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The Death of Trends: III. For the past two weeks, we have analyzed the shift from overarching seasonal trends to a constantly evolving blend of eclectic micro-trends.

The Death of Trends: III

We argued that instead of buying into a signature look or designer ethos, the consumer now focuses on mixing and interpreting these diverse elements in their own, highly personal ways. We also noted that one of the main catalysts behind this no-trend trend is the rise of new media, which allows micro-trends to enter the mainstream and evolve into new trends much more rapidly than the traditional print model allows. The impact of and on retail is the last piece in our sociological puzzle. This week, we examine the ways consumers now buy (and don’t buy) fashion products. Over the past few years the fashion world’s two-season model has been cranked up to lightning speed.

Eveline Morel, owner of EM & Co. boutique in Los Angeles, has noticed the shift firsthand. —Erin Magner. The Death of Trends: Part II. Last week, we introduced the first in a series of articles about the changing face of fashion trends.

The Death of Trends: Part II

Rather than having the clear focus and boldface movements we used to see on the runways, the past few seasons have given us a deluge of eclectic “micro-trends”—from floral prints to ethnic detailing, from architectural tailoring to body-conscious silhouettes. We argue that instead of buying into a signature look or designer ethos, the consumer is now focused on mixing and interpreting these divergent elements in their own, highly personal ways. This week we explore one of the driving forces behind this transformation: new media. The fashion industry has always been driven by experimentation and creativity. Until recently, however, everyone who lived outside the major style hubs never saw it—their only exposure to fashion came from shopping malls and the pages of Glamour. Fashion big shots and rising stars alike are now accessible to the masses in a way they never have been before. The Death Of Trends: Part I. Back in February 1988, Vogue‘s “Point of View” column constantly alluded to the “right” style.

The Death Of Trends: Part I

Pants in this category were “narrow over the hip, softer and wider through the leg,” while jackets were “longer, sharply tailored…often graphic in its design,” hemlines were short, the proper color was green and the best accessory a scarf. Twenty years on and the diktats of cool have become much less defined. Elle‘s March 2008 issue advises readers to stock up on cargo pants, mannish trousers, skinny jeans, denim cutoffs and flares, to pair with floral blouses, white tees, pajama tops or gypsy-inspired camisoles. And, while the apparel list seems rather extensive, every proper fashionista’s list of must-have shoes also includes sculptural heels, wedges, gladiator sandals, ballet flats, open-toed booties and moccasins.

When it comes to fashion in 2008 the only prevailing trend is that there are no prevailing trends. This is the first in a three part series. —Erin Magner. Seasonless Clothes. We are excited to have Amit Gupta of Photojojo joining us at PSFK Conference San Francisco 2008 on our “San Francisco Snapshot” panel,where passionate locals, including Liz Dunn of FunnyOrDie and Jeremy Townsend of The Ghetto Gourmet (led by moderator Colin Nagy of Attention) will discuss what makes the Bay Area tick and what aspects of SF/Bay Area culture inspire them the most.

Seasonless Clothes

First, who are you and what do you do? Hi. My name’s Amit Gupta. I am a creative, hard-working, honest young man who likes to create fun things online. I run a company called Photojojo, we’re the world’s awesomest photography newsletter. You’ll be speaking on our “San Francisco Snapshot” panel. People here are not afraid of failure.There’s a great entrepreneurial spirit here, and startups seem to grow like weeds, but it has less to do with the weather, the proximity of venture capital, or history, and more to do with the culture. Some sites that provide you with inspiration: The Death of Trends, the Rise of Zara. Two great articles this week highlight what we’ve been talking about for half a year or more.

The Death of Trends, the Rise of Zara

JC Report gives us part three of their Death of Trends series, which analyzes the shift of the fashion industry away from a two-season system and toward a more fluid system of “constantly evolving blend of eclectic micro-trends.” As Julie Fredrickson, founder of the fashion community and blog Coutorture, puts it in the article: The two-season system is essentially defunct as designers are pressed to keep consumers stimulated with new goods.

In that sense, there isn’t room for an overarching vision because the schedule has accelerated so dramatically. Death of Trends? Are we witnessing the end of trends?

Death of Trends?

The JC Report has some interesting thoughts on what constitutes a trend in today’s world. In a series of posts titled “The Death Of Trends”, they explain how in the fashion world there’s no longer monotheistic style “big” trends. Although labeling this development as a “death” is extreme, they do bring up a relevant point. What’s really going on here (in fashion, and in general) is that instead of a top down, declared big trend (think statements like: “Green is the new black!”)