A million first steps We have released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books digitised by Microsoft who then generously gifted the scanned images to us, allowing us to release them back into the Public Domain. The images themselves cover a startling mix of subjects: There are maps, geological diagrams, beautiful illustrations, comical satire, illuminated and decorative letters, colourful illustrations, landscapes, wall-paintings and so much more that even we are not aware of. Which brings me to the point of this release. We are looking for new, inventive ways to navigate, find and display these 'unseen illustrations'. The images were plucked from the pages as part of the 'Mechanical Curator', a creation of the British Library Labs project. We may know which book, volume and page an image was drawn from, but we know nothing about a given image. Next steps The Initial Layout Some examples
Lizzie Pinard - Course books in the language classroom: friend or foe? This is not the first time I’ve discussed or reflected on the use of course books in the classroom, neither, I’m sure, will it be the last. While in my first post-CELTA job, I initiated an #ELTchat discussion entitled “How to avoid death by course book?” – the summary of which can be found here – which hints at my feelings towards course books at that time! How do I feel about using a course book? For me, the course book is a cookery book. Instead of dismissing your course book out of hand and assuming that you know better (hey, you might – but not necessarily!) Ask yourself these questions: What is the purpose of this sequence? (You could look in the Teachers Resource Book, if you have access to it, to explore this further. Now consider your students and context: What are their specific needs and learning styles? Does this sequence meet my students’ needs and match their learning styles? If I make these changes, how it will affect the sequence and learning goals of the material?
Den gemensamma europeiska referensramen för språk Kursplanen i utbildning i svenska för invandrare relaterar till Gemensam europeisk referensram för språk: lärande, undervisning och bedömning, som anger sex gemensamma språkliga referensnivåer, från A1 till C2. Sex referensnivåer Kurserna inom utbildning i svenska för invandrare förhåller sig till referensramen på följande sätt: Referensnivå i relation till kursplanen Kurserna inom utbildning i svenska för invandrare är inte jämförbara med någon språklig nivå inom grund- eller gymnasieskolans kurser i svenska som andraspråk då kursplanen är utformad utifrån en annan grund och ett annat perspektiv för att möta den vuxna eleven. Kurserna inom utbildning i svenska för invandrare utgår från olika situationer, i vardags-, samhälls- och arbetsliv, som också de bygger på den gemensamma europeiska referensramen och de domäner som tas upp i denna. Sex referensnivåer i GERS Europarådet har tagit fram referensramen Gemensam grund för olika språk
Tips på projekt och aktiviteter | Nyinflyttade i landet Låt er inspireras av vad PeaceWorks föreningar har hittat på tidigare! Projekt: Motverka islamofobi genom att dela ut rosor med Hadith-budskap, anordna öppet hus i en moské samt hålla i en paneldebatt.Kultur- och kunskapsutbyte genom internationellt seminarium om hållbar utveckling.Cykellektioner för nyanlända kvinnor.Musik- och kulturfestival med workshops inriktade på olika slagverk.Serie av internationella middagar och sammanställning av receptbok.Ungdomsfestival på temat integration i Bolivia.Miljökonferens för PeaceWorks medlemmar.Internationell kulturdag.Fotoutställning om barns rättigheter i Guatemala.Fest och sociala aktiviteter för nyanlända unga flyktingar. Temanummer av PeaceWorks medlemstidning.Påverkanskampanj om rättvisemärkta produkter i kommunen. Aktiviteter: Föreningen Got A Smile anordnade en musikkväll med workshops och konserter vilket blev omnämnt i lokal tidningar i Göteborg.
Välkommen till en kunskapsbank för Learning study och Lesson study! | Learning study Simulations Can Change the Course of History . . . Classes I went to a Professional Development workshop several years ago with a master history teacher, Eric Rothschild, who spent his career teaching at Scarsdale High School. He was a brilliant workshop facilitator, and I learned more about teaching history in that workshop than in any other professional development experience I'd had up to that point in my career. He ran a workshop on teaching AP U.S. After taking his workshop, I began to apply his approach to teaching AP European History and found it to be liberating and transformational as a teacher. With each unit of study, I made sure to incorporate an active simulation, ranging from mock press conferences and trials to murder mysteries and dinner parties, from spy dilemmas to mock Survivor games. 5 Tips for Bringing History to Life Here are some tips to get started in transforming your history classroom into a simulation-driven, game-based learning environment: 1. 2. 3. Make a space for each student to play an active role. 4. 5.
