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Do the Next Thing. “From an old English parsonage, Down by the sea, There came in the twilight, A message to me; Its quaint Saxon legend, Deeply engraven, Hath, as it seems to me, Teaching from Heaven.

Do the Next Thing

And on through the hours The quiet words ring Like a low inspiration— Do the next thing.”~ Do the Next Thing by Elisabeth Elliot It’s a very Christian poem, and I am not a Christian, but the advice could come just as easily from Pema Chodron or The Dalai Lama. Do the next thing. The Practice of Mindfulness - a free audio download. Friends, please enjoy this new, free audio download I created for Sounds True Listen to/ download The Practice of Mindfulness now According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness is "paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. " Mindfulness has been shown to offer a variety of benefits, including new levels of openness and depth in the way we experience our lives. Additionally, research suggests that it is a skill that can be cultivated and deepened by almost everyone. In this free download, you'll receive six guided practices from leading teachers and authors in the field of mindfulness, who have spent many years exploring the most effective ways to teach mindfulness to others.

Tracks include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to Build Powerful Mindfulness Exercises Into Your Life. We must each lead a way of life with self-awareness and compassion, to do as much as we can. Then, whatever happens we will have no regrets. ~Dalai Lama. Life: Captured in 5 Minutes. I think the video below can speak for itself in a lot of ways.

Life: Captured in 5 Minutes

I’ve watched it a few times and am constantly amazed by the overwhelming peace that surrounds me for the full five minutes of the clip. There is something untouchable and indescribable about what happens in this video as the baby gets its first bath. Even in writing this, I am still looking for the words to say it. I first thought about the miracle of life. We live in a world that so easily forgets how amazing it is just to be alive and how very precious this life of ours is. We’ve all been there—just as small as the baby in this video—but why do we stray so far away from the magic and wonder captured here? This is one simple moment caught on camera that brings me back to square one—minus the clutter and stress of the day.

Dr. Rick Hanson - Author of Buddha's Brain and Just One Thing. Posted on: November 30th, 2012 Who do you argue with?

Dr. Rick Hanson - Author of Buddha's Brain and Just One Thing

The Practice:Don’t quarrel.Why? It’s one thing to stick up for yourself and others. But it’s a different matter to get caught up in wrangles, contentiousness, squabbles . . . in a word: quarrels. Similarly, it’s one thing to disagree with someone, even to the point of arguing – but it’s a different matter to get so caught up in your position that you lose sight of the bigger picture, including your relationship with the other person. YouTube. DBT. DBT is closely related to CBT, and was initially developed by Marsha Linehan for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder who cope with distressing emotions and situations by using self-destructive behaviours such as self-harm, substance abuse and eating disorders.


DBT is now being used for treating other mental health conditions. Individuals learn more helpful coping skills to deal with distressing emotions and situations, and to improve their relationships. Dialectics is the theory that opposites can co-exist. Literature Project - Free eBooks Online. YouTube. CFT Practice Podcast. Emotional Sensitivity, Impulsiveness, and BPD. I often tell other people who are suffering with intense, extreme emotions and urges that no matter how intense, extreme, or strong it is, it will pass. Emotional Sensitivity, Impulsiveness, and BPD

Not only will it pass, but you also do NOT have to follow through on any impulse to act during that time. 2012-09-19-Meditation-Embodied-Spirit-TaraBrach. Inspirational. Find your own way. The human body has about 100 trillion cells (plus another ten quadrillion microscopic critters hitching a ride, most of them beneficial or harmless).

Find your own way

Each one of your cells has aims – goals, in a sense – controlled by its DNA: cells conduct processes aimed at particular functions, like building bones or gobbling up harmful invaders. Cells also work together in larger and larger assemblies in pursuit of broader goals, such as the 100 billion neurons in your brain that run the nervous system, which as a whole is itself the master regulator of the body. In effect, there are layers, hierarchies, of goals in the body – and a similar architecture of aims in the mind. For example, operating right now is the goal of moving your eyes over these words, which serves the goal of understanding them, which serves larger goals such as desires to learn new things, new skills, and to be truly happy. In short, whether in the body or the mind, there is no life without goals. Don't Be Intimidated. About The Author. Audio – Podcasts.