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The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies

The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies
In a few short years, social technologies have given social interactions the speed and scale of the Internet. Whether discussing consumer products or organizing political movements, people around the world constantly use social-media platforms to seek and share information. Companies use them to reach consumers in new ways too; by tapping into these conversations, organizations can generate richer insights and create precisely targeted messages and offers. While 72 percent of companies use social technologies in some way, very few are anywhere near to achieving the full potential benefit. In fact, the most powerful applications of social technologies in the global economy are largely untapped. Exhibit Improved communication and collaboration through social technologies could raise the productivity of interaction workers by 20 to 25 percent. Enlarge Two-thirds of this potential value lies in improving collaboration and communication within and across enterprises.

Social Media is Changing Leadership [DATA] Jamie Notter and I surveyed 505 individuals about social media and leadership, as part of ongoing research related to the concepts in our book Humanize: How People-centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World. The survey questions gathered data on their perspectives about social media implementation in organizations, particularly related to leadership and how leaders are leveraging social media for organizational results. The results of the survey, completed mostly by individuals who work in organizations that are actively using social tools, provide some interesting insights about the deep ways in which social media has become a disruptive force in our organizations. GET THE SURVEY RESULTS REPORT HERE. The report is free. Here's some of what the research revealed: However, the research revealed some interesting nuances in terms of what "involvement" actually means when we're talking about the leadership (eg the C-suite). Actually the answer is "kinda." Why? Connect: Authored by:

Los clientes conectados son clientes fieles Álex Durán, senior architect en GFT. Los bancos de hoy en día son mucho más que oficinas a las que desplazarse para hacer las gestiones financieras habituales. Nuevos canales de acceso a los servicios bancarios, apoyados por los actuales desarrollos tecnológicos, permiten a las entidades bancarias llegar a sus clientes de manera mucho más eficiente que con la oficina tradicional. La banca on-line, los terminales de autoservicio, los call centers o la banca móvil ayudan a los clientes a realizar sus transacciones en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar, lo que está creando nuevas costumbres y formas de interacción. Actualmente, los consumidores interactúan con los bancos a través de múltiples canales. Según un reciente estudio de Forrester, el 70% de los consumidores se informa sobre nuevos productos en Internet y luego los adquiere por medio de otros canales. El 54% de los ciudadanos, independientemente de su edad, visita sucursales bancarias físicas al menos una vez al mes.

Management Methods | Management Models | Management Theories Action Method II: Keeping Projects Alive Action Steps are the most important components of projects—the oxygen for keeping projects alive. No Action Steps, no action, no results. The actual outcome of any idea is dependent on the Actions Steps that are captured and then completed by you or delegated to someone else. Action Steps are to be revered and treated as sacred in any project.The more clear and concrete an Action Step is, the less friction you will encounter trying to do it. To avoid this, start each Action Step with a verb: Call programmer to discuss . . .Install new software for . . .Research the possibility of . . .Mock up a sample of the . . .Update XYZ document for . . . Verbs help pull us into our Action Steps at first glance, efficiently indicating what type of action is required. The more clear and concrete an Action Step is, the less friction you will encounter trying to do it. Imagine you and I are having a conversation in a meeting. Follow up with [name] re: guy’s website w/ similar functionality.

Social Leadership Survey The survey results are available for free. We will put you on our mailing list, but you can always unsubscribe later (and honestly, we don’t use the list that much). In the report you’ll see answers to questions like: Does a leader’s use of social media give your company a competitive edge? In our analysis of the responses to these questions, we identified three insights and next steps that have important implications for social media strategy, leadership, and organizational culture. We also send a copy to everyone who Completes our organizational assessment.

Comunica 2.0: un proyecto de Telefónica Latinoamérica Hace unos días tuve el placer de compartir un interesante desayuno de trabajo con José María Álvarez-Pallete, presidente de Telefónica Latinoamérica, su equipo de Comunicación y dos amigos a los que considero grandes referentes personales: Ivan Pino y Benito Castro. La verdad es que fue una interesante reunión y me agradó especialmente por la claridad en los conceptos por parte del equipo y la gran apuesta personal y profesional que están realizando dentro de la compañía por instaurar una plataforma de Comunicación Interna que adopta las principales herramientas de la web social. Y la tarea no es nada fácil porque imaginaos lo que supone coordinar la comunicación interna dentro de un grupo (Telefónica LATAM) con más de 60.000 empleados repartidos en trece países. El objetivo lo tienen muy claro: Teniendo claros los objetivos a priori y la importancia de la implementación de las herramientas 2.0 en la Comunicación Interna, ¿cómo vendes la idea dentro de la compañía?

