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Patrons de couture gratuits à télécharger 1 Flaresbuttonbutton-type-facebook flare-iconstyle-round-bevel first" style="background-color:#0b59aa;z-index:3"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Facebook button-count">0 width=120&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font&height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:120px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>">buttonbutton-type-googleplus flare-iconstyle-round-bevel" style="background-color:#d84d2f;z-index:2"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Google+ button-count">1 buttonbutton-type-pinterest flare-iconstyle-round-bevel" style="background-color:#ce1c1e;z-index:1"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Pin It Share button-count">0 pin/create/button/? Encore une mise à jour de la page Patrons gratuits ! Dans cet ajout vous trouverez entre autre mais pas seulement : : Des centaines de patrons et tutos en français et classés par catégories ! (que c’est moi qui l’ai fait !) Leko

A Better Marker Pouch I made more marker pouches this past fortnight. First, a peek into our handmade past. It was well-loved and much-used, but it was never any good, to be honest. Very hard to keep markers from falling out in transit, and spreads over too much space when open to access those markers. I know that this is practically craft blasphemy, given how utterly adored these pencil/crayon/marker/knitting-needle/crochet-hook/paintbrush/cosmetic implement rolls are in the DIY world, and I apologize in advance if I am offending any Devotees Of The Roll, but they don't work for me.

Making reversible bag from top of straps to bottom of bag: 50 cm / 20 inchesheight: 28 cm / 11 incheswidth: 40 cm / 16 inches I don’t know because I used leftover fabric for my bag. You can print the pattern and place it on your fabric to make an approximation. It is only one piece of pattern. Fort similar bag, you can check Charlie bag by Burdastyle ($1.99).

Home Decorating - Design And Ideas If you enjoy in good wine and you didn’t trow away the old corks you can create interesting home gadgets that are both interesting and creative. Home decorating can be improved using one of the 25 home ideas with corks we presented here. You don’t need to spend money for your home, you can easily recycle and reuse the old corks for coasters, maths and much more. Stamps Thread Spool Corks Wreath Summer Romper for Kids When I dress my kids this summer, I plan to adopt a “one and done” philosophy. Rather than layering them up in t-shirts and shorts and tanks, I want to reach for one garment and go… And this Summer Romper for Kids is the garment I am going to grab! These Rompers are simple to make, fun to wear and so perfectly chic, I can’t imagine wanting to add anything else to the mix. Plus, the free pattern is available in seven sizes, from 2 to 11 years, and features adjustable straps and an elastic waist for a forgiving fit. I think I may have found the solution to the morning get-dressed battle, but I may have created a new bedtime take-it-off fight!

30 Great Places to Buy Fabric Online You can make the greatest stuff with your sewing skills but if you don’t have great fabric to work with your projects just won’t turn out as well. Finding fabric that is perfect for your needs can be a bit of a hassle and it’s often a task that’s best done in person so you can gauge weight and texture. Yet, some of the best deals on fabric, especially imported or designer fabric, can be found online. Here are a few sites that I’ve found to be particularly useful in finding and buying great fabrics. UPDATE: I appreciate all the comments and recommendations, but please check out my follow up post for additional sites. Many more suggestions appear there!

From T-shirt to scarf In the winter I always try to add a touch of color to my looks, because usually I use very dark colors. And what’s better than to put color near the face to illuminate it? Create this fringe scarf from an old T-shirt. DIY Cotton Face Mask – Aplat When the call to make masks for heroes began, it was time to shift focus and make protective masks for those on the front lines supporting communities and people in a time of incredible need. After researching cotton mask patterns, I found a few favorites and began to make and test each mask. I prototyped over twenty-five designs, making modifications to improve comfort and quality while maintaining Aplat’s zero waste and origami design principles.

Make Your Own Clothing Labels This is part 2 of my 3 part label tutorial for textiles like clothing and bedding. Here are the 3 chapters: part 1 – what to say (or what the FTC wants you to put on your labels) part 2 – how to make them (DIY process of printing & cutting the labels on fabric) [you are here]

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