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JoyStick Learning Examples | Foundations | Hacking | Links The Joystick Schematic How this works The joystick in the picture is nothing but two potentiometers that allow us to messure the movement of the stick in 2-D. Tutos Max For Live (M4L) [EN] Voilà une belle trouvaille pour les connaisseurs de Max/Msp spécialement integré à Ableton sous le produit Max for Live. cette extension permet d’ utiliser Max MSP dans un environnement Ableton, les possibilités sont infinies: création de nouveaux instruments virtuels, effets audio, fuision Live / contrôleurs harware. c’est tout simplement énorme… Démarrage: [vimeo:x5a0wikz] is a sneak peak into Max4Live. This will show you a basic intro into what you will see in the M4L environment. [vimeo:x5a0wikz] tutorial begins to teach the concepts in Max that are needed to program in Max/MSP/Jitter and Max For Live.

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SPAMM 1.2: l'art digital devient une expérience IRL ce soir à Paris NAME: SuPer Art Modern Movement 1.2 AUTHOR: SPAMM in collaboration with SLIDERS_lab, ARTE and the parisian media art fair SHOW OFF. DESCRIPTION: Following a first edition last year,, the virtual museum/online gallery/organic TV created by SPAMM and ARTE Creative to showcase the creativity of an emerging generation of digital artists is back this fall. Entitled “Data Drape”, the version 1.2 of the show consists in 15 digital artworks handpicked by French artist Reynald Drouhin. (Source: unomoralez, via whatsurdadlike) artwerk6666: bebe MaKey MaKey PicoBoard Scratch Trumpet I have been programming an electronic trumpet in Scratch. I am using a MaKey MaKey and a PicoBoardfor the hardware side of this project. Here is the Scratch code I devised.

Mental Mapping: Video Game Maps Drawn From Memory Games are interaction with rules. They mimic the scientific method - hypothesis tested to overcome obstacles and achieve goal while operating inside prescribed system of boundaries. Video games provide failure based learning - brief, surmountable, exciting. While failure in school is depressing, in a video game, it's aspirational. Scratch Teaches Kids To Program The Fun Way If you ask some of the world’s leading tech figures when they learned the bulk of their computing and programming experience, they’d probably point back to their teenage years, at the latest. Children today are ever more tech savvy, surrounded by an assortment of screens, tiny and large. The Scratch program, developed at Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT), is dedicated to this purpose exactly: to teach young students programming concepts and develop skills in multimedia communication. Related Stories: Scratch was created as a free programming environment that makes it easy to create interactive stories, animations, games, music and art.

Kim Jong Un Video Game Is The Enemy Of Capitalist Pigs This is what North Korea needs to get turned into: SExpand Well the NK government is meeting in the middle, they are already depopulating the country through endemic famine causing early death and reduced reproduction. Seriously, the country is almost deserted when people visit it the few people around are in agriculture, it has utterly insane ideas on food production and I mean utterly insane, after 60 years of failure they blame the people they ordered to carry out their policy for treason rather than the policy itself.
