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Graph TV. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. TV Calendar January 2014 - USA Prime Time TV Schedule & TV Episode Calendar. Rick and Morty: Watch the First Episode Now. Doctor Who: 50 Years of Main Title Design. Writer Marcus Bernard from TVARK, the authoritative website on television presentation and graphics, discusses the history of the Doctor Who opening titles.

Doctor Who: 50 Years of Main Title Design

Doctor Who is the longest-running sci-fi fantasy series in the world. It was created at the BBC in 1963 by Canadian film and television producer Sydney Newman and writer and producer Donald Wilson, and launched by producer Verity Lambert, who was then 27 years old. Her team, under Director Waris Hussein, recorded the first episode, “An Unearthly Child”, by Anthony Coburn, first as a pilot in September 1963 and then again a few weeks later, for the launch transmission on 23rd November. Viewers were introduced to a mysterious elderly scientist, known only as the Doctor, who travels through time and space in a ship known as the TARDIS. He eventually turns out to be a benevolent alien from Gallifrey, the planet of the Time Lords, with the ability to transform or ‘regenerate’ his appearance 12 times.

Trenzalore. History Edit According to Dorium Maldovar, the Doctor would visit Trenzalore at some point in his travels, which would coincide with "the Fall of the Eleventh".


Maldovar also said to him that at this time and place "no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer. " Here, the First Question in the universe would be asked. Doctor Who: 50 Years of Main Title Design. The Economics of a Hit TV Show. Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs / AMC Ten million Americans can recall where they were the night of September 29th, 2013.

The Economics of a Hit TV Show

They were watching the series finale of Breaking Bad. And they were watching it on AMC, a cable channel that once cut its teeth airing reruns of black-and-white movies. The suits at the network were prepared. Like Walter White, the show’s ruthlessly efficient meth dealer, they knew they had a quality product on their hands. But keeping Breaking Bad on the air was a big investment. And finding a hit like Breaking Bad – or even finding a viable show to put on the air in the first place – often costs networks hundreds of millions of dollars each year in development costs and pricey, failed pilot projects. Things could get even more expensive. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It's Not Porn... Recurring Developments. Dr Who Daleks REMIX. Real Humans: Asimov avait bien raison. Les épisodes 5 et 6 de Real Humans diffusés sur Arte le 18 avril 2013 confirment tout le bien que l’on pouvait penser de cette série suédoise lors des deux premières soirées.

Real Humans: Asimov avait bien raison

Avec une patience méthodique, le scénariste Lars Lundström tient son histoire avec une remarquable maestria. Toujours avec cette fausse lenteur, ces scènes courtes et surtout, ces histoires parallèles qui le sont de moins en moins. How "Game Of Thrones" Helps Explain The Future Of "Community" Game of Thrones – Les effets spéciaux. La semaine dernière, je me suis avalé la saison 1 de Game of Thrones et j'ai vraiment kiffé...

Game of Thrones – Les effets spéciaux

Bon, je n'ai pas encore attaqué les bouquins mais si un jour, j'arrive à trouver un peu de temps, je m'y collerai. (Faudrait peut être que je fasse un article sur mon emploi du temps, ça vous fera peut être marrer). Je vous la recommande en tout cas, si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu. Doctor Who - The Eleventh Doctor is a Badass (NEW VERSION SOON) Google Calendar teams up with CAT (Calendar for TV) « My Life. If you read my blog regurly you would know that I love both Google Calendar and CAT (Calendar for TV).

Google Calendar teams up with CAT (Calendar for TV) « My Life

And two days ago I found a way to join them together to make one super dooper mega cool all in one ultimate calendar (like that name? :) ). Well the truth is, I’ve always used my Google Calendar for personal use, work & uni but had to rely on CAT and their website for all my TV show schedules. But now you can, at home, by yourself, using only the tools in your shed (shed needed) make them work together :P And to tell you the truth it’s quite simple. Log into your CAT (or create a new account and select the shows you wish to monitor)Right click “Download iCal File” and click Copy Link Location Proceed to Google CalendarOn the left hand side click the small arrow near add and select “Add by URL” Paste the Link Location your obtained from CAT into the text box.

Découvrez les premières images de "House of Cards", la série de David Fincher [VIDEO] - News Série Tournages. NBC Giving odd jobs to Joel McHale and Jim Rash (from Community) during it's hiatus [Promo] Is Doctor Who a Religion? Quand les séries s'emparent du pouvoir - Séries TV. Séries télé: la leçon britannique. Doctor Who named top TV show in US charts. 13/12/2011.

