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James Casebere. Tingaud. Eric Rondepierre - site officiel. H E T E R O T O P I A. Claudia imbert. Wolfgang Tillmans. Ed Ruscha. Chloe Dewe Mathews. Taryn Simon. Almine Rech Gallery - Artists. Selected Catalogs 'Taryn Simon: Birds of the West Indies', published by Hatje Cantz.Text by Daniel Baumann. 'A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters', ed. by Aliza Watters.

Almine Rech Gallery - Artists

Texts by Taryn Simon, Homi Bhabha and Geoffrey Batchen. 'Contraband', published by Gagosian Gallery & Steidl&Partners.Text by Hans Ulrich Obrist. 'An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar', published by Steidl&Partners. ‘A Year in Exhibitions’, Gwangju Biennale Foundation, essays of: Okwui Enwezor, Ranjit Hoskote, Hyunjin Kim, Patrick D. ‘Insight?’ ‘Dialogues & Attitudes’, Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz Verlag Biesenbach, Klaus, ‘Greater New York’, New York, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center. SteveHiettWebSite. PeterLindbergh.

: Irina Werning - Photographer. Olivo Barbieri Photography. Alberto Garc a-Alix - Rosemary Laing. James Welling. Jean-Luc Mylayne. Stephen Shore. Dayanita Singh. B. 1961, India Dayanita Singh’s photographic work often presents a curious view of the seemingly everyday.

Dayanita Singh

Her recent projects use the possibilites and peculiarities of colour film to produce lush photographs saturated with intense colour. These works present a landscape which exists as much in the artist’s imagination as in the real world. Publishing is also a significant part of the artist’s practice: in her books, often published without text, Singh experiments with different ways of producing and viewing photographs Selected Exhibitions Download/View full CV Museum of Chance, 2013 2 large structures, 15 small structures, 116 framed photographs 252.5 x 86.5 x 63 cm (each large structure) John Riddy. B. 1959, Northampton, England One of the most distinctive voices in British contemporary photography, John Riddy’s practice exists in a singular relationship to a particular photographic inheritance.

John Riddy

His photographs are meditations on the individuality and poetry of certain places. His subject matter is broad – ranging from the unassuming domestic interior to images of Renaissance or Modernist architecture and the specific qualities of certain city spaces. Time, atmosphere, spatial illusion and cultural histories are compressed and extended in pictures that aim to defeat our expectations of photographic descriptions. Selected Exhibitions Download/View full CV. Andreas gursky. [abonnement gratuit] Andreas Gursky est né à Leipzig en 1955.

andreas gursky

Il a été l'élève à Düsseldorf du couple Bernd et Hilla Becher, photographes méticuleux et classiques de l'Allemagne postindustrielle. Il repère dans le monde entier des sites précis offrant une composition grandiose et classique. ISAAC JULIEN. Cindy Sherman. Hiroshi Sugimoto. Home. Boris Mikhailov - Artwork - The Saatchi Gallery.

Born in 1938, Kharkov, former USSR Lives and works in Berlin and Kharkov. 2012Time is Out of Joint, Berlinischer Galerie Triptychs, Sprovieri Gallery, London Salt Lake, La criee centre d’art contemporain, Rennes 2011Case History, MoMa, New York, NY Sprengel Museum, Hannover, Germany 20101989.

Boris Mikhailov - Artwork - The Saatchi Gallery

Ende der Geschichte oder Beginn der Zukunft? HAI Bo - Works. Nixon Selected Images. Florian Maier-Aichen - Artwork - The Saatchi Gallery. Candida Höfer. Thaddeus Holownia. Corkin Gallery. Mädler presents ‘without cynicism’ the appearance of things, not denouncing or lecturing, and his pictures arouse emotions without veering into pathos… He strives to concentrate on something ‘essential in his pictures … and produces an atmosphere that makes the world outside the camera’s frame appear irrelevant to the spectator.’ - Katharina Menzel Capturing monochromatic stretches of the natural world – vast tracts of ocean, sky or golden fields, Frank Mädler’s images are devoid of any locating markers.

Corkin Gallery

His experimentation with traditional technique conjures an ethereal, mirage-like quality to his work that is both alluring and haunting. Landscapes appear as flattened, almost two dimensional studies in colour and pattern. Tim Davis Photographer. Jessica Craig-Martin. Gasworks - Studio Artists - Tonico Lemos Auad. Tonico Lemos Auad Tonico Lemos Auad was born in Nasceu em Belém, Brazil.

Gasworks - Studio Artists - Tonico Lemos Auad

In 2000 he completed an MA in Fine Arts and Associate Research at Goldsmith¹s College. Auad now lives and works in London, Auad disregards material value to create lyrical, often transient forms using a wide range of materials, from the ephemeral and everyday to the precious and enduring. Notions of luck, chance and the supernatural pervade Auad¹s work. Auad has exhibited internationally with works that investigate materiality, sensuality, process and the relationship between the audience and their environment.

JR Art - Photographe. Georges Rousse. Arezu Karubi. Shadi Ghadirian. Erwin Olaf. Chad Gerth. Stanley Greene. Todd Hido. Alec Soth. LARRY FINK PHOTOGRAPHY. Helmut Newton Foundation. Mikel Uribetxeberria. Yasuhiro Ogawa Photography. Grit Schwerdtfeger, photographe, Berlin - Portfolio sur le site. Leigh Perry - photographe. Massimo Vitali.

Bruno Serralongue.