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Bear clothes

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Skirt measurements. A simple skirt. With spring and summer upon us, it’s time for skirts!

a simple skirt

And making cotton skirts for girls (or yourself) is so very simple. The concept is nothing new. We’re making a simple gathered skirt, with an elastic waistband. And we have a fantastic MADE Everyday episode if you’d like to see the process in-action! Just hit the Play button below [or continue reading after the video for the standard tutorial]: If you’ve made a gathered skirt before then you know how easy it is. It’s lightweight and bouncy. For sharing ice cream, and sharing secrets. It’s a skirt that’s just, you. Make it a single or double layer. Make it as detailed or as simple as you’d like.

Ready to sew? FABRIC:* Fabrics to use - lightweight cottons (such as broadcloth, batiste, chambray, seersucker, voile) - lightweight knits (such as jersey. The diagram below shows what your pattern piece looks like. Let’s define it a bit more. . * Skirt Width: Measure around the entire waist and then double it. How to make a big bow. Not this kind of big.

how to make a big bow

More floppy ’80s big. In Jr. High school my sisters and I were obsessed with with making fabric hair bows for ourselves and our friends. If I was at my mom’s house right now, I’d scrounge up the photos for you. But I’m sure you have similar shots of ratted bangs, a pony tail, and a huge bow (topped off with a perm). I love that big bows have had a comeback the past couple of years. If you need added flair for your next project, here’s how to make a very simple big bow without exposed seams! Cut two rectangles of fabric. Use any dimensions you like.I used 20.5 x 7.5 inches and 5.5 inches x 4 inches.

Start with the large rectangle. Fold under one of the ends of the bow and iron (there’s an even simpler method below if you want the fast and quick). It looks like this on the back (the front does not have a seam) Now let’s make the middle of the bow. Sew down the side and iron the seam to the middle back, like we did with the other rectangle above. Now grab your bow “tube”. Sewing a wardrobe for Twinkles. About a year ago I found this pretty gold makeup/toiletries bag while thrift shopping.

Sewing a wardrobe for Twinkles

It was so sparkly and looked like a mini suitcase (with a mirror inside). I had to buy it. I thought it would make the perfect special Christmas gift for Lucy! So I stashed it away in the closet all year, thinking of a special something to tuck inside. Then on the last day of school before Christmas break Lucy came home with a present from her teacher….a cute little bear she named Twinkles (courtesy of IKEA). Then for the next 2 days she toted that thing around the house, grabbing scraps of fabric and taping it around the bear’s body to create dresses, tying ribbons around her waist etc. How to Make Build a Bear Clothes. A child who gets to choose their own Build-A-Bear stuffed animal can start a magical connection.

How to Make Build a Bear Clothes

By picking out and helping create the bear's wardrobe, the animal comes to life. While there are a lot of clothing options to choose from in the bear store, you can make Build-A-Bear clothes yourself for much less money using fabrics of your own choice. Measuring & Fitting Doll Clothes Patterns. NOTE: Book recommended for beginning sewers.

Measuring & Fitting Doll Clothes Patterns

It contains a lot of basic sewing/fitting techniques, terms, basic fabric/thread information, hints on buying a sewing machine/serger, etc. The book is: "Mother Pletsch's Painless Sewing - Fourth Edition" and can be ordered on the Palmer/Pletsch website (click here). Stuffedanimaljammies-1. Make a sleeping bag for a stuffed animal. *This post originally appeared at* My son has a monkey named Jim from Build-a-Bear Workshop, and he wants Jim to have every single accessory that store carries.

make a sleeping bag for a stuffed animal

Since that’s obviously out of the question, I decided to make Jim a sleeping bag complete with a built in pillow that he can snuggle into at night. The sleeping bag rolls up into elastic loops that fit on his shoulders during the day. (While I was at it I made Jim a new pair of PJs to match the sleeping bag – click here for the tutorial and a free pattern download.) The sleeping bag is very easy–all you have to do is sew a few straight lines. Gather your supplies: 1/2 yard of fleece (Joann’s has fleece half off just about every other week) 12 inches of sew on velcro 1 yard of 1/2 inch elastic a few handfuls of polyfil (or any stuffing-type material) sewing machine and thread (just about any color will work as the thread doesn’t show much on fleece)

Bunny Jacket.