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Floating Point Visually Explained. August 29th, 2017 In the early 90s, to write a 3D game engine for PCs largely meant to repurpose the machine.

Floating Point Visually Explained

PCs of this era were built to run word processors and spreadsheets, not perform 3D calculations at 70 frames per second. A significant obstacle was the CPU which despite being powerful did not have an hardware floating point unit. Programmers only had an ALU available to crunch integers. Execute Python Online. Python Cloud IDE. Labs. Perl Tutorial. Perl is a programming language developed by Larry Wall, especially designed for text processing.

Perl Tutorial

Though Perl is not officially an acronym but many times it is used as it stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language. It runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial provides a complete understanding on Perl. This reference has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Perl Scripting languages. Before you start practicing with various types of examples given in this reference, we are making an assumption that you have prior exposure to C programming and Unix Shell. For most of the examples given in this tutorial you will find Try it option, so just make use of this option to execute your Perl programs at the spot and enjoy your learning. Try following example using Try it option available at the top right corner of the below sample code box − About ShellCheck. This page has been deprecated!

About ShellCheck

Please see for updated information! ShellCheck is a static analysis and linting tool for sh/bash scripts. It's mainly focused on handling typical beginner and intermediate level syntax errors and pitfalls where the shell just gives a cryptic error message or strange behavior, but it also reports on a few more advanced issues where corner cases can cause delayed failures.

Orion - Open Source Web and Cloud Development Environment. JetBrains PhpStorm. Tutorials. CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game. Working with Dialog Controls in LibreOffice Calc using Macro – Part 1. Sourcegraph. Execute Perl Script Online. Comparison of programming paradigms. This article attempts to set out the various similarities and differences between the various programming paradigms as a summary in both graphical and tabular format with links to the separate discussions concerning these similarities and differences in extant Wikipedia articles.

Comparison of programming paradigms

Main paradigm approaches[edit] The following are considered[by whom?] The main programming paradigms. Video Training - O'Reilly Media. “WOWSER!

Video Training - O'Reilly Media

Only way I can describe this video series.” — Jon Guenther “I loved this tutorial! After trying several, this one was the one that really got me going with Python.” — Roxam. JSbooks - free javascript books. Code Maven from Crunchzilla. <h2>Code Maven gets teens excited about programming.

Code Maven from Crunchzilla

It is an interactive tutorial where anyone can experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Maven from Crunchzilla uses Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want to play with Code Maven. Otherwise, Code Maven will not be able to play with you. Software design pattern. In software engineering, a software design pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design.

Software design pattern

It is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into source or machine code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Design patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designing an application or system. Design Patterns. It has been highly influential to the field of software engineering and is regarded as an important source for object-oriented design theory and practice.

Design Patterns

More than 500,000 copies have been sold in English and in 13 other languages. The authors are often referred to as the Gang of Four (GoF).[1] History[edit] Introduction, Chapter 1[edit] Code & Conquer. Most Important: Have Fun.

Code & Conquer

And earn some badges. See how your strategy works out in different scenarios, challenge other players, receive points, earn badges and climb your way to the top of the leaderboard. Boost your coding skills. Do it playing. This game provides the perfect setting to introduce the key concepts employers ask you to know. Comparison of programming paradigms. This article attempts to set out the various similarities and differences between the various programming paradigms as a summary in both graphical and tabular format with links to the separate discussions concerning these similarities and differences in extant Wikipedia articles.

Comparison of programming paradigms

Main paradigm approaches[edit] The following are considered[by whom?] The main programming paradigms. Toward a better programming. This post is based on my talk, "Finding a way out", from Strange Loop 2013 When I built the original prototype of Light Table I didn't have any grand purpose or goal in mind. I simply had some ideas on how programming could be better and I wanted to see how hard they would be to build. Until fairly recently, it never dawned on me that I've actually spent the past decade trying out ideas on how programming could be better, from web frameworks, to Visual Studio, to Light Table and its future. And it wasn't until I had that realization that I also came to the conclusion that I'd been going about this all wrong.

Perl Tutorial Course. Introductory Perl Tutorial Course for Windows This introductory Perl tutorial course for Windows will introduce you to the beginning concepts of Perl in a familiar Windows environment and show you how to set it up for CGI with a web server running on your own box. I wrote this course as an accompaniment to a classroom course in Perl, but now this website is visited by Perl students from around the world. In addition to the basic Perl content, an appendix contains instructions on installing Perl and suggestions for a couple of web servers to run on your Windows PC. If you are following this course on your own, please follow it in sequence.

The ideas are presented carefully so that each section builds on the sections before. Course Prerequisites. Sedsed. Lesson 6 - Tuples, Lists, and Dictionaries. Introduction Your brain still hurting from the last lesson? Never worry, this one will require a little less thought. We're going back to something simple - variables - but a little more in depth. Think about it - variables store one bit of information. They may regurgitate (just not on the carpet...) that information at any point, and their bit of information can be changed at any time.

Comparison of programming paradigms. Welcome - Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial. Looping the loop. In the last exercise we printed out part of the 12 times table. CodingBat. In Python, when to use a Dictionary, List or Set? Rosetta Code. Python Overview. Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other languages. Python is Interpreted: Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter. Bash Hackers Wiki Frontpage. Examples of small bash programs. Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook.

Tutorials. Open Vim. Awk - A Tutorial and Introduction - by Bruce Barnett. Your browser does not have Javascript enabled. Python Cloud IDE. Tech Stuff - Regular Expressions - A Gentle User Guide and Tutorial. A Regular Expression is the term used to describe a codified method of searching invented, or defined, by the American mathematician Stephen Kleene. The syntax (language format) described on this page is compliant with extended regular expressions (EREs) defined in IEEE POSIX 1003.2 (Section 2.8).

EREs are now commonly supported by Apache, PERL, PHP4, Javascript 1.3+, MS Visual Studio, most visual editors, vi, emac, the GNU family of tools (including grep, awk and sed) as well as many others. Extended Regular Expressions (EREs) will support Basic Regular Expressions (BREs are essentially a subset of EREs). Most applications, utilities and laguages that implement RE's, especially PERL, extend the ERE capabilities and what are typically called PERL Compatible Regular Expressions (PCREs) have, largely, become a de facto standard.

Implementation documentation should always be consulted in case some wierd Regular Expression variant is involved. Contents The title is deceptive. Simple Matching. Bash Guide for Beginners. The Linux Documentation Project. Awk - A Tutorial and Introduction - by Bruce Barnett. Your browser does not have Javascript enabled. I use Javascript for analytics, and to show ads which pay for the maintenance Last modified: Thu Apr 23 16:37:47 EDT 2015 Part of the Unix tutorials And then there's My blog Table of Contents Copyright 1994,1995 Bruce Barnett and General Electric Company Copyright 2001, 2004, 2013, 2014 Bruce Barnett.