Songs Archives - Picnic English. Funny penguin video goes viral. Once Upon A Picture - Image prompts to inspire reading and writing. You Get to Have Your Own Genius Hour (A Video for Students) 26 Must-Watch TED Talks to Spark Student Discussions. TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing important ideas on a variety of topics.
TED brings together the world’s most innovative people to deliver short, powerful talks on issues that matter. At 18 minutes or less, these TED Talks can be a phenomenal classroom resource. TED Talks can engage students and spark meaningful conversations. Film-soundtrack-task. GPS Quiz. 52 Questions to Bring You Closer Together. When’s the last time you had a meaningful conversation? Or deepened your relationship with your friend or partner? Knowing how to have a deep conversation isn’t easy. That said, talking about deep topics – rather than small talk – is crucial to maintaining an intimate connection. In an experiment, social psychologist Arthur Aron found pairs who discussed ‘deep questions’ were much more likely to maintain their level of connection than those who kept to small talk. (SAGE Social Sciences Connection) Since relationships are undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of our lives, we decided to examine several psychological studies, and figure out which conversation topics foster closeness.
*For more insight into the methodology behind these 52 deep questions, see below. Look Up with Lyrics ( Gary Turk ) Film Your Issue - Watch - and share! - the promo teaser... The Photo Scavenger Hunt. How to survive the last week before Christmas break if you’re a teacher?
……. no seriously… how? Tell me all your secrets. If you’re smart, you dig a trench, buy yourself lots of lozenges (you will be yelling a lot), some sort of sustenance (like wine) and just hunker down in there.. this too shall pass. If your classroom does not allow you to build a trench, and your principal says it’s a no go on the wine intake during school hours, then maybe you want to try this activity which gets the students out of the class and allows them to release some of that built up energy. The Photo Scavenger Hunt In groups of 3-4, students go through the list of photos/videos and try to complete as many of them as possible in 40 minutes (or however long the class is).
Find a way the students can upload their pictures and videos into a shared class folder – I have used Google Drive before, and it works fine. 40 Intriguing Photos to Make Students Think - Update, Oct. 4, 2020: We have published a sequel to this post with 40 more intriguing photographs. After combing through four years of images from our popular What’s Going On in This Picture? Feature, we selected 40 photographs to highlight in this slide show. Many of these are our most commented-on images — some attracting nearly a thousand student comments.
Others are simply our favorites. Summertimes - English outdoors - Mia Smith. US film of parachuting beavers found after 65 years (it's OK, they survived) ... More than half a century after a group of beavers were parachuted into the Idaho backcountry, the state’s department of fish and game has uncovered film footage of the quirky wildlife management moment.
In the 1940s the department was trying to deal with an overpopulation of beavers in some regions when wildlife managers settled on a novel idea. They captured beavers and other fur-bearing rodents, packed them into boxes, attached parachutes and dropped them from a plane into the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. Boise state public radio reports that a film made around 1950 showed the infamous beaver drops, but it had long been lost. Recently, fish and game historian Sharon Clark found the fragile film, which had been mislabeled and stored in the wrong file. Now it has been digitized and released by the Idaho Historical Society and the department of fish and game on YouTube.
Att skriva för en mottagare. Ämnesövergripande arbete i engelska och bild.
72 Creative Ways for Students to Show What They Know - Minds in Bloom. How language changes over time. Ordklassberättelser. Kombinera ordspråk och bild. Students love being able to understand and read current news in English and there is something to interest everyone in a newspaper.
The average reading age for most newspapers is approximately 11-13 years old, just perfect for those learning English as a foreign language. Newspapers are also a handy resource for English language teachers. If you are teaching in an English speaking country look out for the free press newspapers. John Green: The nerd's guide to learning everything online. » Teaching English through songs in the digital age – #ELTchat summary 12/01/... This absolutely fantastic summary was contributed by Vicky Saumell on her blog in 4 consective posts which I have merged into one single post.
As Viky herself remarks below in her post, it is an amazing collection of resources all shared by you, #ELTchatters! What a fantastic resource this has turned into! And thanks to Vicky for an outstanding job!!! 1. How to Engage Students in the First few Minutes. I have a wonderful friend who is currently a student teacher.
The 8 Minutes That Matter Most. I am an English teacher, so my ears perk up when writers talk about their process.
I've found the advice handy for lesson planning, too. That's because both writing and planning deal with craft. In writing, you want your audience to be absorbed. You want them to care about your characters. You want them be delighted by the suspense. John Irving, the author of The Cider House Rules, begins with his last sentence: Activate Games for Learning American English: Board Games. Så funkar det – Att vidga sina vyer i språkundervisningen. Language exchanges through videocalls. BBC iWonder. Med Skype lyfter vi taket på klassrummet. Berättelser som berör. Läsårets sista lektion blev passande nog med ett härligt gäng ungdomar som går ut nian.
En deckarhistoria med digitala verktyg. Related page: Life After Compulsory School, year 9 Songs School’s Out!
A song for the end of the school yearPharrell Williams – Happy Vocabulary Let’s Explore Some Summer Vocabulary A text to learn the vocabulary in context Projects. Serious game. Click on the image to start the game Scenario For more than a century people have been using and depleting energy resources carefree, as if they were endless.
In 2020 the world could find itself in a deadlock. The player has the power to go back in time and to rewrite history. The player’s objective: to reduce the consumption of energy, increase energy efficiency and choose the best renewable energies. Why a serious game ? Inspired by active learning, the serious game proposes an immersive learning mode to develop critical thinking and motivation. Pinterest. Learn Interesting Facts Every Day. Vote for the world you want to see. Inspiration och tankar. Utmaning öppnar dörrar mellan hem och skola. Teaching in the 21st Century. Subscribe to Anders Bobäck Get the best videos sent to your inbox Thanked Anders Bobäck 22mo Teaching in the 21st Century. 4 ways to use YouTube in the language classroom. UPDATE: I’m delighted to say that this post has been nominated for the British Council’s TeachingEnglish blog award for innovative teaching ideas. I’m really delighted to have been included in this month’s nominations, so… make me a super happy boy by clicking here and voting for me!
When it comes their language learning I can safely say that my teenage students always enjoy the multimedia experience.Rather than studying grammar and vocabulary through boring old course books, they find it more exciting to watch action unfold via moving images on their laptop, tablet or smart phone. What’s great about this is that it’s not just a one-way deal: video clips offer us as teachers the basis for the development of many language skills. I’m an avid user of short clips in my classrooms. Not only does the use of YouTube echo the everyday habits and actions of the teens I teach, this resource is also a goldmine of clips that fit just about any language teaching scenario you could think of. 1. 2. PROJEKT SKICKA VIDARE. Simulations Can Change the Course of History . . . Classes. I went to a Professional Development workshop several years ago with a master history teacher, Eric Rothschild, who spent his career teaching at Scarsdale High School.
He was a brilliant workshop facilitator, and I learned more about teaching history in that workshop than in any other professional development experience I'd had up to that point in my career. He ran a workshop on teaching AP U.S. Lizzie Pinard - Course books in the language classroom: friend or foe? This is not the first time I’ve discussed or reflected on the use of course books in the classroom, neither, I’m sure, will it be the last. While in my first post-CELTA job, I initiated an #ELTchat discussion entitled “How to avoid death by course book?” Two stars, a wish and a supertext! English 8C. Homework for Wednesday 22nd of January is to watch this film and make sure you understand the phrases. Before you fly away with your text take a look at the things below. Europeisk språkportfolio - pedagogisk verktyg för lärare.
20 Ways To Be A Better English Language Teacher (Part 1)