Difference In 2014

Here are a few easy things to try in 2014 to not only support other women, but to support and better yourself as well. What would you add? 1. Invest. Ideally, invest in a female-led startup. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5 Hidden Assumptions That Keep Women From Living Larger. Hard Things You Need To Do To Be Successful.

30 Scientific Reasons Your 20s Are For Doing What You Want. Proč jsem nevolil Svobodné a kam kráčí západ. Jedná o příspěvek poměrně dlouhý, uvedu jej proto stručnou versí pro lenochy.

Proč jsem nevolil Svobodné a kam kráčí západ

Takže TL;DR: “Svobodní jsou nevolitelní z personálních důvodů, i když program mají dobrý – s výjimkou radikálního euroskepticismu, který jde proti proudu vývoje lidstva.” Fullverze dále. Dovolím si ještě jeden příspěvek do segmentu o volbách, než se vrátím k tématům vážnějším, obecnějším a nesezónním, popřípadě k dalšímu vymýtání zmrdovin z jazyka. Spoiler alert, vymkne se mi to a zabrousim do obecna i tady. 27 Shocking And Unexpected Facts You Learn In Your Twenties.

25 Empowering Quotes From Women Who Kick Ass. Who run the world?

25 Empowering Quotes From Women Who Kick Ass

Girls. And these women are our inspiration... 'We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.' Oprah Winfrey: 'I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism. 10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out. Mid-way through a recent group exercise class, the teacher lost me.

10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out

She didn’t lose me because of some complicated step sequence or insanely long set of burpees; I mentally checked out because of a few words she kept saying over and over. “Come on! Get that body ready for your winter beach vacation! Think about how you want to look at those holiday parties! PICTURE HOW YOU’LL LOOK IN THAT DRESS!” “THAT DRESS?” My daughter’s little brain is making sense of the world every single second, taking in verbal and non-verbal cues about how things work and what things mean. Strength equals self-sufficiency. Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed. Well I’m in the working world again.

Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed

I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’s returning to normal after my nine months of traveling. Because I had been living quite a different lifestyle while I was away, this sudden transition to 9-to-5 existence has exposed something about it that I overlooked before. Since the moment I was offered the job, I’ve been markedly more careless with my money. Not stupid, just a little quick to pull out my wallet.

As a small example, I’m buying expensive coffees again, even though they aren’t nearly as good as New Zealand’s exceptional flat whites, and I don’t get to savor the experience of drinking them on a sunny café patio. Why Your Experience And Education Won’t Get You Hired. In today’s day and age, what does it really mean to be “qualified” for a job?

Why Your Experience And Education Won’t Get You Hired

Unfortunately, for many people in the job market, it means they have the experience and education to do the job well. While these factors are important, they only really qualify you for a possible job interview. It gets you in the door but as you may have noticed, it doesn’t get you hired. Almost everyone who gets an in-person interview is qualified ‘enough’. The Most Important Question You Can Ask Yourself Today. Everybody wants what feels good.

The Most Important Question You Can Ask Yourself Today

Everyone wants to live a care-free, happy and easy life, to fall in love and have amazing sex and relationships, to look perfect and make money and be popular and well-respected and admired and a total baller to the point that people part like the Red Sea when you walk into the room. Everybody wants that -- it's easy to want that. Selling Out. The Misconception: Both consumerism and capitalism are sustained by corporations and advertising.

Selling Out

The Truth: Both consumerism and capitalism are driven by competition among consumers for status. Beatniks, hippies, punk rockers, grunge rats, metal heads, goth kids, hipsters – see a pattern forming here? It goes back farther than these examples, the baton of counter culture – the mantle of anti…whatever the mainstream is doing – it gets passed from generation to generation. Whether you lived through Freedom Summer or “Jem and the Holograms” – somewhere in your youth you started to realize who was in control, and you rebelled. Eat run love: Opravdu se máme v Česku tak špatně? Možná je to tím, že pocházím z Brna, krásného města kde je plno možností ve všech směrech a vlastně nic mi tam nechybí.

eat run love: Opravdu se máme v Česku tak špatně?

(no dobře, nemáme Stárbaks ani Costu...) 7 Reasons the World Looks Worse Than It Really Is. A billion people have been lifted out of poverty in just the last 20 years.

7 Reasons the World Looks Worse Than It Really Is