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The Time of Our Lives. Luvah. Quantum game theory. Quantum game theory is an extension of classical game theory to the quantum domain.

Quantum game theory

It differs from classical game theory in three primary ways: Superposed initial states,Quantum entanglement of initial states,Superposition of strategies to be used on the initial states. Quantum pseudo-telepathy. Quantum pseudo-telepathy is a phenomenon in quantum game theory resulting in anomalously high success rates in coordination games between separated players.

Quantum pseudo-telepathy

These high success rates would require communication between the players in a purely classical (non-quantum) world; however, the game is set up such that during the game, communication is physically impossible. This means that for quantum pseudo-telepathy to occur, prior to the game the participants need to share a physical system in an entangled quantum state, and during the game have to execute measurements on this entangled state as part of their game strategy. Quantum information science. Quantum information science is an area of study based on the idea that information science depends on quantum effects in physics.

Quantum information science

It includes theoretical issues in computational models as well as more experimental topics in quantum physics including what can and cannot be done with quantum information. The term quantum information theory is sometimes used, but it fails to encompass experimental research in the area. Subfields include: See also[edit] References[edit] Nielsen, M.A. and Chuang, I.L. External links[edit] Quantiki – quantum information science portal and wiki.ERA-Pilot QIST WP1 European roadmap on Quantum Information Processing and CommunicationQIIC – Quantum Information, Imperial College London.QIP – Quantum Information Group, University of Leeds. Quantum computer. Study of a model of computation Quantum computing is the use of quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to perform computation.

Quantum computer

Computers that perform quantum computations are known as quantum computers.[1]:I-5 Quantum computers are believed to be able to solve certain computational problems, such as integer factorization (which underlies RSA encryption), substantially faster than classical computers. Microcosmic orbit. The Microcosmic Orbit also known as the 'Self Winding Wheel of the Law' and the circulation of light is a Taoist Qigong or Taoist yoga Qi energy cultivation technique.

Microcosmic orbit

It involves deep breathing exercises in conjunction with meditation and concentration techniques which develop the flow of qi along certain pathways of energy in the human body which may be familiar to those who are studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong, T'ai chi ch'uan, Neidan and Taoist alchemy. The exercise can be performed usually at first in a sitting position, but it can also be practiced standing as in Zhan zhuang or with movements included as with T'ai chi ch'uan. The clear understanding of the microcosmic orbit technique is very important not only because of its historical context in the story of Chinese alchemy but because it is at the heart of many Taoist forms of exercise performed throughout the world by many millions of people today. History[edit] ELECTRONIC AWAKENING (III) Grouch is a project that began in 2001, created by New Zealand producer Oscar Allison.


His first influences consisted of dub, hip hop, drum and bass, as well as his own experienceas a percussionist. In 2004, after releasing dub tracks for Cosmic Conspiracy Records, Oscar found a new taste for psychedelic music. As he became more involved in the New Zealand trance scene, his music evolved to an original, organic blend of psy dub, breaks and progressive trance. His debut album, "the Moof is Rooving", released in 2007 by newly created A-list Records, consists mostly of psy dub and breaks.

Grouch has also completed several psy trance tracks which have been greatly received and acclaimed on the New Zealand dance floors. Return to the Top.

Crowd psychology

MAPS research. Cosmic joke. Kundalini syndrome. The Kundalini syndrome is a set of sensory, motor, mental and affective experiences described in the literature of transpersonal psychology, near-death studies and other sources covering transpersonal, spiritual or medical topics.

Kundalini syndrome

The phenomenon is sometimes called the "Kundalini-syndrome",[1][2][3] the "Physio-Kundalini syndrome",[4][5][6][7] or simply referred to as a "syndrome".[8][9] Other researchers, while not using the term "syndrome",Note a have also begun to address this phenomenon as a clinical category,[10][11] or as a recognizable symptomatology.[12] The concept of Kundalini comes from Hinduism and is traditionally used to describe a progression of psycho-spiritual potentials, associated with the understanding of the body as a vehicle for spiritual energies.

Terminology[edit] Commentators seem to use different terms when describing the symptomatology and phenomenology of kundalini. These terms are similar to, but not quite synonymous with, the term "Kundalini syndrome". "Huichol Shamanism" with Brant Secunda. Visionary: Brant Secunda The Huichols believe healing is a way of life that permeates every aspect of our existence, not just a response to illness.

"Huichol Shamanism" with Brant Secunda

By living in balance with Nature, and incorporating the healing power of love, joy and laughter, the Huichols live a simple but profound life. They use ceremony, sacred dance and pilgrimage to connect the human heart to the heart of creation.
