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Cake Wrecks. Vetkoek Recipe. Everyone loves vetkoek, which is why a vetkoek recipe is a good thing to have!

Vetkoek Recipe

Fill it with a little curried ground beef and it’s called a “curry bunny”. It’s also really good with regular ground beef and some cheddar cheese, or cheese and syrup! Vetkoek Recipe Author: Linda Moreland. Chocolate Springs Cafe - Featuring hand crafted gourmet chocolat. What the hell _does_ a vegan eat anyway? The Veggie Table - Vegetarian Recipes and Info. - Vegan Recipes and Cooking Tips. A healthy meal in a box: great bento recipes, tips, Lunch in a Box: Building a Better Bento. VeganYumYum. Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii Wedding Cakes, Sculpted Cakes & Birthday Ca. Home Page. Amazing Cakes By Vanessa! That's My Cake!