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No Posts User Delete. BackWPup Free - WordPress Backup Plugin. The backup plugin BackWPup can be used to save your complete installation including /wp-content/ and push them to an external Backup Service, like Dropbox, S3, FTP and many more, see list below.

BackWPup Free - WordPress Backup Plugin

With a single backup .zip file you are able to easily restore an installation. Please understand: this free version will not be supported as good as the BackWPup Pro version. With our premium version you get first class support and more features. In case you need to comply with the new GDPR regulation, check out our post BacKWPup, Backups and GDPR. Subscribe To Comments Reloaded. User Role Editor.

With User Role Editor WordPress plugin you can change user role (except Administrator) capabilities easy, with a few clicks.

User Role Editor

Just turn on check boxes of capabilities you wish to add to the selected role and click "Update" button to save your changes. That's done. Add new roles and customize its capabilities according to your needs, from scratch of as a copy of other existing role. MailPoet (Wysija) - Plugin de Newsletter WordPress. Concevoir des Newsletters en toute simplicité, gérer ses listes d'abonnés sans quitter WordPress, voilà qui laisse rêveur, non ?

MailPoet (Wysija) - Plugin de Newsletter WordPress

Plus pour longtemps, oubliez Aweber, Mailchimp et toutes les autres solutions tierces, le plugin MailPoet est là ! Comme bon nombre d'utilisateurs WordPress, j'utilisais les services gratuits offerts par MailChimp (au demeurant une bonne solution), mais j'avais quelques réticences: une interface complexe et peu ergonomique, une solution tierce, des limitations, bref, utile mais peut mieux faire... MailPoet, plugin de newsletter pour WordPress C'est alors que je découvre MailPoet, un plugin WordPress Freemium (modèle économique associant une offre gratuite, en libre accès, et une offre "Premium", haut de gamme, en accès payant), développé par une bande de 4 garçons dans le vent, et voici leur concept: Shortcoder «WordPress Plugins. Shortcoder is a plugin which allows to create a custom shortcode and store HTML, Javascript and other snippets in it.

Shortcoder «WordPress Plugins

So if that shortcode is used in any post or pages, then the code stored in the shortcode get exceuted in that place. Check out the LIVE DEMO of the plugin Features Create "custom shortcodes" easily and use them within WordPressUse any name for the created shortcode (ex: [sc:youtube])Use any kind of HTML as Shortcode content.Parameters can also added to HTML (ex: <strong>%%mytext%%</strong> [sc:testing mytext="hello"] )Visual editor avaialble, so useful for beginners.tinyMCE button avaialble in the editing toolbar so no typing required to insert the shortcode.Globally disable the shortcode when not needed.Can disable the shortcode, showing it to the admins. An example usage Create a shortcode named "adsenseAd" in the Shortcoder admin page.Paste the adsense code in the box given and save it.Use [sc:adsenseAd] in your posts and pages.Tada !!! Resources. Total Control HTML5 Audio Player Basic.

The Total Control HTML5 Audio Player is jQuery plugin that streams audio and features a manageable playlist.

Total Control HTML5 Audio Player Basic

Playlist rows can be dragged and dropped to rearrange song order. Also, users can choose which songs are to be skipped when repeat is enabled. Flash fallbackRearrange playlistChoose songs to skipRepeat controlsSupports OGG and MP3 If you are looking for a more advanced version of this plugin with more features such as shuffle playlist, unlimited songs, more skins, show song artwork, dynamic player positioning, and adding songs on the fly take a look at the demo below. Contact. Codecanyon – Fullwidth Audio Player v1.1.31 WordPress plugin – DownloadBuzz Theme. This plugin allows to add a audio player at the top or bottom of the window.

Codecanyon – Fullwidth Audio Player v1.1.31 WordPress plugin – DownloadBuzz Theme

The audio player runs with the new HTML5 audio engine and if its not supported, it will use a Flash fallback. In other words it runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android etc. You have also the possibility to add your playlists and tracks into a post or page. This very helpful when you would like to create a music page, where the visitors can view all tracks and add them to the player by themself.

Storyline 3D Slider – CodeCanyon – RIPBuzz Theme. Storyline 3D Slider is a great plug-in for your template, which will make it have a stunning look.

Storyline 3D Slider – CodeCanyon – RIPBuzz Theme

The S-3D-S will help you showcase your work in a splendid creative way. Your products has never been displayed so great! If you are a proud author or musician or super talented designer, blogger or photographer – the S-3D-S is just for you! It offers 19 colour schemes, 8 scroll effects, 6 slide styles, responsive design, infinite scroll & possibility to work smoothly on mobile devices. Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress. Background Per Page. CodeCanyon – HTML5 Random Gallery SlideshowBuzz Theme. The HTML5 Random Gallery Slideshow is size flexible or fluid, it will adapt it’s size (width and height) based on the parent container (div or some other html tag) and every piece of the gallery will align and position accordingly, this basically mean that it can be used in any kind of website, it dose not matter if you need a small or large gallery, all you have to do is to add the gallery in a place which you have chosen in your website and the gallery will adapt.

CodeCanyon – HTML5 Random Gallery SlideshowBuzz Theme

Also if you like you can instantiate the gallery to fit the browser’s viewport regardless of the screen resolution. This gallery is using the GPU (hardware acceleration), the rendering speed and performance is impeccable on desktop computers and most importantly on mobile devices. The HTML5 Random Gallery Slideshow comes in with 3 different embed styles: Fixed Dimensions, Full Width and Full Screen. Media Rename. Comment renommer des fichiers dans la bibliothèque de médias WordPress - WordPress Tribe. Rename your files for internal search and SEO This will show you an easy way to rename files in WordPress using the Media Rename plugin.

Comment renommer des fichiers dans la bibliothèque de médias WordPress - WordPress Tribe

Why would you want to do this? If you’ve uploaded files to your media library named something like “6.jpg” this makes it very hard to find when you’re searching the media library in WordPress. This also makes the process of naming the images title and alt-text field that search engines use more difficult as well. CodeCanyon – WorderbyPress v1.2 – DownloadBuzz Theme. It’s fully integrated into WordPress edition pages!

CodeCanyon – WorderbyPress v1.2 – DownloadBuzz Theme

This plugin is the perfect solution to re-order nerly any type of content even if those contents are created by another plugin or by your theme. This plugin can be integrated into any theme with an extended licence and as it’s totally unbranded, you don’t need to do anything special to provide it into your own themes or plugins! Ninja Popups v2.4 for WordPress Plugin (Latest Version) – CodeCanyonBuzz Theme. Download – Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin v.4.0.6 – CodeCanyonBuzz Theme. Version 4.0.6 SkyWood release Date 15.11.2013. Create a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs. This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

Download – Visual Composer v3.6.14.1 for WordPress [Latest Version] – CodecanyonBuzz Theme. Visual Composer for WordPress will save you tons of time working on the site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! CodeCanyon – Flipping Cards 3D v.2.0 – WordPress – DownloadBuzz Theme. Flipping Cards 3D – WordPress: Colection of Flips and Effects of cards using CSS 3D and jQuery. Easy to implement with your WordPress. Works in all modern browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox). IE fallback of fade effect. Custom Backgrounds for WordPress. With WordPress 3.0 a new feature was introduced called custom backgrounds for WordPress themes. This feature gives you the ability to add custom backgrounds on your site, which will your site a unique touch. However have you ever wanted to have different backgrounds on Pages, Posts, Categories, Search page, Home page and Front page?