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Dan Dennett on our consciousness. Science is showing how the brain's development affects free will | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/08/2012. A baseball player, for example, "sees the ball and hits the ball" without waiting to think about it. The batter has practiced recognizing the pitch and timing the swing until lower nerve centers govern the process. Similarly, a skilled pianist is able to perform complex compositions on the keys while carrying on a conversation or planning a dinner.

The individual brain forms many such connections through thousands of hours of practice; other modules have developed in the brain of the species over millions of years of evolution. Therefore, we jump when something is slithering in the nearby grass, even those of us who have never seen a snake; moreover, we share this innate response with other primates on the same basis. The author maintains that the brain, like the Internet, functions with no one center in charge. Often, two or more subsystems operate in parallel while performing a task. Gazzaniga's conclusions, however, draw on research that is more sophisticated. Anesthesia as a consciousness scalpel. I’ve just written a piece for the Discover Magazine blog The Crux about a new study that used anaesthetics to “put people under” and test the limits of their conscious mind even after they’d stopped responding to the outside world. Doing psychology experiments on people undergoing anaesthesia is not a new idea but it has always been done on people who volunteered due to undergoing genuine surgery.

But this was the first study to put volunteers under anaesthesia solely as part of an experiment. In this case, the experiment tested whether people had conscious experiences despite being unable to respond to outside stimuli – the medical definition of being unconscious. It turns out the conscious mind keeps working way past the point where people are medically defined as unconscious. In addition to the standard surgical way of checking unconsciousness, participants were also regularly asked to open their eyes to check when they stopped and started responding. More at the link below. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience : A transcriptomic analysis of type I-III neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Abstract The activity of neurons in the anterolateral cell group of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTALG) plays a critical role in anxiety- and stress-related behaviors.

Histochemical studies have suggested that multiple distinct neuronal phenotypes exist in the BNSTALG. Consistent with this observation, the physiological properties of BNSTALG neurons are also heterogeneous, and three distinct cell types can be defined (Types I–III) based primarily on their expression of four key membrane currents, namely Ih, IA, IT, and IK(IR). Significantly, all four channels are multimeric proteins and can comprise of more than one pore-forming α subunit. Hence, differential expression of α subunits may further diversify the neuronal population. However, nothing is known about the relative expression of these ion channel α subunits in BNSTALG neurons. Keywords Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. People Will Virtually Kill One to Save Five. It’s a moral and ethical problem that has been studied before: you see a train heading towards five hikers and you have the power to save them.

Just pull a switch to make the train swerve out of the way on another track. BUT you’ll kill another hiker who won’t see the train coming at all. What do you do? Intervene? Variations on this have vexed philosophers (and their students) for decades. BLOG: Suicide by Roller Coaster He created a 3D, virtual environment in which subjects would experience the actual situation.

The result itself wasn’t that surprising: of the 147 participants, 133 (90.5 percent) pulled the switch to divert the train, resulting in the death of the one person. PHOTOS: The Darkest Side of Science The new data shows, however, that participants who did not pull the switch were more emotionally aroused. Image / Video: Michigan State University. Loi d'attraction - Argent, Abondance, Amour, réussite - Le Vortex. [FR] Une théorie de la conscience une vidéo High tech et Science. David Lynch: la conscience, la créativité et le cerveau. Watching 'Jersey Shore' might make you dumber, study suggests. Elisabetta Villa / Getty Images Watching these "Jersey Shore" goofballs might influence your smarts more than you realize, a new study suggests. Oh, dear. By Melissa Dahl, NBC News Take note, fans of mindless reality shows like "Jersey Shore": New research suggests watching something dumb might make you dumber.

In other words, you are what you watch. It's called media priming -- the idea that the things we watch or listen to or read influence our emotions and our behavior, perhaps more than we realize. In an experiment, volunteers were told to read a fake screenplay about a character they refer to as a "foolish soccer hooligan. " Some of the 81 volunteers were instructed to read a longer version of the "soccer hooligan" story, while others read a shorter version -- and the control group read a rather boring story in which Meier does nothing stupid. Think you're too smart to be influenced by the media you consume? MIT TechTV – Social Cognition and Collective Intelligence.

Les virtuoses de la mémoire. Miracle en Prison - Vipassana, The Living Matrix. De la physique quantique à la thérapie informationnelle en passant par le champ corporel humain et à la cohérence cardiaque, ce film explore des idées novatrices au sujet de la santé. Des scientifiques, chercheurs, journalistes et des thérapeutes holistiques partagent leurs connaissances, leurs expériences et leurs visions. Dans le film, des chercheurs et praticiens révèlent les théories scientifiques sous-jacentes aux guérisons alternatives et offrent leurs perspectives sur le changement de paradigme dans la santé que peuvent apporter ces nouveaux concepts. Grâce aux recherches les plus récentes, découvrez comment mobiliser votre propre pouvoir d’auto-guérison, et transformez votre vision sur la santé, le bien-être et comment les conserver. Ce film est le premier documentaire présentant des chercheurs, journalistes scientifiques et praticiens de renommée internationale sur le thème des champs d’énergie et d’information dans le domaine de la santé.

