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15 сайтов, где можно потренировать мозги. Наш мозг ленив и неповоротлив.

15 сайтов, где можно потренировать мозги

Если нагружать его однотипными и привычными задачами, он быстро "тупеет" и теряет способность действовать быстро. Шестеренки в голове начинают крутиться медленнее и со скрипом. нашел 15 сайтов, где много разных тренажеров для мозга. При помощи задач, упражнений и игр сегодня потренируем память, завтра логику. А получим красивый и подтянутый ум. Здесь можно протестировать, насколько хорошо работает ваш мозг, составить индивидуальную программу тренировок, заниматься и отслеживать свой прогресс. Викиум предлагает сначала пройти тестирование и определить качество ваших памяти, мышления, внимания. The Genealogy and History of Popular Music Genres. Thisissand. Eat: The Story of Food.

Exhibition Monet 2010 - RMN - Grand Palais - Paris. Pendant plus de soixante ans, Claude Monet a peint sans relâche, élaborant une oeuvre qui incarne l'expression la plus pure de l'impressionnisme, pour constituer au début du xx e siècle un des fondements de l'art moderne. C'est l'ensemble de ce parcours riche et fécond que l'exposition des Galeries nationales réinterroge. Cette exposition monographique est la plus importante manifestation dédiée à l'artiste depuis près de trente ans, lorsque s'était tenue aux Galeries nationales en 1980 une rétrospective en forme d'hommage.

Depuis, les recherches sur l'artiste se sont multipliées et ont mis en lumière des aspects moins connus de son oeuvre. Tous les jours de 10h00 à 22h00. Word Map. KOLOR - Color Guessing Free Game. Orisinal : Morning Sunshine. A Soft Murmur. Timeline of History. ChronoAtlas - The Interactive Historical Atlas of the World. The Second Punic WarContributed by caadmin Carthage had suffered immensely from the First Punic War, not only had she lost Sicily, but she also lost her naval superiority over Rome.

ChronoAtlas - The Interactive Historical Atlas of the World

Furthermore the war indemnity Rome forced upon Carthage bankrupted her. A few years after the First Punic War, whilst Carthage was occupied quelling a revolt ignited by unpaid mercenaries, Rome seized the Carthaginian islands of Sardinia and Corsica. Nevertheless Carthage managed to recover and began to expand her influence over the Iberian Peninsula. The Second Punic War began when Carthage captured the Iberian City of Saguntum, a nominal ally of Rome. The Interactive Historical Atlas of the World. GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! The Traveler IQ Challenge® - Amazing Race.

Tree of Life interactive. Periodic Table – Royal Society of Chemistry. WebGL Water. Loading...

WebGL Water

Made by Evan Wallace This demo requires a decent graphics card and up-to-date drivers. If you can't run the demo, you can still see it on YouTube. Interactions: Draw on the water to make ripples Drag the background to rotate the camera Press SPACEBAR to pause and unpause Drag the sphere to move it around Press the L key to set the light direction Press the G key to toggle gravity Features: The Scale of the Universe 2 — Other Languages.

RGB Challenge. Real or Photoshop. Endonym Map: World Map of Country Names in Their Local Languages. Hex clock. Relax. let the music engulf you. Shape Type, the letter shaping game. Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. GLIMPSE360: Spitzer's Infrared Milky Way. Zato Novo : Foresight from Insight. Periodic Table of Storytelling. Festive Funk Machine. Earth wind map. Old Maps Online.

Хоббит: Пустошь Смауга - Путешествие по Средиземью. Cryptstagram. Tonedeaf/OnlineScreen450.swf. The Great Language Game. Maze Generator. Генерировать случайное имя - Fake Name Generator. 11 Web Toys and Generators to Waste Your Time. A couple of months ago, I listed 17 Web Toys for Your Procrastination Pleasure.

11 Web Toys and Generators to Waste Your Time

Now that final exams are over, maybe you'll now have time to play with them -plus eleven more here. Some are fairly new, some are classics, and this list is heavy on music. Have fun! 1. Sort Your Socks Dutch artist Jogchem Niemandsverdriet, who brought us the classic game of tweezing nose hairs, also has a game in which you sort socks. 2. Design your own songs without knowing a thing about music with Incredibox. 3. If your taste run a little more to the traditional, try playing the blues with Desk Top Blues. Puzzles and Games - The Times Leader - Free tutorial-video to make flapping bird.

Color Test - Online Color Challenge. Еще 20 необычайно красивых инди-игр - 25 необычайно красивых инди-игр. Качественная графика перестает быть уделом больших студий, а инди-разработчики все чаще вспоминают, что красивое продается лучше.

25 необычайно красивых инди-игр

Сегодняшняя подборка — про инди-игры, большие и маленькие, которые хочется рассматривать в подробностях. Одни проекты экспериментируют с ретро стилистикой, другие создают неимоверно детализированные миры, третьи ограничиваются тенью и светом. GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! Do Not Touch. Chrome Experiments - Home. American English Dialects. North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns Small-Scale Dialect Map The small map below is the same as the Full-Scale Dialect Map that follows, but shows the entire width of the map (on most monitors). 24-Aug.-2010 Click on any part of this map to move to the equivalent part of the Full-Scale Dialect Map.

American English Dialects

(For now this only moves to the far left or the far right of the Full-Scale Dialect Map, so unfortunately it doesn’t work well for the middle portions, and you will just have to scroll over.) 24-Aug.-2010 Full-Scale Dialect Map Instructions For many of the cities or towns on this map, you can listen to an audio or video sample of speech of a native (more specifically, someone who was raised there, though not necessarily born there, and whose dialect clearly represents that place).

Top 10 Interactive YouTube Adventures. There is no greater modern hub for diversion than YouTube.

Top 10 Interactive YouTube Adventures

But sometimes the experience can just be too passive. Sometimes sitting back and watching other people get hit with things isn’t enough. Sometimes, you need to choose what they get hit with. And when you’re in that mood to interact, YouTube is still there to help you (because video games are expensive). Below I have compiled the list of the top ten interactive YouTube videos. TOKYO CITY SYMPHONY. Relaxing rain audio for work, play and sleep. Garmoshka. Vocalizer 5 - Interactive Demo.