Doctor Who named top TV show in US charts

Contributed by Jessica Martin Series six of the world’s longest running science fiction TV series Doctor Who has pipped US home-grown favourites such as Dexter, The Walking Dead and Glee to become 2011’s most downloaded show (season) on iTunes in America. The BBC Wales-produced series, lead written by Steven Moffat and starring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston, saw the season’s two-part opener feature a storyline set in various US locations including Utah and The White House’s Oval Office. It was also the first Doctor Who episode ever to be filmed in the country. Steven Moffat, the series’ Lead Writer and Executive Producer commented, “This is incredibly exciting news. Futurama et son générique surprise ! On a beau s'appeler 'Futurama', rien ne vaut un peu de publicité pour faire parler de soi.

Futurama et son générique surprise !

La série était à deux doigts de ne pas être reconduite, finalement ravie d'une issue positive, Comedy Central marque le coup avec un générique fait-main. En l’honneur d’un lancement d’une septième saison, c’est un spot télé qui a envahi les chaînes. Quoi de mieux que de passer le générique ! Dan Harmon, Dino Stamatopoulos, and Charlie Kaufman are funding a stop-motion film on Kickstarter. I have mixed feelings about Kickstarter.

Dan Harmon, Dino Stamatopoulos, and Charlie Kaufman are funding a stop-motion film on Kickstarter

However, I don't have mixed feelings about Dan Harmon (Community), Dino Stamatopoulos (Moral Orel, Mary Shelley's Frankenhole), and Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Adaption, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). And the thought of them working together and making something is really, really exciting. Probably even exciting enough to warrant giving money to a Kickstarter campaign, which is exactly what they're doing! In an attempt to bypass the studio system and the corporate entertainment world completely -- which is totally not a statement on the way Harmon was fired from the show he created by NBC, nope! 9 Reasons 'Community' and 'Scrubs' Are the Same Show. The Impact of Genesis of the Daleks. As we countdown to the return of the Daleks, guest contributor Patrick Durston looks back at their most important story.

The Impact of Genesis of the Daleks

A Whoniverse without Genesis of the Daleks would be a boring one. In fact, most of Doctor Who’s mythos wouldn’t have been spawned without this master-class story. As a long-time fan of the Daleks, I have a particular love for everything about Genesis. Apart from the the fact that it marks the first ever appearance of the evil, maniacal, Machiavellian Kaled cyborg genius that we all know and love as Davros, the adventure has been marked as the greatest Doctor Who serial of all time, possibly on the account of its brilliance as a major story. For the uninitiated who aren’t familiar or with it or have yet to see it, you should be able to understand why it gains the exposure it gets. But what makes this classic from 1975 so important and popular, or that behemoth in the big wide Whoniverse? Wisher plays him to a tee.

And on that note, long live Genesis of the Daleks.

Sherlock transcripts

Science confirms ‘Doctor Who-type world, Gallifrey’ NASA has confirmed the existence of a real-universe analogue of Gallifrey, the fictional Time Lord planet that features in the BBC science-fiction drama series, Doctor Who. According to an article in theRegister, NASA came across what it calls a “transiting circumbinary multi-planet system” – in layman’s speak, “two worlds orbiting two suns” – using its Kepler planet-hunting telescope, and the Register likens to “Doctor Who’s Time Lord homeworld [of] Gallifrey – or alternatively the luxury-planet-builders’ planet Magrathea [from] The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy”! The Register reports the lead author of the study, Jerome Orosz – associate professor of astronomy at San Diego State University – as saying, “Each planet transits over the primary star, giving unambiguous evidence that the planets are real.” Read more... Digital Journal's Andrew Moran first reported on the discovery in January of this year, but the full study report has now been accepted by and published inScience.

Accueil. Steven Moffat Interview : Doctor Who (2005) Nicolas de Tavernost  : « Nous devons nous affranchir des séries américaines », Interview. Les Simpson: la carte de tous les pays où ils sont allés [INTERACTIF] Pas de cul mais pas mal de séries de la honte. « Bouillon de Luxure. C’est le numéro sexe des Zinrocks, il y a de la double penetration all the way sur le site, donc j’ai décidé de me la jouer alternative en abordant quelque chose qui n’a rien à voir avec la chair et dans lequel je m’y connais encore moins qu’en cul, je vais vous parler de séries. Cela va être long et pénible, je soupçonne cette note de ne présenter aucun intérêt (perche 1) autre que de faire style « je suis occupée » dans le train et de décourager mes trois voisins d’engager la conversation avec moi.

En plus, je ne mettrai aucun lien, car je suis en Edge et que ça pourrait me prendre quatre jours. Suits (TV Series 2011. Breakout Kings (TV Series 2011. Jeu de Trônes: quand la fantasy médiévale reflète notre politique. Temps de lecture: 11 min En 1996, lorsque George R.R. ‪Dexter Season 6 Trailer‬‏ Watch Red vs. Blue episodes on Red vs. Blue Season 9 - Episode 2. Réalisateurs, scénaristes: chacun sa place.


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