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Wordpress-plugin-symlink/plugin-symlink.php at master · liggitt/wordpress-plugin-symlink. Disable Google Fonts. Disable Emojis. The Best WordPress Plugins Since the Dawn of Time. I know what you’re thinking.

The Best WordPress Plugins Since the Dawn of Time

You’ve already seen 15 best WordPress plugins posts this month and you can’t possibly read another one. Trust me, I feel your pain. It seems like every popular website has some arbitrary list of the best WordPress plugins of 2015, 2014, and 2013, on their blog. The thing is, most of them are totally full of crap. Benchmarking The Fastest/Best WordPress Cache Plugins. Je suis Charlie : Votre petit soutien. WPFormation Ⓦ sur Twitter : "Améliorez l'interaction de vos commentaires WordPress #plugin #WordPress... Améliorez l'interaction dans vos commentaires WordPress. Houlà !

Améliorez l'interaction dans vos commentaires WordPress

Il veut dire quoi par là en parlant d'interaction dans les commentaires ? J'y viens mais commençons par la définition d'une interaction : Action réciproque qui suppose l'entrée en contact de sujets... Podcast WordPress #8. WP-Rocket – Is It Really The Best Paid Cache Plugin For WordPress? A fast loading blog is more desirable and superior in terms of user-experience, search engine ranking and overall conversions of your WordPress website.

WP-Rocket – Is It Really The Best Paid Cache Plugin For WordPress?

For WordPress, there are many plugins which you can use to make your blog load faster and one of the most common type of plugin is cache plugin. These cache plugin creates a cache of static file of your blog posts, and when a user access the post it serves it directly from the cache folder. This saves a ton of resources in terms of running all PHP queries and accessing your database to regenerate and server the same post. More over, serving a post from cache will make the post load way faster than without the cache.

Understanding the WordPress Security Plugin Ecosystem. MultiSite Clone Duplicator. MultiSite Clone Duplicator adds a "Duplicate Site" functionnality to your network installation.

MultiSite Clone Duplicator

It allows you to clone any site of your network into a new one : all data, files, users and roles can be copied. It is usefull when you want to create multiple sites from the same template : do not waste your time on copy the same configuration again and again ! Simple and user-friendly, this plugin extends WordPress core network's functionalities without polluting the dashboard. Better Plugin Managment : Améliorez l'interface des plugins. A Collection Of The Best WordPress Multisite Plugins. WordPress multisite is a fantastic feature that allows you to create a network of virtual sites using one WordPress installation.

A Collection Of The Best WordPress Multisite Plugins

It is used to power many large websites and blog networks such as BBC America and b5media. In my last article, I showed you how to install and uninstall WordPress multisite. What I Learned From Making My First Free WordPress Plugin - Kolakube. Big news!

What I Learned From Making My First Free WordPress Plugin - Kolakube

I submitted my first free plugin to the WordPress plugins directory. I’ve been working with WordPress for about 6 years, and have made tons of stuff with it… but I’ve never released a plugin. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent hours digging through the plugins directory in amazement at how many free plugins there are to choose from. …You’ve also probably left it a few times frustrated, wishing you could have found what you were looking for. In a nutshell, that’s why I learned how to develop for WordPress: so when I couldn’t find what I needed elsewhere, I could just build it myself. But it never crossed my mind that I could actually contribute to the plugins directory myself, and give back to the community a little bit. 1. Baw_140410-165937. Chrisguitarguy/WP-Plugin-Directories. Wiz. Behind The Scenes In The WordPress Plugin Directory With Mika Epstein. The WordPress Plugin Directory currently lists more than 29,000 plugins.

Behind The Scenes In The WordPress Plugin Directory With Mika Epstein

It’s the first stop for any WordPress user looking to extend the capabilities of the software. With over 585 million downloads and a massive worldwide user base, it takes a dedicated team to monitor the quality and security of so many extensions. I had the opportunity to interview Mika Epstein, better known around the web as “Ipstenu“, about her work behind the scenes with the plugin directory.

Epstein is part of a team of folks, including Scott Reilly, Pippin Williamson, Otto, and a handful of others, who stand at the door of the repository and review incoming plugins to make sure they meet the guidelines. How does someone get involved with reviewing plugins for WordPress? Otto reached out to me to join the plugin review team after I started, on my own, scanning the repo using Mark Jaquith’s slurper – for people who were doing some silly, but easy to mistake, things like jquery.

The Plugin Review Process Ouch. Nouveau plugin WordPress : Restrict Medias by author. MasterPress Review. Today I’m reviewing the MasterPress plugin from Traversal.

MasterPress Review

MasterPress boosts your productivity by bringing point-and-click simplicity to the more advanced features of WordPress, while introducing amazing new ways to manage your content and develop custom themes for your web sites and apps. BAW Log in Logout Menu. Google maps.


Classement ajax. Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation.

Classement ajax

Home About I love Mac apps, especially for their attention to detail. CoreAnimation makes it so easy to create useful and eye-pleasing effects, like the one in this video. Quicksand aims at providing a similar experience for users on the web. Documentation At the very basic level, Quicksand replaces one collection of items with another. Use plain HTML, like an unordered list. Tooltip - TipTip. Pagination - Ajax. Pagination - Ajax. Pagination. Pajinate – A jQuery Pagination Plugin Pajinate is a simple and flexible jQuery plugin that allows you to divide long lists or areas of content into multiple separate pages.


Not only is it a simpler alternative to server-side implementations, the time between paginated-page loads is almost nil (up to a reasonable page-size of course). Pajinate - A pagination plugin the whole family can enjoy! Usage & Configuration All plugin documentation can now be found on github. Demo Multiple implementation demos can be found in this page.

Source Code The Pajinate source and examples are available here. Github If you’re keen to contribute to this project, or perhaps take it in a different direction you can get ahold of the source here: The demo and source offer several examples demonstrating various ways in which to configure and use Pajinate (including embedding multiple Pajinate elements in a single page). Onglet extensible. Menu. JavaScript image combobox v2.36. Are you tired with your old fashion dropdown? Try this new one. Image combo box. Tooltip - tipsy. Overview Tipsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like tooltips effect based on an anchor tag's title attribute.