People will virtually kill one to save five. It’s a moral and ethical problem that has been studied before: you see a train heading towards five hikers and you have the power to save them. Just pull a switch to make the train swerve out of the way on another track. BUT you’ll kill another hiker who won’t see the train coming at all. What do you do? Intervene? Variations on this have vexed philosophers (and their students) for decades. Full story at Discovery News. More news from Discovery Communications. Photo credit: Fotolia. People Will Virtually Kill One to Save Five. Want to be happy? Don't live in the UK | Money.

Miserable weather, not enough holidays, and lower life expectancy ... why live in the UK? Photograph: Gerry Penny/EPA The UK and Ireland have been named as the worst places to live in Europe for quality of life, according to research published today. The UK has the 4th highest age – 63.1 – at which people choose or can afford to take retirement, and one of the lowest holiday entitlements. Net household income in the UK is just £2,314 above the European average, compared with £10,000 above average last year, falling behind Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark. UK workers enjoy a week less holiday than the European average and three weeks less than the Spanish, while the UK's spend (as a percentage of GDP) on health and education is below the European average and UK food and diesel prices are the highest in Europe. Unleaded petrol, electricity, alcohol and cigarettes all cost more than the average across the continent.

The Blog : The Mystery of Consciousness. (Photo by AlicePopkorn) You are not aware of the electrochemical events occurring at each of the trillion synapses in your brain at this moment. But you are aware, however dimly, of sights, sounds, sensations, thoughts, and moods. At the level of your experience, you are not a body of cells, organelles, and atoms; you are consciousness and its ever-changing contents, passing through various stages of wakefulness and sleep, and from cradle to grave. The term “consciousness” is notoriously difficult to define.

To say that a creature is conscious, therefore, is not to say anything about its behavior; no screams need be heard, or wincing seen, for a person to be in pain. It is surely a sign of our intellectual progress that a discussion of consciousness no longer has to begin with a debate about its existence. As our understanding of the physical world has evolved, our notion of what counts as “physical” has broadened considerably. Such numinous influences eventually subsided. Powerful Facts About Visual Communication | The Mindjet Blog. Did you know that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text? Or how about the fact that they are processed simultaneously? I wanted to share some interesting facts about visuals with you today from an article by Mike Parkinson of Ever wonder why you can process visuals so much faster than text? This is because visuals are processed simultaneously whereas words are processed sequentially.

A study commissioned by 3M Corporation, suggests that you can be 43% more effective when using visual aids as a presenter. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab asked 2,440 participants how they evaluated the credibility of a web site they were shown. Why is this the case? Graphics do what text alone cannot do. 1) Cognitively: “Graphics expedite and increase our level of communication. 2) Emotionally: “Pictures enhance or affect emotions and attitudes. As you can see, having the right visuals is incredibly powerful. Related. Elvis in potato chip neuroscience. A new study just published in Cerebral Cortex on the neuroscience on how we see meaningful information in unpatterned visual scenes, seems a little fixated on Elvis. The study concludes: Future studies of the neural processing relevant to pareidolia and to meaning more generally may provide novel insights into how the organization of conceptual processing differs across individuals (see also Pizzagalli et al. 2001), thereby addressing the question of what neurocognitive architecture is necessary to see a potato chip not just as a tasty snack but as the embodiment of Elvis.

They even include a photo of the potato chip (proper spelling: crisp) that supposedly contains the image of The King which you can see above. Unfortunately, I can’t see it, which I suspect means my brain has been ruined by the overuse of Fidonet as a child. Link to Elvis obsessed neuroscience study. Les médecines douces remboursées. Un institut indépendant jugera La commission fédérale des prestations générales, critiquée de toutes parts, sera réorganisée. Sa composition devra être revue et en particulier le fait que la présidence soit assurée par un collaborateur de l’Office fédéral de la santé publique.

Cette commission devra se prononcer sur l’efficacité des médecines complémentaires se basant sur les expertises émises par un institut internationalement reconnu qui devra livrer ses recommandations. Satisfaction au sein de l'Union des sociétés suisses de médecine complémentaire: son président Hansueli Albonico souligne «la manière d'agir scrupuleuse» du conseiller fédéral Didier Burkhalter. Cette association n'a rien contre le fait qu'il faille de nouveau prouver le respect des critères et elle est persuadée que les lacunes pourront être comblées. L'Organisation suisse des patients (OSP) se réjouit elle aussi. «Nous comptons désormais sur l'engagement des milieux intéressés pour que le 'mais' puisse être levé».

New test for consciousness in 'comatose' patients. The Coma Science Group (CRCyclotron, University of Liège /Liège University Hospital), led by Dr Steven Laureys, has developed, along with its partners in London, Ontario, (Canada) and Cambridge (England), a portable test which will permit a simpler and less expensive diagnosis of 'vegetative' patients who still have consciousness, despite the fact that they do not have the means to express it.

