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StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon. Audio by artist dalai_lama. POP MAGIC! by Grant Morrison. [Excerpted from the classic occult anthology Books of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult] POP MAGIC!

POP MAGIC! by Grant Morrison

Is Magic! For the People. Pop Magic! Is Naked Magic! All you need to begin the practice of magic is concentration, imagination and the ability to laugh at yourself and learn from mistakes. Anything you can imagine, anything you can symbolize, can be made to produce magical changes in your environment. Magic is easy to do. Aleister Crowley—magic’s Picasso—wrote this and I can’t say it any better than he did: “In this book it is spoken of the sephiroth and the paths, of spirits and conjurations, of gods, spheres, and planes and many other things which may or may not exist. This is the most important rule of all which is why it’s here at the start. Simple. Be honest about your progress, your successes and failures. Read lots of books on the subject to get in the mood. Reading will give you a feel for what’s crap and what can usefully be adapted to your own style.

Go. So. Enlightenment: Maximum Systems. How To Be More Satisfied With Your Life - 5 Steps Proven By Research. Meditation On Lovingkindness. May I be filled with lovingkindness “I am larger and better than I thought.

Meditation On Lovingkindness

I did not know I held so much goodness.” - Walt Whitman This meditation uses words, images, and feelings to evoke a lovingkindness and friendliness toward oneself and others. With each recitation of the phrases, we are expressing an intention, planting the seeds of loving wishes over and over in our heart. With a loving heart as the background, all that we attempt, all that we encounter will open and flow more easily.

Begin with yourself. May I be filled with lovingkindness. May I be safe from inner and outer dangers. Science of Pranayama (by Sri Swami Sivananda) Reflective Meditation _ copy. Ch'an Masters: Huang Po. The Supreme Way: ...To awaken suddenly to the fact that your own Mind is the Buddha, that there is nothing to be attained or a single action to be performed – this is the Supreme Way....

Ch'an Masters: Huang Po

"...his words were simple, his reasoning direct, his way of life exalted and his habits unlike the habits of other men. Disciples hastened to him from all quarters, looking up to him as to a lofty mountain, and through their contact with him awoke to Reality. Of the crowds which flocked to see him, there were always more than a thousand with him at a time. " Thus P'ei Hsiu (pronounced pay shoo), a scholar-official of great learning according to Blofeld, described Huang Po (hwong bo; Huang-po Hsi-yün; Pinyin: Huángbò Xi-yùn; Japanese: Obaku Kiun), whose teachings he recorded for posterity. Lest you get the impression that Huang Po was mild-mannered, though, you might be interested to know that his teacher, Pai-chang (whose teacher was Ma-tsu), compared him to a tiger in his ferociousness.

Koan Studies Pages. Documents/TM-FAQ. "Mystic Wisdom" Glimpses. Guided Meditations. Your Information Source for Chakras - StumbleUpon. Psychological Functions.

Your Information Source for Chakras - StumbleUpon

How to Trick Your Brain for Happiness. This month, we feature videos of a Greater Good presentation by Rick Hanson, the best-selling author and trailblazing psychologist.

How to Trick Your Brain for Happiness

In this excerpt from his talk, Dr. Hanson explains how we can take advantage of the brain’s natural “plasticity”—it’s ability to change shape over time. gobyg There’s this great line by Ani Tenzin Palmo, an English woman who spent 12 years in a cave in Tibet: “We do not know what a thought is, yet we’re thinking them all the time.” It’s true. In recent years, though, we have started to better understand the neural bases of states like happiness, gratitude, resilience, love, compassion, and so forth. Ultimately, what this can mean is that with proper practice, we can increasingly trick our neural machinery to cultivate positive states of mind. But in order to understand how, you need to understand three important facts about the brain. Fact one: As the brain changes, the mind changes, for better or worse. Fact two: As the mind changes, the brain changes. 1. 2. 3. Fluent in 3 months. 6 Questions That Will Make You Fee Peaceful and Complete.

“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”

6 Questions That Will Make You Fee Peaceful and Complete

~Swedish Proverb When I was in my mid-twenties an unhealthy relationship with an unhealthy guy sent me packing off to the corner of New Mexico to find myself. In a new age, self-discovery kind of world—a hubbub of a town filled with people in transition—I was graced to meet many powerful healers, gurus, shamans, and teachers. I became a workshop junkie. I went on Shamanic power journeys to spiritual centers around the world, chanted with Indian gurus, and became a certified yoga instructor and Reiki master. I got rolfed, (and got more intense body-work by thick-boned Maoris) and rebirthed with conscious breath work. I went on vision quests in the desert, called leading psychics, mapped my astrological chart, figured out my Enneagram number, dreamed lucidly for nights in an upright chair, and drew down the moon in Wiccan circles. I know. I was a perpetual seeker. 1.

Abe Speaks – One Of The Best Manifesting Meditations.