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This is a place that our TEAM members around the World will collect and share Web site about philosophy.

Philosophy consists of the contemplative investigation of the most fundamental aspects of existence, life, knowledge, and value.

Philosophy concerns itself with how to live one's life (ethics), what one knows, can know, and how one knows it (epistemology), and what can be said to exist (metaphysics).

The word philosophy comes from the Greek word philos, meaning love/affinity/friendship, and the Greek word sophia, meaning wisdom. So a philosopher is literally a lover of wisdom. International Bureau of Education. Bureau international d'éducation. Oficina Internacional de Educacion. IBE. BIE. OIE. | : Thinkers on Education. ISPME – Home. 620pixeltable. The Journal of Philosophy.

Faculté des lettres - Plan d'études - Philosophie. Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Suber) Welcome to my collection of online philosophy resources. If you are stuck in a frame, click here to escape. If you are a frequent visitor, press reload or refresh on occasion to be sure that you are viewing the most recent version of the page, not the version cached on your hard drive from your last visit.

I've marked recommended sites with a red star . Generally the starred sites are those I've found especially helpful for shortening the search for what one wants, as opposed to outstanding sites in themselves for which one ought to search. One day I may rate both. When the whole file loads, use the search command on your browser to find items by keyword. To register to receive an email announcement whenever this page is revised, see the bottom of this file. If speed is a problem, try one of the mirror sites in Germany (München, single-file version) or Italy (Bari, single-file version), or Italy (Bari, multi-file version). About this guide. The Royal Institute of Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Molecular Biology of Paradise. Zeno's Coffeehouse from RonBarnette.Com. (Since 1994) Zeno of Elea, a pre-Socratic philosopher, was born about 490 B.C.

His style of argument was to assume, provisionally, the position of the opponent, and then to derive impossible conclusions from it, thus establishing the absurdity of the assumption. In the spirit of this Reductio Ad Absurdum dialectical approach to critical thinking, our Coffeehouse activities will tackle from time to time so-called 'common sense views,' analyzed critically. The mental gymnastics will be good exercise!...... Ron Barnette, ZENO's proprietor (And thanks to our many worldwide patrons, I am shamelessly proud to share many awards and recognitions Zeno's has received!)

NEW CHALLENGE: Maggie's Road Trip For a fun interactive treat, try your hand at Ann Dixon's Prisoner's Dilemma game! And always remember, "At Zeno's, Don't Ever Ask Anyone to Meet You Halfway" The results of our first Zeno's challenge are in. The results of our third Zeno's challenge are now in. Finally!! "Who's Saying What? " Wow! Philosophy Pages. Philosophy of Education. 1. Problems in delineating the field There is a large—and ever expanding—number of works designed to give guidance to the novice setting out to explore the domain of philosophy of education; most if not all of the academic publishing houses have at least one representative of this genre on their list, and the titles are mostly variants of the following archetypes: The History and Philosophy of Education, The Philosophical Foundations of Education, Philosophers on Education, Three Thousand Years of Educational Wisdom, A Guide to the Philosophy of Education, and Readings in Philosophy of Education.

Part of the explanation for this diffuse state of affairs is that, quite reasonably, many philosophers of education have the goal (reinforced by their institutional affiliation with Schools of Education and their involvement in the initial training of teachers) of contributing not to philosophy but to educational policy and practice. 1.1 The open nature of philosophy and philosophy of education. Confucius, K'ung-fu-tzu. Confucius, (Wade-Giles K'ung-fu-tzu, Pinyin Kongfuzi), or , Master K'ung (551-479 BC), whose life defines the end of the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, becomes long after his death the dominant Chinese philosopher both morally and politically. In the Warring States Period Mencius (Meng Tzu, , c.390-305 BC) extended and systematized Confucius's ideas; but with Confucius's adoption in the Hàn Dynasty as the official moral and political doctrine of the State, the Confucian tradition became so broad that "Scholar" or "Literatus" became all but synonymous with "Confucian," and so Confucianism could simply be called the Ju Chia [ ], or School of the Literati -- one of the Six Schools of Chinese philosophy.

