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Création recyclage vetements

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Accessories You will need a nice petal which can be any color, but many choose green. You will need a clip, needle, thread and some nice gems to brighten up your hair accessory. This will only take you about 10 to 20 minutes to complete and then you are done, so make sure that you leave some time for yourself for this project. Patrons de couture gratuits à télécharger 1 Flaresbuttonbutton-type-facebook flare-iconstyle-round-bevel first" style="background-color:#0b59aa;z-index:3"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Facebook button-count">0 width=120&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font&height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:120px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>">buttonbutton-type-googleplus flare-iconstyle-round-bevel" style="background-color:#d84d2f;z-index:2"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Google+ button-count">1 buttonbutton-type-pinterest flare-iconstyle-round-bevel" style="background-color:#ce1c1e;z-index:1"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Pin It Share button-count">0 pin/create/button/? Encore une mise à jour de la page Patrons gratuits ! Dans cet ajout vous trouverez entre autre mais pas seulement :

ikat sac: faire un sac: Epilogue Last chapter in the epic Make A Bag series! And by "epic", I don't mean "longer than is sane", although that may be true, too. I mean "extolling her heroic attempts to write posts about fabric sacks while the rest of the house fell apart around her and everyone ate takeout pizza and oh, while she was also packing the entire family's summer wardrobe and enough gifts for half the civilized world in preparation for her trip to Singapore to see family, where she's now been soaking up the sun for the past 8 days already but nobody knew because she didn't even have the time to blog about it." Yep - epic. So... let's finish off with some questions that I think you might have.

Craft DIY Projects, Patterns, How-tos, Fashion, Recipes @ - Felting, Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting, Home & More Quilling, the coiling and shaping of narrow paper strips to create a design, has been around for years — hundreds, in fact. During the Renaissance, nuns and monks would roll gold-gilded paper remnants trimmed during the bookmaking process, and use them to decorate religious objects as an alternative to costly gold filigree. Quilling later became a pastime of 18th and 19th century young ladies in England, who would decorate tea caddies and pieces of furniture with paper filigree. The practice crossed the Atlantic with colonists, who added quilling to candle sconces and trays as home decorations. Men's Shirt Refashion Before & After / Recycler une chemise d'homme en débardeur FollowPics Men’s Shirt Refashion Before & After / Recycler une chemise d’homme en débardeur Source: Report this image

Summer 2011 Sewn Egg Chick Tutorial by Kata Golda Making lots of eggs and some baskets for spring, I came up with the egg chick because something felt egg with a cute face...looked like Humpty Dumpty. A chicken, that was a bigger here is the egg chick. Summer Romper for Kids When I dress my kids this summer, I plan to adopt a “one and done” philosophy. Rather than layering them up in t-shirts and shorts and tanks, I want to reach for one garment and go… And this Summer Romper for Kids is the garment I am going to grab! These Rompers are simple to make, fun to wear and so perfectly chic, I can’t imagine wanting to add anything else to the mix. Plus, the free pattern is available in seven sizes, from 2 to 11 years, and features adjustable straps and an elastic waist for a forgiving fit. I think I may have found the solution to the morning get-dressed battle, but I may have created a new bedtime take-it-off fight! Fine, sleep in it, too.

Tutorial: Lunch Bag Thank you for encouraging me to write up a tute on this lunch (bento box) bag! I really like this bag pattern because this bag, measuring approximately 9"(width) x 7 1/2"(hight w/o handles) x 5 1/2" (depth), can be used not only for bento boxes of any kind but also for carrying little crafty projects like yarn + needles. It has a cover inside that can give nice privacy for whatever in there and the cover can also prevent it from getting dusty in a windy day. It is much sturdier and larger than the fabric basket, so if you found that your fabric basket was too small or too floppy as a gift bag, this might be a good alternative..?! As usual, I have tons of images to share each step with you, so bare with me! There you go!!

TALKING hands Just give them a try – these talking heads are terribly easy to make. You need A4 colored paper sheets, a pair of scissors and some paper glue. Let the show begin To make a MONSTER, glue some extra eyes and teeth on the inside. To make a FROG, add some eyes and a red mouth on the inside.

Day 21 - Fabric boxes I found a few pics of these sweet little fabric boxes in the latest issue of Cotton Time and thought I'd make one to sit on the table to hold Christmas nibbles etc.. At the moment though Bella and James are using it to hold textas and christmas cards! So easy to make - just sandwich two pieces of fabric (for the top and bottom) plus a piece of interfacing (to stiffen it a little) and some ribbon for the ties....stitch together and turn in the right way and then you have a sweet little box that can be untied and rolled up when you want to store it. Make a variety of sizes for a cute little table display.

Banana-will you want to taste again? - Secretly Healthy Bananas are natural repositories of energy. Bananas are rich in many beneficial ingredients that help us stay fit, but also to prevent the occurrence of lots of diseases. It’s a great meal to start the day. If you eat a banana in the morning with a glass of milk and a piece of whole-grain bread, it will give us enough energy to start a new day. But energy is not the only thing that we get from bananas. They help us to stay in good shape. DIY Cotton Face Mask – Aplat When the call to make masks for heroes began, it was time to shift focus and make protective masks for those on the front lines supporting communities and people in a time of incredible need. After researching cotton mask patterns, I found a few favorites and began to make and test each mask. I prototyped over twenty-five designs, making modifications to improve comfort and quality while maintaining Aplat’s zero waste and origami design principles. I’m excited to share with you the final Aplat Mask design.

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