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Bail conditions shackle editor student newspaper #mediablackout

Editorial: Thank you and goodbye? The future of LS. ULU is forecast to run out of money in March or, at the latest, April.

Editorial: Thank you and goodbye? The future of LS

London Student is allotted about £40k a year to run on; we’re running somewhat over this budget currently and it’s quite possible that we won’t have the money to print an eighth issue, so it’s time to ask the question: is this the last London Student of the year and, indeed, ever? The University of London has not yet said what exactly it plans to do with ULU and with London Student in the future. A detailed plan for their so-called ‘student centre’ has not yet been released. It’s possible that they will keep us as a ‘service’ but equally possible that we’ll be sent to the chopping block, or at least that’s what the university intends: whether we’ll lie down and meekly accept our fate is another question.

London Student has a long and colourful history, which dates back to at least the 1920s when we had a precursor called Vincula. ULU: University of London threatens to kill Europe’s largest student newspaper. The University of London this week confirmed its intention to shut down the London Student Newspaper.

ULU: University of London threatens to kill Europe’s largest student newspaper

London Student has been published in various forms since 1954 and has served the University of London community with a variety of news, investigations, comment, sport and culture. FreezePage. Guardian: Europe's largest student newspaper to close after union loses battle to save it. The London Student, the largest student newspaper in Europe, is to close after the university's union failed to secure emergency funding to rescue it.

guardian: Europe's largest student newspaper to close after union loses battle to save it

The union, which will lose its own funding from the university at the end of the year, had hoped to argue that the newspaper was an essential service that the university should continue to fund. But Michael Chessum, the president of the University of London Union (ULU), which has funded and published a student newspaper since the 1920s, said that a last-ditch approach to university managers to ask for one more year's funding in order to secure alternative backing had been turned down. The funding request was for a one-off payment of £54,000 spread across 19 colleges that make up the university. Grootste studentenblad van Europa verdwijnt. De laatste editie van de London Student.

Grootste studentenblad van Europa verdwijnt

Studenten10 juli 2014 9:04 |Het studentenblad met de grootste achterban van Europa, de London Student van de University of London, wordt opgedoekt. Dat bericht het Britse dagblad The Guardian. De University of London, dat bestaat uit negentien tamelijk onafhankelijke colleges, wil een benodigde eenmalige toelage van 54.000 pond niet aan het blad geven. Daarmee komt een einde aan de geschiedenis van het studentenblad die bijna een eeuw duurde. De universiteit had eerder aangegeven niet langer vast bij te willen dragen aan het magazine, maar de redactie en studentenorganisaties hadden het universiteitsbestuur gevraagd om een eenmalige bijdrage van iets meer dan een halve ton.

Studentenorganisaties zijn woedend dat de bestuurders – die gezamenlijk meer dan vier miljoen pond per jaar verdienen – het blad niet willen redden. Lees hier het volledige bericht op de site van The Guardian. Closure of London Student newspaper is an affront to free thought. University of London students protest in 2013 against the planned closure of the students union.

Closure of London Student newspaper is an affront to free thought

The university's student-run newspaper is now to be axed. Photograph: Paul Davey/Demotix/Corbis Last week, the University of London announced that at the end of July it would shut down its student newspaper, London Student, after nearly a century in production. London Student prints over 12,000 copies a fortnight in term time, making it the largest independent student newspaper in the country and in Europe. Clarifying the University of London's position on London Student newspaper. Further to the letter in the Guardian (Closure of London Student newspaper is an affront to free thought, 15 July), there are several issues that need to be addressed.

Clarifying the University of London's position on London Student newspaper

On 1 July the outgoing president of ULU asked the university (the heads of the federal colleges of the university) to fund London Student for a year. Unsurprisingly, they declined this expense, since their former subsidy for ULU is now being devoted to their own local student unions and services. At the same meeting, Shelly Asquith, the founding convenor of the NUS London proto-committee, asked for funding for a post for NUS London (in contradiction to NUS's declared position). This was declined, but efforts to find funding to support elements of the NUS London agenda was offered – Ms Asquith described this as "fantastic news". This is in the context of a decision to close ULU, itself the result of a university review in 2013. The full review was published in May 2013. LSE accused of misuing surveillance powers to spy on journalists. The London School of Economics (LSE) has been accused of intercepting the communications data of journalists looking into allegations of wrongdoing within the university.

LSE accused of misuing surveillance powers to spy on journalists

Ellen Wilkie, executive editor of the Beaver, told London Student that her newspaper has compiled evidence the school managed to gain access to the contents of a sensitive email which concerns a news investigation. The newspaper has been looking into “serious allegations of wrongdoing” within the school for over a year as part of an ongoing investigation. The story, which is expected to be released next week, may involve elements of criminal activity. Journalists were alarmed when a key source received an ‘out of office reply’ from a member of the LSE legal team, having sent an email to the Beaver’s executive editor. Only one other student, using an LSE-registered ( email address, was copied into the message.