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evelyne viret

German teacher Ed Tech specialist

Continuité pédagogique _LANGUES VIVANTES: Espagnol, Anglais, Allemand....

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Côté enseignants. Sciences Cognitives. Abdo Fessier. Kahoot. Brain Break. Coding. ACTIVITES EN CLASSE. Banque d'activités pour enseigner la compréhension. Flexible Learning Environment. Quizlet. Classroom management. Musique. Les piliers de l'apprentissage. DYS. E-security check. Escape Game. Serious games.


Ecole 19 Photo stock libre. Stopper les addictions. Cheek lift while running. The Digital Natives We Teach Are Creating A Number Of New Challenges. – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS. Digital natives are individuals who were born during or after the surge of digital technologies (the internet, mobile devices etc.).

The Digital Natives We Teach Are Creating A Number Of New Challenges. – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS

Because the majority have been surrounded by tech from an early age, they are used to it and are usually very good at it. In addition, because technology changes so quickly, they have adapted to it and are not scared of new innovation; in fact most get very excited about it. What challenges arise from this? The majority of educators are NOT digital natives and quite often technology can cause anxiety and fear because of its rapid development and increasing encroachment on our lives. Digital natives, who have never experienced life without tech, are the ones we are teaching it to! Les ingrédients du plaisir d'apprendre ensemble. On apprend toujours seul, mais jamais sans les autres selon la formule de Philippe Carré.

Les ingrédients du plaisir d'apprendre ensemble

Certaines situations de formation ou d'autoformation passent davantage par le groupe et la confrontation avec d'autres idées. Les meetup, les rencontres par hangout, permettent de créer des situations d'apprentissage basées sur le groupe, et sur le plaisir d'apprendre ensemble, avec et par les autres. J'ai testé un meetup sur le LegoSeriousPlay©. J'ai testé les meetup avec le groupe LegoseriousPlay Qu'est-ce qui pousse des personnes à retrouver des inconnus, le soir après le travail, pour se former ou pour échafauder des projets ? Notre réunion a eu lieu le premier février, dans les locaux d'UX Republic. #?borders=1~!MTY1ODgxMDQ.MjkzMTI2Nw*MjUzMzc4NjE(MTIxNTQyNjg~!CONTIGUOUS_US*MTAwMjQwNzU.MjUwMjM1MTc(MTc1)Mg~!IN*NTI2NDA1MQ.Nzg2MzQyMQ)MA~!CN*OTkyMTY5Nw.

Deux répertoires de jeux sérieux gratuits. This mind-boggling map explains how everything in mathematics is connected. Unless you were a total pro at mathematics in high school, you probably only have a vague recollection of things like geometry, algebra, and some guy called Isosceles (what a great name).

This mind-boggling map explains how everything in mathematics is connected

And that sucks, because mathematics is one of the most fascinating languages humanity has ever devised, but without university-level expertise, you're going to have a very bad time trying to figure out how things like chaos theory and fractal geometry tie in with machine learning and all those crazy prime numbers we keep finding. Enter YouTuber Dominic Walliman, who last December delivered this incredible Map of Physics, and is now back to help us find - or reclaim - a passion for all things numbers.


Outils TICE. B2i. Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class! Jeopardy Rocks. - Play maths, love maths. Philippe Roederer on Twitter: "Différencier les tâches des élèves en s'inspir... A Short Story About Open Badges. RedCritter Teacher. Home - Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips. My Take on Plickers - Automatic Student Feedback with One Device. Nine Popular Student Response Tools Compared In One Chart. Let's talk AIM !: Gesture and Teacher Led Self Expression. Gestures and TLSE.

Let's talk AIM !: Gesture and Teacher Led Self Expression

My teaching practice and the experiences of my students have changed radically since implementing the AIM, using gestures and using Teacher Led Self Expression. The gestures are a powerful tool for teaching a L2. Before using AIM, there was really no way to teach vocabulary other than through the use of vocabulary lists that were related to a theme. These vocab lists contained very little functional vocabulary and students were rarely able to transfer the learning of such vocab into everyday language. Students did learn words but the learning was usually not sustained and thematic vocabulary was soon forgotten. Before using AIM, I was really only able to connect to students who were good “listening learners”. #8 Créer un sondage, un contrôle... avec Google Formulaire ! Mein Lieblingsstar Project for German.

Est-il vraiment indispensable d’organiser son voyage ? - L'Oiseau Rose.


Homework célèbre s. Ecole numérique en France. Teacher as a guide. The best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula rated for learning. SOLO & New Technologies in the Classroom by Samantha Broom on Prezi. Time To Know Create - Content Generation Studio. Green Light Professional Development. Studies have shown that students lose valuable knowledge over the summer months.

Green Light Professional Development

Some suggest that students can lose more than two months of reading and math skills over the break. Comment installer une app se trouvant sur l'Apple Store américain. Avec l’arrivée de l’application Paper de Facebook, vous êtes nombreux à vous demander comment installer cette application qui n’est disponible qu’aux Etats-Unis.

Comment installer une app se trouvant sur l'Apple Store américain

Heureusement, ce n’est pas compliqué et après quelques petits tapotage sur votre iPhone, vous aurez accès au Store américain et à toutes ses applications, et même Paper de Facebook. Homepage - ReadWriteThink. Projects — The Third Teacher + Hacking class, evolving mindsets What does it mean to hack?

Projects — The Third Teacher +

What does it mean to embrace a designer mindset in the classroom? In fall 2012, we did a project with Edutopia at Roosevelt Middle School, a public school in San Francisco. In one week, we redesigned a classroom with a shoestring budget, a bevy of talented volunteers and one insightful (and brave!) Educator. We couldn't be more excited by the project and the dynamic documenting and storytelling by Edutopia. Check back for more writing and resources on Remake Your Class:


Explore. Teacher as a guide. Twitterature. Projet Wikipédia. Blended learning. Professional development. iPad in Education. Teaching boys vs girls. Great ipad apps. Changing education. Challenge based learning. Acte pédagogique / compétences techniques. CC. Useful IT tools. Aurasma. Voice adobe. Blog. Resources.