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Mid 2020-? Police Murder of Yet Another US Citizen of Color Triggers Mostly Peaceful Protests Jacked Up by Angry Cops w/Weapons. Racial Economic Inequality. Systemic racism has contributed to the persistence of race-based gaps that manifest in many different economic indicators.

Racial Economic Inequality

The starkest divides are in measures of household wealth, reflecting centuries of white privilege that have made it particularly difficult for people of color to achieve economic security. This series of charts begins with a look at the widening of racial wealth gaps in the United States that have coincided with the extreme concentration of U.S. wealth. The Racial Wealth Divide Racial Income Inequality Race and Gender Inequality Racial Wealth Divide By the middle of the 21st century, the United States will be a “majority minority” nation. According to our Racial Wealth Divide report, the median Black family, with just over $3,500, owns just 2 percent of the wealth of the nearly $147,000 the median White family owns. As with total wealth, homeownership is heavily skewed towards White families, our Racial Wealth Divide report shows. Racial Income Inequality. 12/4/18: Discrimination. It ain't rocket science. Well, except when it is. — The Employer Handbook Blog.

Our Racist History Isn't Back to Haunt Us. It Never Left Us. Now look at this image, of Frederick Jermaine Carter, a 26-year-old black man found hanging from a tree in a white suburb in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Our Racist History Isn't Back to Haunt Us. It Never Left Us

It was taken ten miles south and 55 years after Emmett Till was killed. Carter died in 2010. Yes, southern (and northern) trees still bear strange fruit. 3/17/19: White Supremacy Hurts White People. 2/1/19: 3 ways to improve education about slavery in the US. When it comes to teaching students about slavery in the United States, teachers often stumble through the topic.

2/1/19: 3 ways to improve education about slavery in the US

In the worst cases, they use poorly conceived lessons that end up inflaming students, parents and communities about a subject that is already difficult to deal with because of the inhumanity involved. For instance, in 2018 a Bronx middle school teacher “shocked and traumatized” her social studies class when she had black students lie on the floor, then “stepped on their backs to show them what slavery felt like.” In 2012 in Georgia, a third-grade teacher resigned after an investigation found the teacher and three others had assigned math homework with word problems about slavery, such as, “If Frederick got two beatings each day, how many beatings did he get in one week?” Monumental Lies. This show originally was broadcast Dec. 8, 2018.

Monumental Lies

The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, but the Confederacy didn’t completely die with it. Monuments, shrines and museums are found throughout the South. 9/2: US Attorney J Herdman to white nationalists. 7/3/19: Crown Act- California 1st state to ban hair discrimination. SportsPulse: In 2018, is it fair for athletes to have to choose competition over lifestyle?

7/3/19: Crown Act- California 1st state to ban hair discrimination

Trysta Krick gets reaction from Alabama and Oklahoma players on the viral video of the New Jersey wrestler who had to cut his dreadlocks to compete in a match. USA TODAY SAN FRANCISCO – California on Wednesday became the first state to protect citizens from discrimination based on hairstyle, a law greeted with both enthusiasm and a touch of dismay by people of color. 3/27/19: Atty Rashad James files complaint against Harford Co. Sheriff’s Office. 2/7/19: Holmes, 10, takes knee during Pledge @Durham, N.C. City Council meeting. Durham, N.C. -- Is it taking a stand or disrespecting the flag?

2/7/19: Holmes, 10, takes knee during Pledge @Durham, N.C. City Council meeting

That's the question some are asking after a Durham 10 year old took a knee during the Pledge of Allegiance at Monday night's City Council meeting, reports CBS Raleigh affiliate WNCN-TV. Video of the meeting shows Liam Holmes drop down. The council invited Cub Scout Pack 451 to lead the pledge. Trump Admin– National Borders. 10/27/16: Meet the Dapper White Nationalist Who Wins Even if Trump Loses. 2/25/16: Duke Urges His Supporters To Volunteer & Vote For Trump. NtWH Correspondents' Dinner: Racism is Racist with B V Dixon. 10/25/17: Massive study on racism, and the media only focused on the part about white people.

1967 Kerner Commission Report

Fatalities and racism. In conjunction with IRR News and the European Race Progamme, we are undertaking a number of rolling research projects to collate the extent of and analyse trends in deaths which are in one way or another connected to state and/or popular racism.

Fatalities and racism

The research results are published via regular online reports and briefing papers, as well as noted bi-weekly in our regular calendar of racism and resistance. Ongoing cases are also reported on IRR News. Deaths in custody: Examines suspicious deaths which take place in the custody of prisons, special hospitals and in encounters with the police; the ensuing inquests into such deaths and subsequent disciplining or punishment of those involved. Deaths related to racial violence: The most extreme cases of racial attack can result in a loss of life. Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism —CSUSB. The future of race in America: Michelle Alexander at TEDxColumbus. The Racist Roots of Denying Incarcerated People Their Right to Vote. Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws—sometimes, as in Florida, part of state constitutions—mandated the segregation of public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks.

Jim Crow laws

The U.S. military was already segregated. Neo-Nazis Use Discord Chats to Promote New Zealand Copycat Shootings. When an Australian neo-nazi murdered 50 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in March 2019, he was playing into a pre-existing online racist subculture that encourage the kind of attack he carried out.

Neo-Nazis Use Discord Chats to Promote New Zealand Copycat Shootings

The gunman placed himself in a lineage of white nationalist and alt-right killers such as Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers and Dylann Roof who shot and killed nine black churchgoers in North Carolina in 2015. Newer shooters since the New Zealand massacre have also played directly into online subcultures that promise to reward alienated young men with praise and attention if they kill for the cause of white supremacy.

While much has been written about the role of sites like 4chan and 8chan in the neo-nazi mass murder radicalization process, the networks encouraging alt-right terrorism also rely on less-public online spaces to gather, share memes, plan harassment campaigns, and strategize. Reportbacks From the Allen Scarsella Trial. Minneapolis, MN – Hennepin County Judge Hilary Caliguiri sentenced white supremacist Allen Scarsella to 182 months for his racially motivated act of domestic terrorism, shooting five unarmed protesters in Minneapolis in November 2015.

Reportbacks From the Allen Scarsella Trial

Scarsella’s trial featured over thirty witnesses and lasted through eleven days of testimony. Unicorn Riot was documenting live at the 4th Precinct on November 19th, 2015, when Allen Scarsella and Julio Suarez first physically trolled the protest encampment in North Minneapolis while armed, and Unicorn Riot was present during the court dates and attended the full proceedings of Scarsella trial. This post encapsulates all ten of the comprehensive reportbacks from the Scarsella Trial and has links to the five previous stories on this act of domestic terrorism before the trial.

3/25/19: How Extremists Use Social Media to Amplify Their Message. AltRight. Thurman 'Jun' Blevins. Ferguson Continued. Slavery. Tree of Life Synagogue shooting. Heather Heyer, victim of Charlottesville car attack, was civil rights activist. The woman who died when a car rammed into a group of people protesting against a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville was named on Sunday as Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old legal assistant with a law firm in Virginia, who repeatedly championed civil rights issues on social media.

Heyer, whose Facebook cover photo read: “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”, worked for the Virginia law firm Miller Law and regularly drew attention to cases of police malpractice and racism, as well as posting her support for Bernie Sanders in his presidential campaign. A friend from childhood, Felicia Correa, who launched a crowdfunding page and said she was speaking for Heyer’s mother, who was not ready to speak in public, said: “She died doing what was right.

Sandra Bland. Oscar Grant. Osaze Osagie. 6/28/18: Boston Globe Shooting.