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7 Creative Ways to Get Customer Testimonials One of the most powerful pages on your website is your testimonials page. Great testimonials tell people that your product or service is not only legit, but awesome enough that other people are seeing great results from it. The question is, how do you get believable testimonials? 1. If you have a Facebook page and are setup as a local business, your page now comes with a Reviews tab. Simply slide this tab over into your visible tabs, and encourage your fans on your wall to go over and enter some reviews. 2. LinkedIn can be a great source of reviews, extracted from your recommendations. But what if you own a company with many employees? Plus, it wouldn’t hurt for someone who is researching your company on LinkedIn to see that you have an employee with an exemplary record, like the LinkedIn member above. 3. What is stronger than a text based review? You can also keep a Flip camera in your office / store and film reviews on the fly to add to your own YouTube channel. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (With Giant INFOGRAPHIC) The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. “Get me to page 1 of Google, while emailing our customers a bi-weekly newsletter, engaging influencers on Twitter, maintaining a captive Facebook audience, capturing new leads, and putting out 3 blog posts a week.” Harsh? Yes. Everything a Non-Marketer Needs to Take a Business from Zero to Hero Online What you are about to read might be a little shocking. Let the story and the course begin... A typical marketing storyline You’ve just been put in charge of “Internet marketing” at your new sweatshop startup (don’t worry, I live there too - replete with rusty sewing machines and fake Nike stitching patterns). It’s much more than just one job. With that in mind, I’d like to present you with: A 15,000,000 pixel infographic (that’s fifteen million colored squares, which could make it the largest infographic in history). Social media marketing (SMM) Email marketing

The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss “Everyone’s looking for rules to follow, and the sooner you realize there aren’t any, the better art can be.”– Jerrod Carmichael Jerrod Carmichael is pushing the boundaries of comedy with his groundbreaking work in stand-up, television, and film. Now just 29 years old, what this driven North Carolina native has accomplished is mind-boggling, and 2017 is going to be his biggest year yet. Jerrod stars in the hit NBC series The Carmichael Show, which he also writes and executive produces. Love at the Store is the funniest standup special I’ve seen in many years, and it’s the reason I reached out to Jerrod. In the summer of 2016, Jerrod reprised his role as ‘Garf’ in the Universal comedy sequel Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising opposite Seth Rogen and Zac Efron. Jerrod recently announced his upcoming authorial debut with an as-yet-untitled memoir. Please enjoy my wide-ranging conversation with Jerrod Carmichael! Want to hear another episode with a standup comedian?

YACHT WORLD Social Media Marketing By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] Donny Deutsch, the former adman and talk show host, once recounted a story about a Mitsubishi Super Bowl ad that was tagged with the URL The ad got 600,000 clicks, Deutsch said, which prompted the carmaker to ask, "Is that good?" Deutsch answered: "We told the client it was great, so it was great!" The Mitsubishi campaign ran almost eight years ago. More Business Resources from Mashable: [logos] Et si Facebook devenait Twitter et Google devenait Yahoo ? Ce midi, petite pause détournement de logos, avec ces logos de marques inversés. Dans la lignée de ces logos qui disent la vérité, voici les logos inversés réalisés par Viktor Hertz. Ce designer a réalisé une série de logos où « Pepsi » est brandé comme Coca Cola et vice & versa. On appréciera également Facebook déguisé en Twitter ou encore Viméo maquillé en Youtube. Bref, cela a le mérite de faire appel à notre culture visuelle pour déceler la supercherie. Cette grande salade composée de logos me fait réfléchir quant à la création et la réflexion même du design de ces logos. source | source

Why Website Test Results Don't Always Add Up & What To Do About It If you do enough A/B testing, I promise that you will eventually have some variation of this problem: You run a test. You see a 10% increase in conversion. You run a different, unrelated test. You see a 20% increase in conversion. You roll both winning branches out to 100% of your customers. Why? There are lots of different reasons this can happen. The Changes Affected the Same Group of People You may be causing some problems for some of your users. The interesting thing is that there may be a lot of different ways to fix this problem youʼre causing. So, letʼs say that you run two separate tests, one that adds AmEx, and one that adds MasterCard. Now letʼs say that each new payment method gives you a positive increase in revenue of 20%. Imagine somebody who doesnʼt have a Visa, but does have both a MasterCard and an AmEx. Want to Avoid This? If youʼre running several different tests that all act on the same metric, youʼre almost certainly going to hit this problem. The Changes Interact Bundles, créez des listes d’URL courtes | Descary lance un nouveau service qui se nomme Bundles. Il vous permet de transmettre une URL courte qui donnera accès à un bouquet d’URL que vous avez regroupé sur votre Bundle. L’idée est simple, vous créez une page sur laquelle se trouvent toutes les URL que vous désirez envoyer à vos collaborateurs ou amis. génèrera automatiquement une URL courte qui pointera vers votre liste. Il est possible de créer un bundle en sélectionnant des URL courtes déjà présentes sur votre espace ou tout simplement en ajoutant les URL de votre choix. Cette solution me semble être très efficace lorsque vous désirez transmettre rapidement un bouquet de liens portant sur une même thématique. VIa: le blog de

The Ultimate Guide to Online Branding and Building Authority Part 1 - Blogging What is the difference between online branding and building authority? Some would consider it the same thing, but in reality it can be two completely different processes. Online branding is a way to get more exposure for your brand on all levels of online marketing, especially search and social. Building authority takes online branding to the next level by making each online presence for a brand authoritative. It goes beyond just about creating a blog or social media account. The following are ways you can build your online brand as well as your authority. Start a Blog with Awesome Content Blogs are beneficial for brands for three reasons. Next, blogs provide for great content to share on social media networks. Finally, great blogs can help your brand build authority in your niche. TutorialsInfographicsVideosIndustry Interviews Awesome content will show fans of your industry that you know your stuff and therefore are the brand to go with for their business needs. Guest Blog for Others 1.
