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How To Write a Killer Guided Meditation Script. Writing a guided meditation script has many advantages.

How To Write a Killer Guided Meditation Script

You can customize it to the person and purpose that you need, instead of relying on something generic. However, to be truly effective, you will need to make sure that you follow a few basic guidelines when you set it up. Who will Benefit from It? From the beginning to the ending, you have to remember who you are working with. That having been said, some imagery is pretty universal. What do you Wish to Accomplish? From personal experience, the relaxation and inner exploration alone are worth it, and I've written scripts which are nothing more than a deep relaxation and re-connection. Remember to use sights, sounds, smells, and sensations to really bring it alive. The Basic Structure to Use In Your Guided Meditation Script. Basically, the structure of many guided meditations goes like this: First, a minute or two of settling in, and expectation setting. A Few Warnings.

All of that said, relax and have fun! Guided Meditation Script Central - Free Written Guided Meditations. On this page you will find an ever expanding range of free guided meditation scripts to download.

Guided Meditation Script Central - Free Written Guided Meditations

You can also find some lovely free relaxation scripts here. Want to create your own guided meditation? You'll love this article on how to write a guided meditation script, and this series of tips and techniques on how to create a guided meditation audio production. Meditation Station - What is Meditation? What is Meditation?

Meditation Station - What is Meditation?

If you go to your Doctor for stress related problems, she or he will likely tell you that perhaps the best treatment for stress is Meditation. They will suggest that you start meditating and this leads you to two problems. The first is where to get appropriate direction in how to meditate. By finding Meditation Station, you've already solved that problem. The other is understanding exactly what Meditation is. Meditation is a three step process that leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and bliss.

Ken Wilber Stops His Brain Waves‬‏ Inner Peace. Be Still Now. Nothing is Something Worth Doing. Something I just remembered today about meditation, after having forgotten for two months: When attempting to reach deeper levels of consciousness, you want to do as close to nothing as possible.

Nothing is Something Worth Doing

If some thought comes up, don't try to suppress it or *make* it go away. The act of thinking is doing something, which *you* are doing. The act of suppressing is also doing something. So if you try to suppress it, you're just piling up extra layers of action/thought. This is essentially mindfulness meditation. The closer you approach (egoic) nothingness, the closer you approach the underlying infinite, egoless super-consciousness that is beneath, which supports and holds up all the above egoic structures. I was reminded of this technique by a song by Shpongle, "Nothing is Something Worth Doing": Meditation techniques learn types of meditation to practice in yoga meditation.