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Social Media Marketing Kit

Social Media Marketing Kit

NEXT TOPIC: Critical Thinking in 140c Many (including Malcolm Gladwell, or the latest to fall, the NYT’s Bill Keller) claim it’s impossible to use social media to drive deep, meaningful learning, especially for more complex topics. After all, how much can be said in a 140-character tweet? Like many in the chat and blogging communities – on this topic? I’ll beg to differ. For example, after a successful 10-month series in 2010 on Organization Culture (+7k page views), I’ve started a new deep dive on Critical Thinking in March, with a similar multi-month research agenda. For the WEDS 5/25 1pET #SMCHAT, let’s focus on techniques for “heavy lifting” using social media: Q1. Note: we went still deeper on Q5/Q6 the following week at SMCHAT in “Grabbing Twitter by the Tail: Tracking Top Tweets” If there’s interest in Critical Thinking at the deeper level, we can definitely circle back on it. As always, we look forward to your input. Like this: Like Loading...

Social Overload: Are you out of Bandwidth? Maybe it’s just me, but keeping track of all that information flying around in TweetDeck and the blogosphere can be daunting. Sometimes it seems there’s just a few tweets too many. It’s like the 160-character idea that just won’t fit in the 140c text box. It can be downright overwhelming. Bandwidth is a technical concept from networking that refers to how much information can be put through a network connection in a given slice of time. Since we’re out here social networking, the metaphor is a good fit. When do we get full? I see the bandwidth issue as a very real hurdle, but also one that can be managed and solved – if we know what we’re trying to do. For #smchat WEDS 6/22 at 1p, let’s talk about how. Q1 What are the signs of social overload? Q2 Is your social network designed for your need? Q3 Does your social traffic deliver value? Q4 Have you tried social “load balancing”? Much to ponder, in that vast, exciting space we call social networks. See you online. Like this: Like Loading...

Social Media Policy Best Practices: Trust Is Cheaper Than Control I’ve been a little obsessed with using sticky notes in workshops as a reflection and visualizing tool for network and social media strategies. At a recent all-day workshop, I used them to help participants consolidate what the learned in the morning. Photographing them has been an excellent source of engaging micro-content for my Facebook Page and has prompted some excellent discussions and insights on the topic. What’s In A Social Media Policy? The tone and philosophy in a social media policy depends on the risk appetite of the organization. Structurally, a social media policy has two sections: (1) Guidelines: This section should be one or pages that summarizes how your organization can be more effective at using social media. (2) Manual: This section refers to your social media plan, includes best practices on using social media with specific examples. What’s the Process? Your social media policy should be developed in tandem with your strategy. See more advice here

In Wake of FDA Delaying Social Media Guidelines, Online Health Leaders Push for Greater Involvement from Companies and Offer Guidelines for Successful Online Engagement Boston, MA (PRWEB) April 06, 2011 Despite the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) reluctance to release guidelines on health care companies’ use of social media, a recent survey measuring the sentiments of social media “power users” in the health space revealed that the online community supports healthcare company engagement in social media and feel it has the strong potential to significantly benefit both consumers and the healthcare industry. The survey, administered by leading online health community WEGO Health, polled more than 200 “Health Activists” – social media organizers, leaders and contributors who each speak to an average online audience of more than 15,000 every month. Contrary to popular belief that social media users want companies to avoid engaging with them online, a staggering seventy-two percent of those surveyed agree that company participation in social media provides vital information regarding insights on products and services.

Social Media Marketing Metrics To be effective, every social media marketing program should have goals and related metrics. Yet according to Junta42 and MarketingProfs’s recent research roughly two out of five marketers admit to not measuring the their social media marketing programs’ ROI. This isn’t all that surprising given the popular belief that social media marketing is free. To get the most out of your social media marketing efforts (like any other kind of marketing) you have to measure its impact and act upon what you learn. 7 Major social media marketing metrics Regardless of the sophistication or cost of your analytical tools, it’s critical to monitor your social media marketing’s success against your goals using easily trackable metrics. People. 10 Additional social media metrics questions Here’s a list of ten other questions to assess other factors that contribute to your social media marketing’s: What is the quality of the content contributed in terms of the number of words and/or complexity of presentation?

#UsGuys Events More than 140 characters... The heart of the community is on Twitter but over the last year the community has expanded via other social netowrks/platforms. Below are the places you can find #UsGuys members talking in more than 140 characters. The #UsGuys Facebook Group. Facebook Group - Link The #UsGuys Facebook Page. The #UsGuys LinkedIn Group. The #UsGuys Google Plus Circle. Link to the Shared Circle . This is the official #UsGuys Daily which is released twice a day from @MyAgenda.

How to Use Content Marketing for Social Media [Chart Included Content marketing continues to grow because it attracts consumers on social media platforms like a magnet. While marketers use a variety of content forms, branded content is at the heart of almost three out of every four marketer’s social media plans according to research by King Fish Media, HubSpot and Junta42 (via eMarketer). For content to work in a social media environment, it must be contextually relevant. Further, regardless of where customers ultimately buy, they start the shopping process online with research that’s often difficult for marketers to track, since it may not relate to the actual product purchased. Social Media Content Marketing: Create, Distribute and Engage To help you think about the different types of content used across a variety of social media platforms, this chart provides some guidance since it shows the types of content used by social media platform and type of communication. What types of content are you using and why? Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen

33 Calls to Action for Social Media Marketing This is a question I frequently hear from other marketers. Often the answer is simple. They’ve done the hard work of creating strong content and amassed an audience but they’ve left out the critical ingredient needed to get their readers to take the next step. They lack a call-to-action. A call-to-action has long been an integral part of every direct marketer’s toolbox. To help you with your social media (and other) marketing, here’s a list of 33 ways to give “your social media visitors a Call to Action”. Ask them to: Read more articlesWatch, view or play videoEmail a friend; Forward to a friendRegister for email; Sign up nowAdd RSS feedDownload whitepaperBookmark this site or pageAdd to favoritesPrint page Social media actions Tweet thisLike us on FacebookFollow on TwitterAdd to ToolbarShare with colleagues (offer multiple options)Digg thisVoteShare PowerPoint Mobile Get on your smart phoneText for informationDownload app Shopping Add content to your site or page Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen

Social Media For B2B Marketing – How To Get Started One of the best things about social media: we’re all still learning and figuring this thing out. There are no true experts. Whether you’re in B2B Marketing, Social Media or any business, the world is getting smaller and great ideas come from all over the globe. GetIt Comms is a B2B Marketing agency out of Singapore headed by CEO Anol Bhattacharya. B2Bento is their marketing blog and you should most certainly check these folks out. Why Does Social Media Matter According to the report, traditional tactics just aren’t providing the return on investment that they used to. Where are they spending their time? The report lists 7 reasons why B2B Marketers should use Social Media: How To Get Started Plan Your Strategy: I have always said the first objective of social media is to define your objective. The white paper also goes into a few cases studies of companies that are executing on their social media plans and achieving real results. Connect: Authored by: Michael Brenner See complete profile
