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Prion Infected Brains

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Neurologist Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner. Tavis: The road to a scientific breakthrough can be fraught with enough drama to give even the best spy novel a run for its money.

Neurologist Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner

Nobel Laureate Stanley Prusiner, who won the Nobel Prize for medicine back in 1997 and is now the director of the Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of California, San Francisco, has written a new memoir, a text titled “Madness and Memory: The Discovery of Prions-A New Biological Principle of Disease” which reveals his dramatic journey from pariah to prophet as he correctly challenged everything that the scientific community thought that they knew about pathogens leading the way, for that matter, for what eventually might become a breakthrough for treatments like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other forms of dementia. So Dr. Prusiner, we owe you a thank-you for your persistence when they told you you were wrong. Dr. Stanley Prusiner: Well, thank you. Tavis: I’m glad to have you on this program to talk about it.

Prusiner: Thank you. Vegan / Vegetarian vs. Paleo. Apparently, vegans and paleos /”cavemen” are completely at odds, and may even hate each other, according to numerous articles you can look up yourself.. [ If true, then how, - and to which extent am I wondering.., - does this apply to Transhumanists.. ] This (far from) objective truth, however, could do with some healthy myth-busting if you ask me.., which is not to deny certain tensions exist.., – on the basis of which vegan marathoner and author of ’No Meat Athlete’, Matt Frazier, wrote an article in the Huffington Post, tittled Why Vegans and Paleos Should Stop Hating Each Other… Matt Frazier is of the opinion that ”we’re far more alike than we are different“, and personally I tend to agree with this assesment, except I’d probably exclude the “far”.., but let’s take a look at some of the reasons why we are alike /think alike: In conclusion, Vegans and Paleos are..

Vegan / Vegetarian vs. Paleo

Add to that a passion about suffering / animal welfare, -e.g. both ”camps” agree that factory farming is disgusting. Ten years ago this week: Mad cow disease discovered, ties to Portland-area meat distributors revealed. Ten years ago this week, the U.S.

Ten years ago this week: Mad cow disease discovered, ties to Portland-area meat distributors revealed

Department of Agriculture discovered a Holstein with mad cow disease had been slaughtered in Moses Lake, Wash., and its flesh fed into the Pacific Northwest meat supply, partly by a Clackamas ground beef factory. It was the first known case of mad cow disease in the United States and set off a frenzy of concern that people would be seriously sickened by eating beef. That high level of concern has since subsided, largely because only three other U.S. cows have been detected to have the disease, and all three of those were discovered and stopped before they were made into meat for human consumption, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The December 2003 case was of particular concern to people in the Pacific Northwest, because the cow was raised in Mabton, Wash., slaughtered in Moses Lake and many pounds of its flesh were ground into hamburger in Clackamas. CJD: Call For Widespread Test To Detect Disease. By Stephen Douglas, Sky News Reporter MPS have launched an inquiry to check the safety of donor blood after hearing new evidence on the human form of mad cow disease.

CJD: Call For Widespread Test To Detect Disease

The Commons Science and Technology Committee was responding to a study that revealed one in every 2,000 people in the UK could be carrying variant CJD. Christine Lord’s son Andrew died from the disease which causes degenerative brain disorder. She told Sky News: "Every single minute of the day there was relentless pain and memory loss. He was unable to move, unable to walk and unable to talk. "The public think it's gone away but it hasn't. Heartbroken Portsmouth mum welcomes fresh look at disease. A WOMAN whose son died from the human form of mad cow disease has welcomed a new inquiry looking into the condition.

Heartbroken Portsmouth mum welcomes fresh look at disease

Christine Lord lost her son Andrew, then 24, to vCJD in 2007. Now MPs on the science and technology select committee have launched an inquiry into the safety of blood and organ donation after hearing evidence of its dangers. They will look at blood, tissue and organ screening over fears the disease may be spread this way. And Ms Lord, who wrote a book about her son’s illness, has submitted evidence on her own tragic case. Hampden Twp. man dies of mysterious disease sometimes associated with mad cow and chronic wasting. As recently as July, Weston Ruhrig seemed perfectly sound of body and mind.