Or (the three "doctrines" or religions), together with Taoism [ ] and Buddhism [ ], Confucianism [ ] also grew into one of the traditional religions of the Hàn Chinese [1]. The following table gives the basic moral terminology of Confucius, with the Chinese characters. ) rule. ). . Your favourite philosophy web sites!

Solipsism OnlineFrom the site: "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? " (Queen 'Bohemian Rhapsody')Nominated by Geoffrey KlempnerAgainst Professional PhilosophyFrom the site: "We are here to tell about the the ups-and-downs of being a professional philosopher, to provide a serious critique of contemporary professional philosophy, and to look towards the real philosophy of the future. Join us! "Nominated by Geoffrey KlempnerMeta TreksFrom the site: "Hosted by Zachary Fruhling and Mike Morrison — both of whom have philosophy backgrounds — Meta Treks addresses the philosophical arguments that shape how the stories speak to us on a human level"Nominated by Zachary FruhlingLev Shestov (official site)"His main theme expressed in his principal work 'Athens and Jerusalem' is that faith (i.e. a feeling) is central to the human condition and rationality (philosophy as cognitive science) has only utilitarian value.

" Squashed Philosophers Abridged Editions - Home Page. Society: Philosophy. Wholeness Seminar Home page. Internet Archive Library, Complete Index of Writers. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Founder of British Empiricism. [Biography] Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Founder of French Rationalism. [Biography] Denis Diderot (1713-1784) French materialist philosopher. [Biography] Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English poet and revolutionary-atheist.

G W F Hegel (1770-1831) 50+ The greatest philosopher of “German Idealism,” theorist of modern dialectics and the most important influence on Marx and Engels and essential to Marxism. “The history of philosophy deals not with a past, but with an eternal and veritable present: and resembles not a museum of the aberrations of the human intellect, but a Pantheon of godlike figures, one after another in dialectical development.” Cyril Smith Auguste Comte (1798-1857) Founder of Positivism, an early advocate of the emancipation of women. Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) German philosopher, materialist and atheist critic of Hegel, and an influence on the young Marx in the 1840s. JB Baillie (18?? William James. Bertrand Russell on God (1959) Studies in Comparative Philosophy by Swami Krishnananda.

Northwest Center for Philosophy for Children. A Dedication to Spinoza's Insights - Joseph B. Yesselman's Home Page. Ludwig von Mises Institute. Lev Shestov homepage - site Leon Chestov. Film-Philosophy. Society for Philosophy and Technology - volume 4, number 3. The Online Books Page. Listing over 3 million free books on the Web - Updated Thursday, May 13, 2021 Search our Listings -- New Listings -- Authors -- Titles -- Subjects -- Serials We reach Public Domain Day, and 3 million titles -- Blog (Everybody's Libraries) -- Latest Book Listings A Celebration of Women Writers -- Banned Books Online -- Prize Winners Online General -- Non-English Language -- Specialty About Us -- FAQ -- Get Involved! Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom ( OBP copyrights and licenses.

Alain Badiou - Professor of Philosophy. Alain Badiou, Ph.D., born in Rabat, Morocco in 1937, holds the Rene Descartes Chair at the European Graduate School EGS. Alain Badiou was a student at the École Normale Supérieure in the 1950s. He taught at the University of Paris VIII (Vincennes-Saint Denis) from 1969 until 1999, when he returned to ENS as the Chair of the philosophy department. He continues to teach a popular seminar at the Collège International de Philosophie, on topics ranging from the great 'antiphilosophers' (Saint-Paul, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Lacan) to the major conceptual innovations of the twentieth century. Much of Badiou's life has been shaped by his dedication to the consequences of the May 1968 revolt in Paris. Trained as a mathematician, Alain Badiou is one of the most original French philosophers today. Influenced by Plato, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze, he is an outspoken critic of both the analytic as well as the postmodern schools of thoughts.

