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Arturo Polar Bear

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CONSERVATION. L’ours polaire, avec ou sans glace ? Avec la fonte de l’Arctique, les ours polaires vont disparaître.

CONSERVATION. L’ours polaire, avec ou sans glace ?

Certains ont été placés dans des zoos, mais la captivité vaut-elle mieux que la mort ? Mercedes, unique spécimen d’ourse polaire en captivité du Royaume-Uni, est allongée sur le dos et joue avec une branche de sureau cassée dans l’enclos voisin, celui des hippopotames pygmées. La fourrure qui jaunit sur son ventre est plus fine que sur son dos, cette position lui permet donc de se rafraîchir un peu malgré les 22 °C dispensés par le soleil d’Edimbourg. Il fait quand même trop chaud dans ce zoo pour qu’elle se consacre à son comportement aussi quotidien qu’anormal, marcher en cercle près des trois lourdes bûches de son enclos. Plus tard, peut-être s’adonnera-t-elle à son autre activité si peu naturelle : faire des longueurs répétitives dans la fosse peu profonde, pleine d’eau stagnante et infestée d’algues.

Oso Arturo: cuestionan el informe de especialista. La semana pasada trascendió el informe del experto internacional en osos polares, Donald Moore, quien evaluó las condiciones sanitarias y de hábitat de Arturo, el ejemplar que se encuentra en el Zoo mendocino, único del país.

Oso Arturo: cuestionan el informe de especialista

Moore, de Estados Unidos, tras estudiar al animal sostuvo que que se encuentra en "excelente situación física y mental" y desaconsejó su traslado aunque aclaró que no cumple los estándares modernos para su cautiverio. El hombre consideró que el animal, de 29 años, está adaptado a su hábitat, al personal que lo cuida y al clima de Mendoza, donde vive hace 22 años. Arturo: The White Bear Who is The Black Eye of Argentina. Temperatures reach a scorching 104 degrees in Western Argentina, but that doesn’t stop the city of Mendoza from holding an arctic animal captive in its zoo.

Arturo: The White Bear Who is The Black Eye of Argentina

El oso Arturo es prisionero de una pelea política. La polémica por el estado de salud del oso Arturo volvió al centro de la escena, luego de la visita del experto internacional, Donald Moore, quien afirmó que el animal se encuentra en "excelentes estado físico y mental".

El oso Arturo es prisionero de una pelea política

De acuerdo a lo que publicó el Gobierno, la visita del experto se acordó por iniciativa de la organización "Amigos del oso polar Arturo", con la colaboración del Ejecutivo. "Se cuestiona que el problema se da principalmente en verano y el informe se hizo en invierno". Lo cierto es que esas afirmaciones del especialista en osos polares generan ruido entre oficialismo y oposición, a pesar de la "transición ordenada" a la que ambos sectores apuntan. No todos piensan lo mismo acerca de la salud del animal,y desde Proyecto Ecoparque Mendoza, la iniciativa que lidera e impulsa el diputado radical, Tadeo García Zalazar, cuestionan varias situaciones. Sin embargo, el proyecto Ecoparque tiene una serie de cuestionamientos a los resultados que obtuvo Moore. #Tweet4Arturo. S.I.C sur Twitter : "Tweetstorm for Arturo! #Tweet4Arturo. Tonight !!! Be his voice ❗❗❗ Pétition · Give the gift of LIFE to Arturo the polar bear this Christmas! SOS ARTURO 'the world's saddest polar bear'

Tribute to Arturo- Polar Bear- #storm4arturo. Laurence W sur Twitter : ".@WineExpoMendoza do you want the world to associate your Wine with animal abuse? #Storm4Arturo #FreeArturo. Laurence W sur Twitter : "Free the most sad and alone #polarbear in world #FreeArturo #Storm4Arturo @peta @peta2 @Greenpeace @LeoDiCaprio. Arturo the Polar Bear 'going insane' Voice4theVoiceless sur Twitter : "#Storm4Arturo #Tweet4Arturo Let's get Arturo out of hell aka Mendoza Zoo.He deserves so much better.We are his voice!

Free Arturo: The Polar Bear In Despair /Arturo the Polar Bear - 'world's saddest animal' Arturo Saddest Polar Bear Is Political Prisioner Boycott Argentina. Laurence W sur Twitter : "#Storm4Arturo Let's get Arturo out of hell aka Mendoza Zoo.He deserves better.We are his voice. Is There Hope for Arturo the Polar Bear? Sharon Jack sur Twitter : ".@peta #Arturo the Polar Bear suffering at #MandozaZoo #Storm4Arturo Tomorrow 27th Nov.RT if YOU care. #Tweet4Arturo. #MoveArturo. Pétition · Donner le don de la vie à l'ours polaire Arturo ce Noël! Give the gift of LIFE to Arturo the polar bear this Christmas!

Pétition · Donner le don de la vie à l'ours polaire Arturo ce Noël!

Arturo the polar bear is suffering from extreme heat conditions in Mendoza Zoo, Argentina (around 40°C in the day), his needs are not met correctly and should his suffering continue he will soon die. He is apparently too old to be moved to a zoo in Canada (a previous petition asking this gained nearly a million signatures) however it... Arturo the polar bear is suffering from extreme heat conditions in Mendoza Zoo, Argentina (around 40°C in the day), his needs are not met correctly and should his suffering continue he will soon die. He is apparently too old to be moved to a zoo in Canada (a previous petition asking this gained nearly a million signatures) however it is not too late to refurbish his enclosure to a more acceptable standard with more water for him to swim in and more space for him to exercise as well as the much needed temperature controls. Polar bear dubbed world's loneliest animal finds friendship at last - with stray cat.