Hampden Twp. man dies of mysterious disease sometimes associated with mad cow and chronic wasting

The 66-year-old was retired from a government career, but busy as an auctioneer, substitute teacher and antique dealer. Today, Ruhrig’s family would be hard pressed to pinpoint the most heart-breaking moment preceding his death on Dec. 19. It could have been when his stepson noticed the formerly affectionate grandfather now seemed annoyed by his grandchildren. Or when his wife, perplexed he didn’t pick up a ringing telephone, found him holding a pad on which he had written “Hello.” Prions May Develop Drug Resistance: The Implications for Mad Cow, Alzheimer s and Parkinson s. Public health. Published 16 October 2013 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is a degenerative brain disease — often called the human form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow disease.”

Public health

It emerged after widespread exposure to BSE prions in the late 1980s and early 1990s through contaminated meat products in the food chain. Around one in 2,000 people in the United Kingdom may carry variant CJD proteins, concludes a large scale survey published on BMJ. 30K in U.K. Could Carry Human Form of Mad Cow Disease. 30,000 May Silently Be Carrying the Human Form of Mad Cow Disease in the UK. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) is the human form of the fatal brain-wasting disease found in cows called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) - better known as mad cow disease.

30,000 May Silently Be Carrying the Human Form of Mad Cow Disease in the UK

So far there have only been 177 confirmed human cases in the United Kingdom, according to the study. Forty-nine more cases have been reported in 11 other countries, according to the World Health Organization. A recent study, published Tuesday in the medical journal BMJ, was a much larger one than a former study. Researchers studied appendix samples from 32,441 people and found 16 that tested positive for vCJD. Given that population of the United Kingdom is a little over 60 million, Brandner says that means about 1 in 2,000 people - or roughly 30,000 people total - have this potentially lethal prion.

There are twice as many mad cow disease carriers than previous estimates. After analyzing thousands of tissue samples, scientist from the UK have found that there may be twice as many people carrying variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob prions – the human form of mad cow disease.

There are twice as many mad cow disease carriers than previous estimates

According to the researchers, this is the most robust prevalence measure to date across a wide range of age groups. Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a transmissible, slowly progressive, degenerative, and fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of adult cattle. By consuming beef containing infected nervous system, people risk developing variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob the human form of BSE. In the early stages of vCJD, people have symptoms related to the nervous system, like depression and loss of coordination. Later in the illness, dementia develops. One in 2,000 Briton carries 'abnormal proteins' linked to human mad cow disease. CJD: Mad cow disease carried by double UK estimate, one in 2,000 Britons show infection may be relatively common. Researchers have compiled the most accurate measure of variant CJD proteins and although the disease is rare, ­“infection” may be common One in 2,000 people in Britain carry mad cow disease proteins – twice the previous estimates and across a wider age group.

CJD: Mad cow disease carried by double UK estimate, one in 2,000 Britons show infection may be relatively common

Researchers have compiled the most accurate measure of variant CJD proteins and although the disease is rare, ­“infection” may be relatively common. To date there have been 177 cases of Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease , which emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s through contaminated meat. Uncertainty remains about how many of the 30,000 people carrying the protein will get the disease and it is not clear what risk carriers pose through blood transfusions or surgery. Researchers examined more than 32,000 anonymous samples from people who had their appendix removed. But the protein’s presence did not differ significantly in ages, sexes or geographical areas. 1 in 2,000 people in UK could carry 'human mad cow disease' CJD protein.

People of all ages and genotypes could be affected by the prion protein of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human variant of 'mad cow disease', reveals a survey published by today. A team of UK researchers conducted a study to better understand how many people could be carriers of the abnormal prion protein that could lead to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, vCJD, alongside a study of the genetic makeup, or genotype, of these individuals. An accompanying editorial questions how widespread CJD is, and highlights that, although it is a relatively rare disease, “infection” is relatively common.

