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Firefox OS / Open Apps

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Creating multiple pages with navigation menus - W3C Wiki. Introduction In this article of the Web Standards Curriculum we’ll talk about web site navigation and menus.

Creating multiple pages with navigation menus - W3C Wiki

You’ll learn about different types of menus and how to create them in HTML. We’ll also touch on the subject of menu usability and accessibility. Home. Firefox OS Tutorial : Episode 2 : Hello World. Welcome to Episode 2 of the Firefox OS Tutorial.

Firefox OS Tutorial : Episode 2 : Hello World

This series will take you through the steps to writing Firefox OS Apps. This episode is about writing our first Hello World program on Firefox OS. Prerequisites You have setup your machine with the Firefox OS Simulator. If not, you can check out Episode 1, which takes you through the entire setup. Brief Overview of Firefox OS Apps Firefox OS supports 2 kinds of applications : Hosted Apps and Packaged Apps. Hosted Apps are those that are hosted at a web url. The advantage of hosted apps is that you can update them easily and all your users will get the latest version immediately on next access.

Packaged Apps take the opposite approach. The Firefox Marketplace which we shall we in a later episode supports listing of both Hosted and Packaged Applications. Episode 2 in Action Let us check out the application in action first. What we shall write is a mobile application that will give us details on the different Pincodes in India. Development Cycle. Robnyman/Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App. Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App/js/webapp.js at gh-pages · robnyman/Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App. Brick. To include Brick in your project, include your downloaded stylesheet and script files in your project's page like normal: Using any of Brick's components is as simple as including the respective tag in your HTML markup.


(See individual component docs for details.) Important: To run code relying on any of Brick's tags, make sure to wait until the x-tags library's "DOMComponentsLoaded" event instead of just window.onload: document.addEventListener('DOMComponentsLoaded', function(){ // run code here. Tag: x-appbar Version: 0.2.12 Source: Bower: x-tag-appbar An x-appbar is a simple component emulating the standard layout of a header seen at the top of a mobile application. Attributes heading Edits the large header text. subheading Edits the small optional subheader text. Getters Gets the large header text.

Gets the small optional subheader text. Setters Sets the large header text. Sets the small optional subheader text Tag: x-calendar Version: 0.1.6 Source: Bower: x-tag-calendar controls multiple. App Center. Learn how to create modern web apps using the latest web technologies and ideas — web apps that will have super powers in the latest modern browsers, but still provide an acceptable user experience in less able browsers.

App Center

Modern app techniques Progressive web apps Progressive web apps involve taking standard web sites/apps that enjoy all the best parts of the Web — such as discoverability via search engines, being linkable via URLs, and working across multiple form factors — and supercharging them with modern APIs (such as Service Workers and Push) and features that confer other benefits more commonly attributed to native apps. App fundamentals The guides listed below cover common areas of functionality that you'll want to cover/implement in web apps. Quickstart This Quick Start guide introduces a recommended tool chain for creating web apps, and outlines the specific requirements for building Firefox OS applications. Basic data flow Modern web app architecture Gather and modify data Work offline. Firefox OS Guidelines — Mozilla Style Guide. This guide serves as a resource to designers and developers to help define the visual style for their Firefox OS apps.

Firefox OS Guidelines — Mozilla Style Guide

The guide has been divided into the following sections: Many of the core visual design assets and layout elements are provided within the guide, however below are some of the core design characteristics that should always be followed. Shape forms are Bold, Geometric but with hints of organic softness. UI communicates a sense of handcrafted design through careful content layout and strong use of typography. Design is minimal, effective and intuitive but doesn’t feel soulless; has warmth. Use the assets (vector source) and our principles to make your apps not only fit within the greater system but also have their own unique identity. Hacking Firefox OS. A lot of developers are already creating mobile applications using Web technologies (powered by containers like Phonegap/Cordova as an example), usually to develop cross platform applications or leverage their current code and/or expertise. As a consequence Firefox OS is a very intriguing project for quite a few reasons: