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Mindfulness Apps & Reviews

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Smiling Mind - modern meditation for young people. Buddhify 2 Teaches You How to Meditate, Even If You're Busy. Meditation Goes Mainstream with These Apps. Your smartphone helps you take it all in.

Meditation Goes Mainstream with These Apps

Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/anyaber Meditation. It’s not a New Age thing anymore, or a Buddhist thing, or even a David Lynch thing. It’s gone mainstream and secular, and now, like everything else in your life, it’s available as an app. The catch term these days is mindfulness. Smartphone technology—too often the greatest enemy of enjoying the present moment—can help you get there. What you’ll find below is the best of what’s available now on iTunes and Google Play. But a lot depends on your own personality, the vibe you go in for, and the techniques that work for you. Mindfulness App - 14 guided Mindfulness exercises and 3 silent exercises. 7 Best Mindfulness Apps For 2015. If you spent 2014 dismissing mindfulness as just some new age fad, you’re missing out on the discovery of a centuries-old practice that holds the power to significantly improve your fitness, health, and mental well-being.

7 Best Mindfulness Apps For 2015

Regardless of religious beliefs or spiritual practices, all of humanity can collectively nod in the direction of simply understanding more about why we do what we do. As the fast pace of Moore’s law further proves itself, modern society is slowly manifesting a cultural backflow: a point when technological advances become more accepted and phased than abrupt. This awareness is allowing us to take a step back, pull a deep breath, and reflect on what currently available technologies can stimulate increased mindfulness and new self-care practices in our lives.

The 13 Best iPhone & Android Meditation Apps of 2014. JMU-Mindfulness-Based Mobile Applications: Literature Review and Analysis of Current Features. Introduction Mindfulness-Based Therapies Mindfulness techniques have emerged in the Western world in the fields of health and education as the application of ancient meditative practices from Buddhist tradition.

JMU-Mindfulness-Based Mobile Applications: Literature Review and Analysis of Current Features

It is from this tradition that they draw inspiration and take their basic technical features. Since its introduction, interest in mindfulness has increased exponentially particularly over the last two decades in the psychology and medicine fields []. Ness: Are There Apps For That? By Stephany Tlalka By our count, there are at least 22 meditation timers out there, ranging from $0 to $5 and varying in the extras they offer (would you like some nature sounds with that?).

ness: Are There Apps For That?

Taking a broader look at apps containing some sort of meditation or mindfulness component, we’re looking at nearly 45 apps, some endorsed by clinical psychologists and others merely asking you to choose an emoticon to describe your state of mind. Here are three apps we're happy we downloaded, and they're available for Android and Apple devices. Headspace (on-the-go) This slickly designed app provides 10-minute meditation sessions, with the first 10 days available free of charge. (Then, you can choose a subscription. Free Mindfulness Apps Worthy of Your Attention. Mindfulness apps are trending in a big way.

Free Mindfulness Apps Worthy of Your Attention

Here are three we’re happy we downloaded. By Stephany Tlalka Stop, Breathe & Think Available for iPhone and Android This app offers a solid sampling of the basics of meditation, featuring a range of exercises at varying lengths (mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, the body scan practice), ideal for short practices at work and longer sessions at home. The non-profit Tools for Peace originally created the app for students and staff in their kindness and compassion programs, but the app’s popularity in the apple store has taken SBT to a more mainstream crowd.

The 10 Best meditation apps - IndyBest - Extras. 1.

The 10 Best meditation apps - IndyBest - Extras

Buddhify This nicely-designed UK-created app is aimed at busy urbanites. You tell it whether you’re at the gym, walking, commuting or home. You can then pick a track “flavour” or style of meditation and choose from male or female voices. There’s a two-player meditation mode so you can get someone else involved. 2.

According to the Great British Sleep Survey, over 51% of us find it hard to nod off. Free 3. This simple to use app presents the 7 Steps of Calm. Relaxation Breathing - Aplicaciones de Android en Google Play. RespiRelax : El control de su estrés .

Relaxation Breathing - Aplicaciones de Android en Google Play

Con sólo 3 ejercicios por día a 6 respiraciones por minuto durante 5 minutos . Sobre la base de muchos años de investigación científica y la aplicación del yoga. RespiRelax fue desarrollado para proporcionar una pelea sencilla y eficaz contra la principal causa de enfermedad en el mundo significa : Estrés. Uno de los elementos básicos de Hatha Yoga para respirar se llama Prana . Un proverbio indio dice acerca de esto : "respirar bien, es vivir bien Lado científico , hay evidencia neurocardiaología investigación médica que Cerebro y corazón laten al unísono.

Por lo tanto corazón y el cerebro tienen una frecuencia de resonancia que es el suyo, llamado coherencia cardíaca y sincroniza 0.1 Hz Esta coherencia corazón se logran óptimos entre 4-7 respiraciones completas por minuto. Para ayudarle a encontrar los parámetros óptimos de frecuencia son editables en RespiRelax . Buddhify – mobile mindfulness meditation app for iPhone and iPad. Smiling Mind - modern meditation for young people.

Smiling Mind – Android Apps on Google Play. Smiling Mind is meditation made easy.

Smiling Mind – Android Apps on Google Play

A simple tool that helps put a smile on your mind anytime, anywhere and everyday.