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Top 33 World’s Strangest Buildings (sorted by 4.520 visitors votes) Cool Interior Tree Home: Best Kids Bedroom Design Ever? There are a lot of ways to make a nice bedroom, but for kids there is an element of excitement that is just as important as bedroom size and style.

Cool Interior Tree Home: Best Kids Bedroom Design Ever?

As these pictures illustrate, a cool bedroom for children can be a virtual fantasy world in itself – in this case by making the outdoors the driving interior design idea and central concept of the bedroom space. Complete with climbing ropes, ladders, swings and all kinds of hidden storage spaces, this bedroom brings all of the elements of an outdoor play space inside and makes the room feel like a self-sufficient home at the same time. The best part, of course, is the tree house in the center of the room – who would not have enjoyed that as a kid growing up? Though this kind of cool bedroom design for kids can of course be contracted out to someone else like Kidtropolis, it is also perhaps an opportunity for a fun do-it-yourself project that engages children in the activity of designing and building their own space.

10 Amazing Tree Houses: Plans, Pictures, Designs & Building Ideas. 10 Amazing Tree Houses: Plans, Pictures, Designs, Ideas & Kits Article by Urbanist, filed under Houses & Residential in the Architecture category.

10 Amazing Tree Houses: Plans, Pictures, Designs & Building Ideas

As a young child (or perhaps even an adult) who hasn’t dreamed of living tree houses? Some structures are built on trees or hung from trees, but some unusual tree house building designs are even grown from trees or built right into a tree. Some people live in trees as a luxury, some to help save the environment and others out of tradition or necessity. Here are ten incredible tree house building designs and ideas that range from functional to fanciful, sustainable to strange and affordable to incredibly expensive. Branching Structural Beams - The Tote is Ethereal and Magical Elvish-like Architecture.

F2H: Flood Harnessing Housing. How to Make DIY Stairs Out of Plywood! For those of you wanting to make your own stairs, perhaps an addition to your home where it needs it, here’s a great tutorial/example on how to make stairs out of plywood.

How to Make DIY Stairs Out of Plywood!

The amazing part? Ultimate Pirate Ship Bedroom. PICTURE OF THE DAY. The World's Most Complex Architectural Columns. Architect and programmer Michael Hansmeyer has undertaken a most ambitious project, designing an incredibly ornate and complex column with over 16 million individual facets!

The World's Most Complex Architectural Columns

J. Mayer H. Architects’ Metropol Parasol opening this Sunday. We’ve told you before about “Metropol Parasol”, the Redevelopment of Plaza de la Encarnación in Sevilla, designed by J.

J. Mayer H. Architects’ Metropol Parasol opening this Sunday

MAYER H. Architects. March 27 marks the opening, while the final completion of the project is scheduled for April 2011. More images and complete press release after the break. Designed by J. Original Hoberman Sphere. Expanding Icosahedron. Hoberman Sphere. Sphere Constellation - Museo Mirador. Hoberman Arch. The Caterpillar Pavilion. Emergent Design-Air Flow Analysis 1. Bubble Walls. The Biosphere. Articulated Cloud by Ned Kahn. Cheejay LED Pool Light-fade mode.

Oase Living water - Jumping Jets. Utah Water Fountain Aquafect Montage.wmv. AMAZING Under $300.00 Home Made Laminar Water Jet. 33 of the World’s Strangest Buildings. 33 of the World’s Strangest Buildings Posted by Editor on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 · 27 Comments 1.

33 of the World’s Strangest Buildings

Mind House (Barcelona, Spain) 2. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Graphic Design and Art Blog. MICHAELJANTZEN.COM. Michael Jantzen - M-vironments - M-House. Photo courtesy Michael Jantzen Relocatable M-vironments are made of a wide variety of manipulatable components that can be connected in many different ways to a matrix of modular support frames.

Michael Jantzen - M-vironments - M-House

The frames can be assembled and disassembled in different ways to accommodate a wide range of changing needs. The M-House, made from the M-vironment system, consists of a series of rectangular panels that are attached with hinges to an open space frame grid of seven interlocking cubes. Photo courtesy Michael Jantzen Photo courtesy Michael Jantzen The panels are hinged to the cubes in either a horizontal or a vertical orientation. 50 Strange Buildings of the World. This is the original list of 50 strange buildings which has been and is being copied (stolen) by many bloggers.

50 Strange Buildings of the World

If you wish to post it on your blog or website, feel free to use up to 20 buildings from this list and give a proper link to our website ( as the source article. Ok, now enjoy this weird, odd, bizarre and incredible looking arcitechture! After reading it, don’t forget to check Part II and Part III. 15 Unique and Creative Staircases. Stylish modern stairs and creative staircase designs from all over the world. Helical Stairs The gradual upward rotation if this staircase is extremely elegant and the user is almost unaware of the change in elevation. Make Room! Cool Color-Changing Walls for Your Home « Dornob. This may be the best room-changing design idea since interior house paint: forget your white living room walls, green bedroom or brown kitchen and bring your favorite rooms to life with these incredible, changeable and colorful do-it-yourself pixelated wall displays.

Make Room! Cool Color-Changing Walls for Your Home « Dornob

Feeling dark? Switch from colorful rainbow patterns to a pitch black surface in seconds. Want a bit of a flavorful accent? Spin the wheels again to display words or patterns of your choice. This ingenious pixel-perfect wall design renders paint redundant. 25 Stunning Infinity Pools Around the World. Visually stunning and always situated on a gorgeous backdrop, Infinity pools are surely the most beautiful man-made pools in existence.

25 Stunning Infinity Pools Around the World

Sit back, relax, and take a trip around the world through the lens of the infinity pool with these 25 incredible pictures. An infinity edge pool (also named negative edge, zero edge, disappearing edge or vanishing edge pool) is a swimming or reflecting pool which produces a visual effect of water extending to the horizon, vanishing, or extending to “infinity”. Organic Architecture, Sustainable Lifestyle, Permaculture. Floorplanner. COOL STUFF ! Synaptic Stimuli.