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Berlin: Open Source Capital of Creativity (Bonus article) — The Future (My article “Berlin: Open Source Capital of Creativity” appears in issue 114 of Linux User and Developer magazine. Alas, space was too limited to fit in everything I wanted to. Hence, this post is a bit of bonus content exclusive to my blog.) OpenProj Open Source Project Management Software — Serena Software OpenProj is a free and powerful open source desktop alternative to Microsoft Project. Serena released OpenProj in 2008 as an open source code project. OpenProj is no longer supported by Serena. Please visit the SourceForge website to find out more. OpenProj provides project managers the rich functionality they expect, including Gantt charts, WBS and more - minus the costs of commercial desktop tools. Rich functionality

Data Visualization and Infographics Resources - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Data visualizations and infographics can make complex datasets easier to understand and comprehend. By creating a graphical represenatation of data and statistics, complicated concepts and information can make more sense in less time. Many visualizations focus on representing a specific set of data or statistical information. Others focus on less-concrete topics, providing a visual representation of abstract concepts. Kundenmeinungen erfassen und analysieren: Es mangelt an kennzahlenbasierten Multi-Kanal-Ansätzen Studie von Vovici/Verint und der Peppers & Rogers Group Kiel, 19.6.2012. 96 Prozent der von Vovici? befragten Unternehmen erfassen und analysieren die Meinung ihrer Kunden, um die wirtschaftliche Leistungsfähigkeit ihres Unternehmens zu erhöhen. Das ergab eine Studie von Vovici?, einem Tochterunternehmen von Verint® Systems, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Strategieberatung Peppers & Rogers Group und 1to1 Media®.

SlidePresenter - free online multimedia presentations SlidePresenter is an online presentation service. It has a free account that is full-featured and the service allows you to create videos that are synced with PowerPoint presentations. It is similar to Knovio. SlidePresenter can be used to create presentations for use by educators in the classroom that can then be reviewed by students at a later date for review or reinforcement or to create training sessions that people can view on their own time. Students can also use it for class projects. The free account limits videos to 15 min (similar to most of these services) but that is a good way to make sure your presentation is focused and concise.

15151 - NetBase Launches Real-Time Social Media Monitor Social media intelligence specialist NetBase has launched a new monitoring solution to help clients understand consumer opinions and track product campaigns and competitors in real-time. The US-based firm’s solutions use a natural language processing (NLP) engine combined with text analytics and machine learning to process billions of social media posts. Its new ‘NetBase ESI Platform’ combines real-time monitoring and measurement with what it describe as instant, interactive insights into the drivers of customer opinions, emotions and behaviors.

Generation 5 » Beyond Freebase and DBpedia The triumph of generic databases The computerization of commonsense knowledge goes back at least to Ross Quillian’s paper from the 1969 book Semantic Information Processing. Ross used methods that aren’t that different from what I use today, but he was able to store just a few hundred concepts in his computer. The Cyc project, starting in the 1980s contained about 3 million facts. It was successful on it’s own terms, but it didn’t lead to the revolution in natural language processing that it promised. WordNet, from the same era, documents about 120,000 word senses, but like Cyc, hasn’t had a large engineering impact.

How Do We Establish A Standardized Process? I’ve posted a lot recently about the importance of implementing a standardized process – the ability to audit and measure, the ease of implementing improvements across the board, establishment of a baseline predictable process, and so forth. So how do we make an existing non-standardized process into a standardized one? Let’s identify the differences between a standardized and non-standardized process. Standardized processes: The first thing you’ll want to tackle are the customer requirements.

Anametrix You want to make better use of data to improve all forms of consumer interactions, from campaign performance and social engagement to web site content and ad planning. It’s the key to determining whether your marketing decisions lead to success. But your data is trapped in dozens of systems, databases, spreadsheets and applications – both inside and outside your organization. Sound familiar? Unify Your Data Embedding Strengths in Your Company's DNA If you want to build a strengths-based organization -- and enjoy the benefits of reduced turnover and greater productivity and profitability -- you can't go halfway. If you really want everyone in your company talking about their talents, sharing them, and living and breathing the language of strengths, you've got to be all in, or it just won't work. This strengths-based approach is both simple and effective, yet too few companies have implemented it. This means that you must significantly shift your company's language; you must change how managers interact with their employees and how employees interact with their peers. What's more, these changes must go deep into your company's DNA.

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