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The Official Home of the Department of Defense

The Official Home of the Department of Defense
Obama Pledges Aid for Korean Ferry Sinking U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Achterling President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama expressed condolences to the families of the victims of the ferry sinking off the coast of South Korea. Obama said he’s directed the U.S. military to provide any and all assistance requested, in a statement, April 17, 2014. The USS Bonhomme Richard is currently engaged in search and rescue operations in an assigned area near the shipwreck.

U.S. Department of State Глобальная Авантюра - Открытый исследовательский и дискуссионный центр INSA Publications Download Directory Strategic Cyber Intelligence March 2014 Les sociétés militaires privées : La mort par procuration « En temps de paix, le mercenaire dérobe ; en temps de guerre, il déserte. » Nicolas Machiavel Environ 90 personnes ont été tuées le 1er septembre dans un bombardement de l’OTAN en Afghanistan. L’ONU avait auparavant demandé l’ouverture d’une enquête « approfondie ». D’une façon tout à fait hypocrite l’UE fait part de son incompréhension. Bernard Kouchner a fait valoir que les Européens devraient revoir à la hausse leurs contributions financières. « Les taliban offrent 50 dollars par famille, ce qui permet de vivre un mois entier, alors que nous payons seulement la moitié.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Глобализация, ВТО, монополизм, генная инженерия – на Security clearance A security clearance is a status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information (state or organizational secrets) or to restricted areas, after completion of a thorough background check. The term "security clearance" is also sometimes used in private organizations that have a formal process to vet employees for access to sensitive information. A clearance by itself is normally not sufficient to gain access; the organization must also determine that the cleared individual needs to know specific information. No one is supposed to be granted automatic access to classified information solely because of rank, position, or a security clearance.

Defense Security Service (DSS) Информационное агентство центра национально демократических исследований A Brief History of the U.S. Personnel Security Program The roots of the U.S. Personnel Security Program can be traced back to the Civil Service Act of 1883 that required applicants for federal employment to possess the requisite character, reputation, trustworthiness, and fitness for employment. In 1912 the LaFollette Act established protection for federal employees from being fired from their jobs for arbitrary reasons and imposed a standard of “just cause” that would promote the “efficiency of the service,” a concept later applied to security clearance determinations. The Hatch Act of 1939 added a prohibition against anyone employed by the government from being a member of any organization that advocates overthrowing the U.S. Government.

Groupe GEOS NIST Issues Risk Assessments Guidance - GovInfoSecurity SP 800-30 Provides a Step-By-Step Approach The National Institute of Standards and Technology has issued what could be characterized as the bible of risk assessment. Special Publication 800-30 Revision 1, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments, provides direction for conducting risk assessments and amplifies the guidance found in SP 800-39: Managing Information Security Risk. Though SP 800-30 was written for federal information systems and organizations, its lessons can be applied to other organizations in and out of government.

PerSecExpress - Personnel Security Screening/Clearance Application PerSec Express is the first commercial off-the-shelf software designed to meet the needs of government organizations that complete personnel security screening. It allows flexible, scalable installation to meet the needs of any size of government institution. It is effective whether the institution has a single office or has dispersed operations around the globe. Why PerSec Express? Most institutions require candidates seeking security screening to manually complete forms. JASON (advisory group) JASON is an independent group of scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology. The group was first created as a way to get a younger generation of scientists—that is, not the older Los Alamos and MIT Radiation Laboratory alumni—involved in advising the government. It was established in 1960 and has somewhere between 30 and 60 members.

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