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What is Unbounce?
Designed with Conversion in Mind Unbounce empowers marketers to act independently from technical teams, improving their efficiency and their ability to generate sales. Produce high-converting landing pages without dealing with I.T. bottlenecks. See how Unbounce can enhance your campaigns and maximize your marketing spend. Take a moment to WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW showing how easily and quickly you can use our templates to create your own fully branded landing page. The Drag 'n' Drop WYSIWYG Page Builder Makes Creation a Snap Even if you know how to code a web page with HTML, you'll love how much faster it is with our landing page builder. Drag & Drop Fast page design With our drag and drop interface, it's never been simpler to customize your landing pages. Form Builder Build your own form The form designer allows you to create a form with no technical knowledge or HTML. Rounded boxes and buttons? Social Widgets Video Need a YouTube (or other) video on your page? File Download Designed for Conversion

How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd All web designers want their work to stand out from the crowd … but what does that take? In this post I’ll pick a few sites I think pack a punch and I’ll explain why. [Editor's Note: Mike Kus, Andy Clarke, Brendan Dawes, Elliot Jay Stocks, Paul Boag, Simon Collison and more will be talking about Web Typography, Microformats, HTML 5, CSS3, Creativity and more at The Future of Web Design Tour.] Less is more Keep it simple.

The Sales Challenger™ » 5 B2B Marketing Trends for 2012 (This is a guest post by Patrick Spenner of the Marketing Leadership Council, our sister program for heads of Marketing.) Each year, the Marketing Leadership Council (MLC) surveys our members about their top challenges looking ahead. As we read the tea leaves in this year’s survey results, here are our thoughts on what’s creeping into (or storming) the B2B marketing consciousness for 2012. 1) Voice-of-Customer 2.0. Marketers are grappling with what kinds of customer data are most important to collect and how to make hay out of the data. Early hypothesis from the MLC team: marketers are over-investing in collecting and analyzing data about the customer, and not enough in gathering information and insight about customer context, which is critical for generating commercial insight (see #5 below)

TYPO3 - the Enterprise Open Source CMS: Documentation: Getting Started tutorial(Table of Contents) The content of this document is related to TYPO3, a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from Official documentation This document is included as part of the official TYPO3 documentation. It has been approved by the TYPO3 Documentation Team following a peer- review process.

Top 10 Best HTML5 Websites of 2012 Here are our editor's picks for the Top 10 Best HTML5 Websites of 2016 based on visual artistry, integrated sound, ease of use, and uniqueness. 1 | The Wilderness Downtown The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive music video for Arcade Fire's song ''We Used to Wait''. Visitors are asked to input the address of the home they grew up in and then the site uses Google Earth and HTML5 to create a personalized music video that takes the user on a journey back home. 2 | Heart of The Artic Heart of The Arctic takes users on an Arctic expedition/scavenger hunt through four distinct environments designed to show users the steps that would be needed to restore climate balance to the arctic region. This site perfectly showcases how Html5 can be used to create fun and educational websites. 3 | Three Dreams of Black 3 Dreams of Black uses HTML5 to promote Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi's album Rome.

The future of marketing, and how to weather the tsunami of change that is coming. About 6 months back, I wrote a note on the biggest changes I have personally witnessed in marketing in the last 20 years. You can read it here . I’ve been on the watch-out since then to keep track of not what has been, but what seems close to happening. The future of marketing as I see it…

A Whole New Video Conferencing System Meet. Call. Share. Chat. Collaborate. Top 15 Most Popular SEO Websites Here are the top 15 Most Popular SEO Sites as derived from our eBizMBA Rank which is a continually updated average of each website's Alexa Global Traffic Rank, and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and Quantcast."*#*" Denotes an estimate for sites with limited data. 1 | Moz2,255 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *3,000* - Compete Rank | *3,500* - Quantcast Rank | 266 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated: November 1, 2015.

The Social Media Way of Life for B2B Experts and Content Marketers Content marketing is an essential way we do business within Web 2.0. Replacing spam, a bombardment of advertisement and self-promotion, is useful and high quality content. Companies that embrace a content marketing strategy focus on how to present their existing knowledge in a way that both captivates and helps their target group grow professionally. Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2012 Here are our editor's picks for the Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2017 based on visual artistry, integrated sound, ease of use, and uniqueness. 1 | Pharrell Williams - Happy Pharrell Williams has employed Flash and his creative style to create the world's first 24 hour music video. More importantly he uses the full complement of Flash media integration to create a web experience that fully conveys the song's theme in a way that a traditional video could not. 2 | Clouds Over Cuba This interactive multimedia documentary uses the immersive nature of Flash to allow the audience to relive the Cuban Missile Crisis 50 years later and discover what might have been. Produced by the JFK Library this chilling website entertains and teaches. The mobile synching and dossier are a great touch.

About InsideView - The Sales 2.0 Leader - Insideview InsideView was founded in 2005 by a team of SaaS, CRM and market-data experts who were determined to arm front-line sales and marketing professionals with relevant market information. Built on the success of its initial product and technology vision, InsideView is the leader of today’s rapidly growing CRM Intelligence market. Founder and CEO Umberto Milletti is a serial entrepreneur and technology innovator with notable successes across the SaaS and CRM markets. He has built a dedicated team of seasoned leaders from the media, enterprise software, big data analytics, and CRM industries who are driving the development and broad adoption of the InsideView CRM Intelligence Platform. InsideView is changing the way sales and marketing is done.

57 Beautiful Black and White Websites InspirationTime A gallery of beautiful web design Beige Black What is Reverse Marketing Reverse marketing is one of those things we hear about a lot these days, but often don't know what it means. You know how there are some of these specific 'cocktail party topics' which someone initiates and the others just nod along, offering no opinion because they don't know what it means! But it is a truly global phenomenon today and several companies across the world have used it to good effect. Basics of Reverse Marketing

20 Inspiring Examples of Big Backgrounds in Web Design One way to easily define the tone and mood of a website is to use a big background image. However, when doing this, you need to consider that big images often have a lot going on, so it’s important to take a minmal approach with other aspects of the design. Not doing so could result in a website that is far too busy, cluttered, and difficult to navigate. So for your inspiration, here are 20 examples of how to effectively use big background images in web design.

25 Tasty 3D Graphic Design Treats Inspiration February 29, 2008 3D graphic design is becoming more popular and I have noticed a surge in 3D Type work on portfolio sites. Below are 30 examples of 3D graphic design from a variety of truly talented visual artists. many of these 3D graphic design projects were created using programs such as Xara 3D, Maya 3D, Photoshop, and Illustrator to name a few. Feel free to link your 3D type designs in the comments! 3D Graphic Design Using Type as a Central Theme
