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Warm season lettuce-Batavian or Summercrisp lettuces « giantveggiegardener I like salads, especially in the summer but most lettuces bolted here in my garden in the summer. Last year I grew some lettuces that grew well in the summer. Most lettuces are cool season crops that bolt with the heat but Batavian (also known as Summercrisp) lettuces did surprisingly well here. I grew them in partial shade and not in the direct sun. Not only was I happy they did not bolt and nor get bitter, but they have a crisp sweet taste to them and lasted all summer. There are many more Batavian lettuces online but these are what I tried. Starting COLD HARDY VEGETABLES Super Early « giantveggiegardener So now that the Persephone period is almost over and the magic date of January 15th is upon us, what does that mean? It means our day lengths are getting longer and January 15th is when we start getting 10 hours of daylight that will continue to get longer every day. Have you noticed already it now gets dark around 5:30 instead of 5 pm? The darkest time of the year is over.

7 Tips for Cleaning Fruits, Vegetables Image Federal health officials estimate that nearly 48 million people are sickened by food contaminated with harmful germs each year, and some of the causes might surprise you. Although most people know animal products must be handled carefully to prevent illness, produce, too, can be the culprit in outbreaks of foodborne illness. Swiss Chard Problems - Learn About Common Problems With Swiss Chard Swiss chard is generally a trouble-free veggie, but this cousin to the beet plant can sometimes fall prey to certain pests and diseases. Read on to learn about common problems with Swiss chard, and explore possible solutions that may save the huge, nutritious, flavor-rich leaves. Fungal Trouble with Swiss Chard Fungal Swiss chard diseases are the most common culprits responsible when your plants fall ill in the garden.

A new giant virus found in the waters off Oahu A new, unusually large virus that infects common marine algae has been characterized by researchers at the Daniel K. Inouye Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa‘s School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. Found in the coastal waters off Oʻahu, it contains the biggest genome ever sequenced for a virus infecting a photosynthetic organism. Common Swiss Chard Diseases - How To Treat Diseased Swiss Chard Plants Swiss chard diseases are not numerous, but just one of them can wipe out your crop for the year. But, if you know about these diseases and pests, you can take steps to prevent or treat them and save your harvest. Preventing Swiss Chard Diseases Infections are more likely to spread and take root when plants are close together, so give your chard plenty of space. One plant should not be touching another.

Experts warn: Must consider role of microbes in climate change An international group of leading microbiologists, including University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa oceanography Professor David Karl, has issued a warning: Not including microbes, considered the support system of the biosphere, in any climate equation will lead to incomplete predictions of the environmental consequences of global climate change. More than 30 microbiologists from nine countries are calling for the world to stop ignoring an “unseen majority” in Earth’s biodiversity and metabolism when addressing climate change. The paper, Scientist’s warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change, was published in the journal Nature Reviews Microbiology. “Microorganisms controls the pulse of our planet,” said Karl, director of the UH Mānoa Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST). “They harvest solar energy, recycle organic matter, sequester carbon dioxide, and detoxify many human-made pollutants.

How to Control Cucumber Beetles Organically Cucumber beetles may seem to be a small problem- after all they can’t fall a plant in hours like the squash bug can- but cucumber beetles can actually be bad news for your garden! Cucumber beetles are small yellow and black beetles that are either spotted or striped (more on that in a minute!). They are only about 1/4 of a inch long, and more of an oval shape than the round shell of a ladybug.

In 1886, the US Government Commissioned 7,500 Watercolor Paintings of Every Known Fruit in the World: Download Them in High Resolution T.S. Eliot asks in the opening stanzas of his Choruses from the Rock, “where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” The passage has been called a pointed question for our time, in which we seem to have lost the ability to learn, to make meaningful connections and contextualize events. They fly by us at superhuman speeds; credible sources are buried between spurious links. 6 Ways to Get Rid of Squash Bugs in Your Garden- Naturally! Are squash bugs destroying your garden? Here’s how to get rid of squash bugs naturally in your organic garden! Squash bugs are one of the hardest pests to get rid of once they find your garden. It can be devastating to walk out to your garden and find your beautiful squash plants wilted on the ground. And all those dreams of a big squash crop this year are gone. This site contains affiliate links.

Hearing the Music of the Plants Science shows us that being near trees and plants significantly improves our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Of course, the healing power of plants has long been understood by indigenous cultures who communed with nature and harnessed the power of plants in Flower Essences, oils, or herbs as well as going on nature journeys to heal their body, mind and spirit. Now the possibilities for plant healing have been taken a quantum step further with the arrival of the Music of the Plants. Forty years ago researchers at the Damanhur Federation of Communities near Turin in Italy started intensive research into plant communication, attempting to prove that plants were sentient beings. They developed a device out of this research, that can read the electromagnetic vibration of a plant and translate it into music.

The Best Companion Plants for Cucumbers in the Backyard Garden Companion planting with your cucumbers can help your garden grow better, taste better, and have less problems with pests. So how does companion planting work? What can you grow with your cucumbers and what should be kept far away? Below you will find a list of cucumber companion plants that you can grow alongside your cucumber to prevent pests and disease.