Red Hat CEO: How to Inspire Employees Here's the second in my series where I choose a topic, pick someone smarter than me--which is a pretty easy task--and we trade emails. The first was with Dave Lavinsky, the founder and CEO of Growthink, about the best way to learn to be an entrepreneur. This time it's Jim Whitehurst, the President and CEO of Red Hat, a $1.1 billion open source software and systems company. Before joining Red Hat he was the COO of Delta Airlines; his job was to lead the company out of bankruptcy. Yep. The premise: What companies project or "sell" to the outside isn't always how they operate on the inside--especially where their employees are concerned. Jeff: Lots of companies say what they do best is listen to their customers... but if the owner doesn't listen to his employees, I guarantee those employees aren't listening to customers. As an employee you act the way you're treated, especially in a small business. Jeff: No doubt. So they complained. Jim: At Red Hat the employees are the inspiration.

Great Managers, Great Leadership; Think of Them as Engagement Maestros A new VP rides into town for the holidays! This past week in New York, as in other cities, there were Christmas parties all over town. In this case, the department got together with drinks, food and holiday festivities. It was a festive occasion with everyone engaged and having a heck of a time. A Gen Y person that I know is not satisfied with her job and works for this company. However, internally she had already been identified as a superstar by all. Ask the right questions The problem is that she wants more work to do and really wants to get involved in more challenging assignments. The VP came along and the two of them have a great discussion. The morning after the party, she walks in oblivious to any of this until one of the managers pulls her aside and gave her the backtalk. The impact of leadership The VP was impressed with the conversation, and more importantly, with the feedback from the managers. And THAT is what manager engagement is all about. Managers control engagement

New Findings on Social Media Leadership - And The Survey Says... | Beekeeper Group - Washington, DC, Public Affairs, Community BuildingBeekeeper Group – Washington, DC, Public Affairs, Community Building | Build the Hive. Manage the Buzz. Earlier this week, the authors of HUMANIZE, Maddie Grant and Jamie Notter, took the stage here at Beekeeper Group to share highlights from their book, plus some new survey research they gathered to go along with it. In the book, Maddie and Jamie take the principles underlying social media’s rapid growth and success, and apply those to the way we lead and manage organizations. Telling a room full of people that the old “command and control” methods we’ve used in the workplace for the last century won’t work anymore isn’t easy, but it’s definitely necessary. Here’s why! The research overwhelmingly shows that embracing the principles of social media, while requiring a significant culture shift, is something people are increasingly expecting. According to the 2012 Social Leadership Survey: Of course, we had to have some experts weigh in on their findings.

BNP Paribas sur FourSquare, pourquoi ? L'arrivée de BNP Paribas sur le réseau géosocial Foursquare date déjà de quelques jours mais son annonce officielle, aujourd'hui, permet de mieux comprendre les objectifs que vise la banque, au-delà de sa volonté affirmée de présence sur tous les nouveaux médias (mobiles, sociaux...) adoptés par ses clients. Tout d'abord, le référencement des 2 250 agences BNP Paribas sur Foursquare permettra à chacune d'elles de proposer, individuellement, des promotions et autres avantages à ses clients (ou simples visiteurs) ou encore de les informer d'événements spéciaux (rencontres avec les conseillers, par exemple). La première opération de ce type sera organisée très prochainement à l'agence "2 Opéra" à Paris, où seront distribuées des places de cinéma gratuites à l'occasion du Printemps du Cinéma.

The One Thing Your Team Wants You to Stop Doing - Vineet Nayar by Vineet Nayar | 7:00 AM December 21, 2012 The other day, on the sidelines of a conference, a bright young manager sought my advice. “I’ve tried using different leadership styles, but I can’t seem to dispel my team’s sense of disengagement,” he confessed. “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.” “Why don’t you ask your team?” I asked him. The reply surprised him, but there’s no point in complicating leadership. On a hunch, I decided to conduct a flash survey of my social media universe. The number of responses that poured in shocked me. Don’t obfuscate; tell it like it is. No rose-tinted spectacles for today’s employee; they have the pluck to look at their failures and successes and have little patience for circuitous comments. Stop telling me what I know. I could hear my kids’ voices in some of these comments. Don’t stray; walk the talk. Stop playing favorites. Don’t be a boss, be a leader. These aren’t isolated cases.

6 Popular Ideas that Fail “Nobody ever gets fired for buying IBM” was once a popular belief that seems quaint now. It’s hard to imagine that people used to buy IBM products simply because they were so dominant. We are all, however, chauvinists for our own age, caught up in our own moment. 1. One of the things you hear with metronomic regularity in the business world is the importance of performance pay. He draws on decades of studies that show that for problem solving and creative tasks (i.e. most of what professionals do today), incentive pay often decreases productivity. My experience suggests that he’s right. That doesn’t mean that that incentives have no place at all. 2. Another standard practice that is taken on faith is brainstorming. Others suggest that brainstorming results in more ideas, but is less likely to result in a viable solution (this is more consistent with my experience – 150 crappy ideas that are quickly forgotten). 3. In other words, a complete waste of time. 4. 5. 6. - Greg