Title Capitalization: Your Online Title Case Tool 20 Ways To Be A Better English Language Teacher (Part 1) | ELT Experiences English language teaching can be a challenging and difficult process, especially if you are seeking for new ideas and thoughts on improving your day-to-day teaching. Much of the challenge is learning to develop yourself, especially once you have found your place in this career and feel settled. You must continuously strive to improve your own teaching day in and day out. Here are some ideas to consider when you want to improve and develop your own teaching or if you want to be a better teacher overall. 1. It seems like commonsense but for some teachers that I have observed, they have difficulty reflecting and improving their own lessons. Did the students enjoy the lesson? 2. If you have any difficulty on reflecting your lessons, or you wish to consider studying your lesson in more detail, you could record your own lesson to analyse afterwards. 3. When you are preparing your lessons, think about the following: “By the end of the lesson, students will be able to …”. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Webinar on Open Badges | Open Badges Is there a future for Open Badges? Webinar on 26 November 2015 at 10.00 AM CET Sales pitch We learn everyday, all the time. In adult education we separate between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Non-formal learning has long prided itself with its freedom to focus on individual needs. For the learner these distinctions are less important. The idea behind Open Badges is simple. The webinar includes a presentation by Ilona Buchem (PhD), professor in residence for Digital Media & Diversity at Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. All participants will receive a participation badge. The webinar lasts for 60 minutes. Register here: no later than 20 November. Hope to see you there! Like this: Like Loading... Related
4 ways to use YouTube in the language classroom UPDATE: I’m delighted to say that this post has been nominated for the British Council’s TeachingEnglish blog award for innovative teaching ideas. I’m really delighted to have been included in this month’s nominations, so… make me a super happy boy by clicking here and voting for me! When it comes their language learning I can safely say that my teenage students always enjoy the multimedia experience.Rather than studying grammar and vocabulary through boring old course books, they find it more exciting to watch action unfold via moving images on their laptop, tablet or smart phone. What’s great about this is that it’s not just a one-way deal: video clips offer us as teachers the basis for the development of many language skills. I’m an avid user of short clips in my classrooms. 1. Don’t go into this without a specific purpose in mind. Suggested resource: Here’s how I use YouTube to teach and review conditionals 2. Suggested resource: Mr Bean’s official YouTube channel 3. 4.
Dela dokument Hur gör du när du ska skriva ett dokument ihop med kollegor på olika ställen? Många skapar dokument som sedan skickas fram och tillbaka via e-post och då kan det bli svårt att hålla reda på den senaste versionen och vem som har skrivit vad. Idag finns det smartare sätt att dela dokument. Google Drive är förmodligen det vanligaste sättet att dela dokument. Du kan skapa dokument för ordbehandling, kalkyl eller presentation och sparar dem på nätet hos Google. Den största fördelen är att du kan komma åt dina dokument varifrån som helst (via din Google inloggning). När du skapar ett dokument kan du bestämma vilka personer du vill dela det med. Google Drive finns även som app för både smarthphone och surfplatta. Här ser du en kort introduktionsfilm till hur du kan skapa och dela dokument i Google Drive TitanPad är bra för att skriva gemensamma anteckningar, brainstorming eller grupparbete. Varje deltagare i ett dokument skriver med egen färgkod så att man ser vem som skriver vad.
Two stars, a wish and a supertext! English 8C Homework for Wednesday 22nd of January is to watch this film and make sure you understand the phrases. Before you fly away with your text take a look at the things below. Perhaps you find something you need to work more with. (The phrases below are made by Mia Smith and her pupils year 9 Herrgårdsskolan, Gothenburg) STARSVariation and vocabulary Your language is varied. Clarity and coherence Your text has good flow. Adaption Your writing is well adapted to your theme. Variation and vocabulary You could vary your vocabulary more. Clarity and coherence Your text could have better flow. Adaption You could adapt your language more to your theme. Grammar and spelling You can improve the grammar in your text. Sara