As a result, the researchers say that doctors need to understand the public health measures that are in place to protect patients. Increase in carriers of mad cow disease. Dissecting many tissue tests from surgical methodology did around the United Kingdom (UK), analysts have assessed that the amount of individuals convey variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob prions to be twofold past gauges. Reported in the British Medical Journal, the review is likely the most strong pervasiveness measure to date over an extensive variety of age assemblies. In the new study, a group of UK scientists analyzed more than 32,000 informative supplement examines from individuals of all ages who had their reference section uprooted between 2000 and 2012.

More Britons estimated to be vCJD carriers than previously thought. Electron microscopy image showing the brain of patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Photograph: REX/Joubert/Phanie Agency/Re. Prions May Develop Drug Resistance: The Implications for Mad Cow, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The brain of a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob shows signs of neurodegeneration and the presence of large clumps of prion protein (purple). Courtesy of Lary Walker. Clumps of proteins twisted into aberrant shapes cause the prion diseases that have perplexed biologists for decades. The surprises just keep coming with a new report that the simple clusters of proteins responsible for Mad Cow and other prions diseases may, without help from DNA or RNA, be capable of changing form to escape the predations of drugs that target their eradication. Prion drug resistance could be eerily similar to that found in cancer and HIV—and may have implications for drug development for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, neurodegenerative diseases also characterized by misfolded proteins.

Thousands Carry Human Form of Mad Cow Disease.

Ruminant Feed

Food: EU to relax rules on animal protein in animal feed. Lost amongst the Europe-wide furore concerning the discovery of horsemeat in processed foods, on February 14 the European Union quietly announced a partial lifting of the ban on animal proteins in feedstuffs. Eating meat made us human - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience. Fragments of a 1.5-million-year-old skull from a child recently found in Tanzania suggest early hominids weren't just occasional carnivores but regular meat eaters, researchers say. Legal Delicacies: Patenting Our Food. Will this new steak, invented by Dr. The Landscape of the Prion Protein's Structural Response to Mutation Revealed by Principal Component Analysis of Multiple NMR Ensembles.

GOP Senators Celebrate 'Meat Monday' After USDA's 'Meatless Monday' Mishap. The hubbub over the U.S. House GOP sets up vote next week on one-year farm bill extension. The House next week will vote on a one-year extension of the 2008 farm bill, coupled with an extension of disaster aid for livestock producers. The House Rules Committee on Friday announced a Tuesday meeting to consider a rule for the farm bill. The Real Reason that Eating Meat is Ethical. Earlier this month, The New York Times held an essay contest asking readers to perform a surprisingly challenging task: provide an ethical justification for eating meat. The best six responses, as judged by a celebrity panel that included Peter Singer, Michael Pollan, and Jonathan Safran Foer, were published last week. The winning essays relied on a variety of justifying principles, from the reasonable – livestock waste nourishes the land – to the dubious: animals are allegedly incapable of forming meaningful relationships.

Feed Focus: Drought and the Cost of Meat. Spend Matters welcomes a guest post from Robert Miles, at Mintec Ltd. Meat lovers might expect to hear far more about the cost of cereals and meals upsetting not just their breakfast, but potentially more of their eating time in the weeks and months ahead. Vegetarian society talk examines the effects of GMO foods. By Kevin Hotary - Staff WriterColchester - posted Tue., Jul. 24, 2012.

USDA Predicts Food Prices To Rise In Drought's Wake. Stop Gambling on Hunger – Bring back common sense rules to commodity markets. Malaysia free of mad cow disease. A New Mechanism for Transmissible Prion Diseases. A New Mechanism for Transmissible Prion Diseases. THE REAL HUNGER GAMES: WHY GHANA SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT NODDING DISEASE. Potential contribution of exosomes to the prion-like propagation of lesions in Alzheimer’s disease. Prion busting molecules. Michael Greger, M.D.: Mad Cow California: Stop Feeding Cows Chicken Manure. U.S. meat supply widely contaminated with mad cow disease prions. Health - Neil Wagner - Treatments for Mad Cow, Other Prion Diseases May Be Coming.

Romney shakes up the strategy, tones down rhetoric - From the Wires. Vegan Activists to Obama: Stop Eating Meat in Public - Washington Wire. Obama eats 2 chili dogs and fries day after wife Michelle unveils new dietary guide. The Presidential diet.