Ereignis - Martin Heidegger in English. @ Punktmannigfaltigkeit Welcome to my Heidegger site. It contains information on the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) and links to related web pages in English. The rest of this page has all the links ordered chronologically, with the most recent additions at the top. From Bloomsbury Academic A new book of essays The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger Edited by François Raffoul and Eric S.

With contributions from François Raffoul, Eric S. Towards the Rehabilitation of the Will in Contemporary Philosophy [PDF] Vincent Blok In general, Heidegger’s concept of Gelassenheit is interpreted as ‘indifference’ to ethical duties, as a quietism that withdraws from the world. The Fourfold and the Framework:Heidegger’s Topological Critique of Technology [DOC] Jeff Malpas The Event, in contrast to the Framework, is thus in noway a ‘violent’ mode of revealing, but allows things to come forth in theirdifference and unity, in their distance and their nearness. James M. Gavin Rae Robert D. Philosophy of Religion. Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law and Society - CCELS. The Meaning of Life. Philosophy Research Base. Introducing Philosophy series. "Where Panentheism, Revisionism, and Anarchocapitalism Coalesce" is a web community dedicated to philosophical thinking. is a web community dedicated to philosophical thinking.

Metaphysics Resource Page. On Truth & Reality: Philosophy Physics Metaphysics of Space, Wave Structure of Matter. Famous Science Art Quotes. EpistemeLinks: For Philosophy Resources on the Internet. Giambattistavico. PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy. Practical Ethics. Welcome to Philosophical Investigations. [Web Philo] aide en philosophie pour préparer le bac philo et les concours. Invitation à la philosophie. Entree. PHILOSOPHIE.- Dictionnaire philosophique. Index. Philosophie et spiritualité. Utilisation des données personnelles Envoi d’e-mailings personnalisés SFR peut utiliser vos informations personnelles pour vous proposer des offres adaptées, directement sur le site ou lors de communications par e-mails.

Dans ce cadre, au clic sur un des liens de ces e-mails, SFR vous permet d’être reconnu sur l’intégralité du site, avec un accès à des offres spécifiques. Gestion des cookies Lors de la navigation sur le site SFR, des cookies sont implantés dans votre navigateur. Nous vous informons que vous pouvez vous opposer à l'enregistrement de cookies en configurant votre navigateur de la manière suivante : Pour Microsoft Internet Explorer :1. Gestion des cookies de publicité ciblée de nos partenaires Des sociétés partenaires (gérant des serveurs de publicité ou des réseaux de sites) peuvent utiliser des cookies ou des technologies assimilées dans le cadre de la délivrance de publicités ciblées sur le stite SFR. Mémorisation de votre identifiant de connexion: PhiloSophie.

Tabhist0. Encyclopédie hypertexte de la philosophie. A PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud (1932) Lecture XXXV A Philosophy of Life Source: New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis (1933) publ. Hogarth Press. Last lecture reproduced here. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN – In the last lecture we were occupied with trivial everyday affairs, with putting, as it were, our modest house in order. We will now take a bold step, and risk an answer to a question which has repeatedly been raised in non-analytic quarters, namely, the question whether psychoanalysis leads to any particular Weltanschauung, and if so, to what.

‘Weltanschauung’ is, I am afraid, a specifically German notion, which it would be difficult to translate into a foreign language. If that is what is meant by a Weltanschauung, then the question is an easy one for psychoanalysis to answer. This objection cannot be too strongly repudiated. This does not at all imply that we need push these wishes contemptuously aside, or under-estimate their value in the lives of human beings. L'éternité n'est pas tant dans le temps que le temps n'est dans l'éternité. Malebranche, Entretiens sur la métaphysique. Commentez cette citation. L'éternité n'est pas tant dans le temps que le temps n'est dans l'éternité. Malebranche, Entretiens sur la métaphysique.