A lonely polar bear kept in sweltering conditions has found friendship at last – with a stray cat.

Polar bear dubbed world's loneliest animal finds friendship at last - with stray cat

Thousands of animal lovers joined a campaign to move Arturo after the Sunday People revealed in July he was living in a zoo where the ­temperature reaches 40C (104F). The 900lb captive, whose bear companion died two years ago, has only a 50cm (20in) deep pool, has ­become a father-figure to Oscar. The pair keep each other ­company during the day, cuddle up at night and even share food. Campaigners hope the orphaned stray may help 29-year-old Arturo as experts fear loneliness was making him depressed. A source said: “Arturo and Oscar have become firm friends.

“Oscar calls Arturo’s cage home and they are living together and keeping each other company without any problems. "Their friendship is quite surreal.” Watch?v=blBf9epGi94&feature=youtu. Arturo, the Saddest Polar Bear in the World Urgently Needs Your Help! (Photos + Donation Page) Quickly becoming known as the saddest animal in the world, Arturo the polar bear lives in an enclosure at the Mendoza Zoo in Argentina where temperatures can routinely exceed 104º F enclosure (40º C).

Arturo, the Saddest Polar Bear in the World Urgently Needs Your Help! (Photos + Donation Page)

Alone for the last two years since the death of his companion Pelusa, Arturo displays abnormal behaviors believed to be caused from his grief as well as his abhorrent living conditions such as showing his teeth, tilting his head, pacing and rocking. Calls for his removal from his cruel and lonely living conditions have circulated online for months, including a petition at to have him moved out of the zoo. Reddit took up the charge on Arturo’s behalf today too with user Jane888 setting up a donation page in his name through Polar Bears International. With donations exceeding $2,000 in less than 4 hours, his goal of $5000 and up is surely attainable with everyone’s help. Activists Want to Move Arturo, Argentina's Last Polar Bear, Miserable, Depressed and Hot, In Captivity - Bites @ Animal Planet. Arturo is Argentina's last polar bear — his long time companion died in 2012 and Arturo's grown especially lonely and depressed ever since with noticeable changes in behavior indicating the unfortunate shift in his mental health, according to experts.

Activists Want to Move Arturo, Argentina's Last Polar Bear, Miserable, Depressed and Hot, In Captivity - Bites @ Animal Planet

The 29-year-old bear lives in captivity at the Mendoza Zoo outside of Buenos Aires, where temperatures reach 95 degrees and upward — activists have protested the hot, cramped conditions of his confinement where he also has no contact with other bears or pools of water. The deterioration of his mental state and odd behavior include constant pacing which you can see in this video: Protesters are calling for him to be moved to the Assiniboine Park Conservancy in Winnipeg, Canada.

Unfortunately, Canada requires 3 years of health records which the Mendoza Zoo cannot provide. Additionally, the Argentine zoo officials are against the move, claiming that the bear would not survive the trip. What Can You Do to Help? SAVE ARTURO. YA ES LA TERCERA VEZ QUE EL SEÑOR DIRECTOR DEL ZOOLÓGICO DE MENDOZA , Gustavo Pronotto , EVITA UN DEBATE CONMIGO , AMENAZANDO QUE SI YO ESTOY EN EL PROGRAMA O EN LA REUNIÓN , ÉL NO ESTARÁ PRESENTE !


Acaso los animales del zoo no tienen la palabra ? No hay libertad de expresión en Mendoza ? Desde cuando un funcionario esquiva tanto a un ciudadano común ? La última ( y única ) vez que estuvimos frente a frente lo traté con respeto y le entregué 140.000 firmas que solicitaban evaluación por especialistas de Canadá y cierre gradual del zoo en canal 7 , al aire del programa Septimo Día .

Pétitions Arturo

L'ours polaire argentin Arturo, dépressif et épuisé par la canicule, lorgne le Canada. L'animal est déprimé depuis la mort de sa compagne, et épuisé par la canicule estivale.

L'ours polaire argentin Arturo, dépressif et épuisé par la canicule, lorgne le Canada

Arturo, le vieil ours polaire du zoo de Mendoza, en Argentine, attend un éventuel visa pour le Canada afin de quitter cette région semi-aride au pied des Andes. Des vétérinaires doivent déterminer, jeudi 6 février, si l'animal peut faire le long voyage en avion vers Winnipeg, où un autre zoo propose de l'adopter. En Argentine, personne n'est indifférent au sort de l'ours de 400 kilos à l'épais pelage jaunâtre. L'organisation écologiste Greenpeace, qui a mené campagne pour le transfert "d'urgence" d'Arturo au Canada, "un environnement plus proche de son habitat naturel", a réuni 160 000 signatures.

Né aux Etats-Unis en 1985 et arrivé en Mendoza en 1993, Arturo est encore en bonne santé, mais les experts estiment qu'il a été profondément touché par la mort, en mai 2012, de sa compagne Pelusa, avec qui il entretenait une relation tumultueuse depuis deux décennies. Please allow Arturo to have a better life at the Assiniboine Park Zoo in Canada. We plead for solidarity and sensitivity from President, Mrs. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, as well as that from Diplomats. We ask that you exercise your authority so the polar bear Arturo, who lives in deplorable conditions in the Mendoza Zoo, is moved to Assiniboine Park Zoo in Canada, where a natural habitat and a better life are awaiting him. #MoveArturo.