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44 tips cards for photographers to cut out and keep or browse on your phone! Digital Camera magazine has been putting pop-out tips cards on its covers for dozens of issues (find out how to subscribe below), so we thought why not put our favorites online?

44 tips cards for photographers to cut out and keep or browse on your phone!

We've picked out a selection of cards to keep you busy during the coronavirus crisis, and they include camera theory, tips for portraits and people shots, ideas for things to photograph in the garden and little projects you can tackle at home. They've been sized specially for easy on-screen viewing, and not just on a desktop computer but on the smaller screen of a tablet or a smartphone. And if you can't easily read the text on your phone, just turn it sideways. For those who prefer paper to pixels, see our diagram below.

You can download any of these cards, print them out, trim them and fold them. Need a printer? • The best all-in-one printer for home working • The best photo printer right now • The best portable printer for photos Download and print 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nature in the garden People and portraits 1. 2. 3. Diffusion Science radio. Public Library of Science: Open Access. The Case for Open Access Open Access (OA) stands for unrestricted access and unrestricted reuse.

Public Library of Science: Open Access

Here’s why that matters. Most publishers own the rights to the articles in their journals. Anyone who wants to read the articles must pay to access them. Anyone who wants to use the articles in any way must obtain permission from the publisher and is often required to pay an additional fee. Although many researchers can access the journals they need via their institution and think that their access is free, in reality it is not.

Paying for access to content makes sense in the world of print publishing, where providing content to each new reader requires the production of an additional copy, but online it makes much less sense to charge for content when it is possible to provide access to all readers anywhere in the world. PLOS Takes a Different Approach PLOS applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to works we publish. Neuroscience Daily. Tiede - Etusivu. Työpiste :) Ajankohtaista tieteestä, terveydestä ja koulutukses. Tietysti. Kuukauden tutkija Auringon hiukkassade vaikuttaa ilmakehään Akatemiatutkija Annika Seppälä haluaa saada ilmastomalleihin niistä puuttuvan paikallisissa mittakaavoissa oleellisen tiedon – sen, miten Auringosta tulevat hiukkaset vaikuttavat ilmakehän kemialliseen koostumukseen.


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Science and technology research news

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PLoS Biology : Publishing science, accelerating research

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