Commentez cette citation. Dissertations Commentaires Citations Fiches de lecture POUR LE SUJET: L'homme est-il réellement libre ? << Aussi, quoique nous ne nous souvenions pas d' ...Le mystère des choses est la source de toute L'éternité n'est pas tant dans le temps que le temps n'est dans l'éternité. Citation Signaler un abus administration Ajouter au panierAbonnementEchange gratuit Corrigé non disponible Le corrigé du sujet "L'éternité n'est pas tant dans le temps que le temps n'est dans l'éternité. Sujets connexes : Derniers corrigés ajoutés : Les derniers sujets consultés : tant pas temps entretiens n'est sur Afficher les ressources gratuites Problématique Ajoutez une PROBLEMATIQUE pour le sujet : L'éternité n'est pas tant dans le temps que le temps n'est dans l'éternité. Plan détaillé Textes / Ouvrages de référence Citations Ajouté par webmaster Quelle est la couleur de la tomate ? Roman Philosophy 

Accueil. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ancient Greek philosophy. Philosophie. Philosophy official site | skin care products | bath & beauty | perfume. Philosophie. Philosophy, in its original Greek use, meant love of wisdom, both theoretical and practical.

Philosophy Philosophy, in its original Greek use, meant love of wisdom, both theoretical and practical. On the theoretical side (sometimes called "natural philosophy") philosophers inquired into the origin, composition and structure of the universe, and into the nature of human beings and their place in the universe. On the practical side ("moral philosophy") they considered questions of conduct, such as the nature of the good life for individuals and how we should organize our dealings with each other, both in the private sphere and in public institutions such as the state.

Sometimes philosophers were thought of as sages, persons of wisdom and good judgment who, perhaps, like the philosopher Socrates facing execution, show equanimity in the face of adversity - as when we accept a disappointment "philosophically. " Canadian PluralismCanada is pluralistic in several different ways. Logic Epistemology. Canadian Philosophical Association - L'Association canadienne de philosophie. Evolutionary Pragmatism. A Discourse on a Modern Philosophy For the 21stCentury By Stuart A. Burns Welcome to my Home Page! The essays attached to this Home Page are the results of my contemplations.

The Main Text Question and Answer Time Some Essays on Related Topics On Economic Value - An analysis of Marx's Labour Theory of Value. Some Shorter Essays Count Your Blessings - A Nice Thought to Brighten Your Day A Science Fiction Yarn - A Not-so-Fictional Yarn Disclaimer I make no claim to any monopoly on good ideas. In this modern age of Internet access, vast amounts of material written by other authors is readily available for cut-and-paste use. Appendix. おすすめブックマーク Filosofía para Niños. The US philosopher Mathew Lipman, created Philosophy for Children in 1969, and nowadays more than 50 countries from all continents has applied its program. The goal has nothing to do with trying to convert these children and teenagers into professional philosophers, but instead, its aim is to develop and preserve their critical, creative and caring thinking and attitude.

The program is based on: Description of the Program The philosophical issues are presented in a daily language. The program has been structured in different levels, that corresponds to different ages and courses. According to the possibilities, and the children’s interests and necessities, it’s possible to organise the following schedule, that is supposed to be worked in a spiral manner and which plots should be recaptured each time more deeply. 1) First approach to the methodological basic points that tends to develop the ability of communication, of expression, participation and co-operation among the kids. Objetives. Islamic Philosophy Online. Early Modern Texts - Philosophers and Philosophy Topics. Palinurus: Engaging Political Philosophy. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Intro. Philosophical Powers: Philosophy Action Figures. PACTISS – Philosophers and Critical Thinkers in Senior Schools: Resources for Educators | You can upload and share your resources as well as download what you need. Rescources, reviews, discussion, and books for students and general readers interested in philosophy - Philosophy Online. Oscar Brenifier | Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques. Scottish Philosophy, jewel in the crown of the Scottish Enlightenment.

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