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Beyond True Blood's Sensationalism. From the first time I heard about the concept behind HBO’s True Blood I was a little bit horrified.

Beyond True Blood's Sensationalism

Vampires are “coming out of the coffin” and want equal rights? Since television producers (and especially HBO) want to make shows that are as sensational and scandalous as possible, I had my doubts about whether they could provide commentary about social justice struggles in America without being painfully offensive, ignorant and stereotypical. I am unhappy to report that, no, they completely failed. The Sexual Politics of Full Frontal on HBO (NSFW)

In the wake of Elliot Rodger’s misogynistic killing spree, the media’s role in male entitlement and violence against women has brought commentators to virtual blows.

The Sexual Politics of Full Frontal on HBO (NSFW)

One right hook came from Ann Hornaday, who argues in the Washington Post that male entitlement fantasies are part of a climate in which women are displayed as objects for the sexual fulfillment of men. This post is about how full frontal nudity in True Blood, Hung, and Game of Thrones contributes to this climate. True Blood. While there are dozens of examples of full frontal female nudity in True Blood’s six-season run, from lead actors to extras, there are only two instances of full frontal male nudity. A striking example of the exploitation of women as sex objects is in the appearance and figure of Lillith, a vampire goddess who is featured rising from a pool of blood, walking around fully nude for extended scenes. In another stark example, vampires hold several dozen humans captive. Hung. Commando Culotte - Game of Thrones. ATTENTION : L'article parle des saisons 1,2 et 3 de la SERIE d'HBO (et pas du livre) ; donc si vous n'avez pas vu ces trois saisons vous allez vous spoiler !

Commando Culotte - Game of Thrones

Voilà, bonne lecture ! Note réalisée avec la redoutable TARMASZ ! On a fait le plan ensemble quand on s'est vues puis les dessins chacune de notre côté, ce qui explique qu'on parle deux fois du racisme (mais bon je pense que c'est un vrai problème de GoT et j'aurais bien aimé pouvoir plus creuser sur ce sujet). C'était vraiment un article intéressant à faire, surtout que j'aime vraiment fort la série (comme 95% des gens j'imagine) malgré ses défauts ; et en même temps assez rageant car c'est impossible de faire quelque chose d'exhaustif !

On effleure à peine les sujets, tellement ils sont nombreux et complexes. Oups oups surtout des articles en anglais, pardon pardon. The Game of Thrones Rape Scene Was Unnecessary and Despicable. That Game of Thrones Scene Wasn’t a ‘Turn-On,’ It Was Rape. Photo: HBO/Neil Davidson Spoilers for last night’s Game of Thrones follow.

That Game of Thrones Scene Wasn’t a ‘Turn-On,’ It Was Rape

In last night’s episode of Game of Thrones, the character Jaime Lannister rapes his sister and long-time lover, Cersei, beside the corpse of their dead son. As she repeatedly yells “no” and “stop,” he tears off her clothes, pushes her to the ground, and says, “I don’t care.” This isn’t the first rape scene in Game of Thrones—far from it. And there’s been controversy over the show’s use of rape before. Well, it becomes consensual by the end, because anything for them ultimately results in a turn-on, especially a power struggle.

HBO should show penises. Historically Authentic Sexism in Fantasy. Let’s Unpack That. There was a great, thoughtful article at The Mary Sue on one of my pet topics: the common justification of sexist fantasy fiction being that it’s historically authentic.

Historically Authentic Sexism in Fantasy. Let’s Unpack That.

I am BUSY today, far too busy for a rant, but then I felt one coming on, and was worried I might end up with a migraine if I tried to stifle it. You know how it is. So let’s talk about sexism in history vs. sexism in fantasy. I agree with pretty much everything said in the Mary Sue article: when you’re writing fantasy inspired by history, you don’t have to take all the ingrained sexism of historical societies along for the party, and even when you do, you don’t have to write women in a sexist or demeaning way. Your fantasy will not break by treating women as if they are people too. But my rant is actually not quite about that stuff at all. History is actually a long series of centuries of men writing down what they thought was important and interesting, and FORGETTING TO WRITE ABOUT WOMEN. Guess why. The 43 Most Badass TV Heroines.

True Detective, la série masculino-masculine. (mais la photographie est jolie) How I Met Your Mother et le sexisme. Bref, une série sexiste ? Orange Is The New Black. Si vous êtes fan de séries télévisées, vous n’avez pas pu passer à côté de la sortie de celle-là.

Orange Is The New Black

Orange Is The New Black (littéralement, Orange est le nouveau Noir) est l’une des séries en vogue, sujet presque raconté par toutes les bouches. Je ne vais donc pas vous dire qu’il s’agit de l’histoire de Piper, femme typique WASP, qui se retrouve en prison pour avoir trempé par complicité dans le commerce de drogues dans sa jeunesse, entichée d’une dealeuse lesbienne. Je ne vous dirais pas non plus qu’elle y rencontre des co-détenues "hautes en couleur" qui lui feront changer de perspective.

Bref, Orange Is The New Black (ou OITNB pour les intimes) semblait bien intéressant sur le papier, mais j’avais des réticences à regarder. Pourquoi? Piper en tant que personnage principal.