The researchers' conclusions are published this week in The Lancet. The desire to develop this simple test of consciousness, at the patient's bedside, follows on from previous research carried out by the Coma Science Group. Professor Steven Laureys and his colleagues had in effect already demonstrated, in 2009, that 40% of so-called 'vegetative' patients had been badly diagnosed and that in reality they retained a certain degree of consciousness. The new test described this week in The Lancet should change this situation. Scientists Measure Dream Content For The First Time. Brain Scanner Records Dreams on Video. Just a few weeks ago, we posted about how brain patterns can reveal almost exactly what you're thinking. Now, researchers at UC Berkeley have figured out how to extract what you're picturing inside your head, and they can play it back on video. The way this works is very similar to the mind-reading technique that we covered earlier this month.

A functional MRI (fMRI) machine watches the patterns that appear in people's brains as they watch a movie, and then correlates those patterns with the image on the screen. With these data, a complex computer model was created to predict the relationships between a given brain pattern and a given image, and a huge database was created that matched 18,000,000 seconds worth of random YouTube videos to possible brain patterns. Comparing the brain-scan video to the original video is just a way to prove that the system works, but there's nothing stopping this technique from being used to suck video out of people's heads directly. Physics and Consciousness Body Energy Frequency by StarStuffs. "To know the mechanics of the wave is to know the entire secret of Nature. " Walter Russell The psychodynamics of the mind as an electromagnetic structure establishes the nature and reality of consciousness as an interdimensional energy process.

It is an electrical process of cause and effect. Our consciousness determines our vibration (frequency and amplitude) When we realize that time and space are really ONE I think we then go beyond a simple understanding. When our energy-amplitude is raised higher it is synonymous with our frequency (time) getting higher. For instance, You are standing by raise your energy, which raises your frequency [if you are efficient at it {efficient in science is least amount of work for the energy expended)]. This parallels the concept of the Superstring theory which assumes there are an infinite and alternate series of parallel universes that exist. Music: "The energy of the heart, right down to our DNA is musical and rhythmic in nature.

Sound: Brain: The ethics of brain boosting. The Blog : The Mystery of Consciousness II. Carlos Castaneda. Inbox (3399) - julianwalterinperu. Consciousness Drives The Universe‬‏ Neuroscience vs philosophy: Taking aim at free will. Towards Participatory Ecology : Positive Technology Journal. Injury Research and Prevention Literature Update - Abstract Details. How To Create Your Own Self-Hypnosis Audio | The Emotion Machine.

The Death Delusion « Kensho. Subliminal Motivation. Weird Wired Science. Nikola Tesla unlimited free energy forever THEY dont want you to know about. Review of Galantamine: the Lucid Dreaming Pill | The Dream Studies Portal. Sixthsense. The Roots of Consciousness: Theory, The Biological Perspective.

Demonstrations of silencing, a visual illusion. Sleep Helps Us Remember What We Need To. Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain by Antonio Damasio - review. BBC-Dangerous Knowledge (Part 1-10) The Magic of Matrix Energetics with Richard Bartlett | The Big Book of You Blog. A mind of one's own. Think time flies? Well actually, you may be right - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Gizmodo. Scientists fool people into thinking they're tiny or giant - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience. Sleepy brain waves predict dream recall : Neurophilosophy. Test measures spark of consciousness. Split brain with one half atheist and one half theist. BBC - Earth News - Monkeys 'display self-doubt' like humans. Theta Wave Brain Synchronization. Human echolocation activates visual parts of the brain : Neurophilosophy.

Religious Experiences Shrink Part of the Brain. Dreams: Night School. Brain waves can cut braking distances, researchers say. 5 Steps Toward Regaining Consciousness. Center for Consciousness Studies . Tucson . Arizona. iAwake. Quantum mind. Wiki : The Noosphere and The Gaian Mind. Cosmic consciousness. Resonance and the Quantum-Mind-Reality Field Paradigm.

Orch-OR. A New Marriage of Brain and Computer. Clarifying the Tubulin bit/qubit - Defending the Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR Model (Quantum Biology) ‪Stuart Hameroff about Quantum Consciousness 1‬‏ ‪Stuart Hameroff about Quantum Consciousness 2‬‏ ‪Stuart Hameroff about Quantum Consciousness 3‬‏ Stuart Hameroff about Quantum Consciousness 4. Unconscious purchasing urges revealed by brain scans - life - 09. Healing the Body with Mindfulness of Breathing « Metta Refuge.

Drugs World. Illusions of bodily awareness adapted for the pub : Neurophilosophy. More Than Meets the Mirror: Illusion Test Links Difficulty Sensing Internal Cues with Distorted Body-Image. The Best illusion ever ? Yes. Frontline: the persuaders: neuromarketing. BBC Horizon - The Secret You. Ego death. Mind Hacks. Museumgoing in the Brain. How does anesthesia disturb self-perception? Alien Hand Syndrome sees woman attacked by her own hand. Oliver_Sacks_-_The_Man_Who_Mistook_His_Wife_For_A_ The period of the brain pretending to be the mind. Optical Neuromodulation | Channel N.

LSD Testing (British Troops) Consciousness of subjective time in the brain — PNAS. The Roots of Consciousness: Theory, The Biological Perspective. Consciousness: Mind Over Matter. What the science of human nature can teach us. Biological Consciousness and the Experience of the Transcendent. Dan Dennett on our consciousness.