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Cheat Sheet. Download cheat sheet as printable PDF A5 Syntax Child: > nav>ul>li Sibling: + div+p+bq Climb-up: ^ div+div>p>span+em^bq div+div>p>span+em^^bq Grouping: ()

Cheat Sheet

Learn coffeescript in Y Minutes. CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JavaScript, and there is no interpretation at runtime.

Learn coffeescript in Y Minutes

As one of the succeeders of JavaScript, CoffeeScript tries its best to output readable, pretty-printed and smooth-running JavaScript codes working well in every JavaScript runtime. See also the CoffeeScript website, which has a complete tutorial on CoffeeScript. Got a suggestion? A correction, perhaps? Open an Issue on the Github Repo, or make a pull request yourself! AuraJS - Aura. Underscore, Array.prototype, and You. What’s the most dependent module on npm?

Underscore, Array.prototype, and You

Cool Tools are a Must-Have for Web Designers. Admit it, as a designer you are always looking for cool new tips, tools and tricks to enhance your projects and make your life a little easier.

Cool Tools are a Must-Have for Web Designers

Thankfully, new tools, products, apps and even great user interface kits hit the market almost daily. There are also a host of old favorites out there a well – some you may know about and others that you might think about trying for the first time. Here (in no particular order) are a dozen we think you’ll like. Responsive Design Testing. JavaScript Libraries Catalog. HTML(.js) - Befriend the DOM! HTML document.documentElement The global HTML is the actual document root element and all element tags queried via the dot operator are descendants.

HTML(.js) - Befriend the DOM!

HTML.tag... Element|Array HTML allows you to access document elements via their tag name. If multiple elements of the same tag exist, a proper array of elements is returned; otherwise, an Element is returned. #136 jQuery. Is there an easy/standard way to add front-end build tools to a Rails app. Automated testing of CSS and HTML front-end coding. Why is document.write considered a "bad practice" - Call a Javascript Function after UpdatePanel Postback Issue. Testing tool for javaScript, CSS , HTML , jQuery. Javascript Tutorial - Design for Testability. If you've ever built a client/server application, you know how tedious it can be get access to a working server in order to test client functionality.

Javascript Tutorial - Design for Testability

With the right design, however, this is a headache we don't have to experience. This approach was used by our team recently when developing the Facebook game, Tic-Tac-Together, and proved to be quite successful. The root of this design involves encapsulating the communication layer into separate objects, which you should be doing anyway. Putting communication logic directly in your higher-level code is just asking for future maintenance difficulties. For Tic-Tac-Together (TTT) we needed two communication objects: one for our server and one for the Facebook API. Normally I'd write all of the implementation here and then wait around for a server to become available to test if anything worked. The only difference between the signatures is that I put the two new classes in another namespace, test.

Deep dive into Require.js. Require.js is one of my favorite ways to write JavaScript these days.

Deep dive into Require.js

It's modularity breaks up larger apps into smaller, manageable pieces. The optimizer is a powerful tool capable of squashing the largest of apps into the smallest of apps by tracing each module's dependencies. There are many reasons to be using AMD with require.js. Let's take a look at some of the more powerful features of require.js that you may or may not know about.

CommonJS compatibility AMD (Asynchronous Modular Definition) arose out of a group known as CommonJS. The syntax between a CommonJS module and an AMD module is different because AMD needs to support the asynchronous nature of the browser. Parrot. Testable JavaScript classes with Troop. Your tests are as good as your mocks.

Testable JavaScript classes with Troop

Without clear, concise mocks, you run the risk of either letting your unit tests slip into integration tests, or, breaking the very code you want to test by failing to restore mocked methods. Expanding the prototype chain The OOP library "Troop" offers a simple and powerful way of applying mocks to classes built with it. Jessecravens/techpro-debugging. Debugging Modern Web Applications Part 1. As JavaScript-centric web applications continue to become the standard, and the browser continues to evolve into a full-featured web application platform, developers need powerful debugging tools to help quickly troubleshoot issues and fix them efficiently.

Debugging Modern Web Applications Part 1

Issues can range from HTML/CSS browser inconsistencies, JavaScript exceptions, and a myriad of performance issues that range from DOM access to network latency. There a number of tools that web developers can use to help make debugging front end applications less painful. In this tutorial, we will walk through the top tools available and how to use these tools by addressing some of the most common issues faced in modern web application. This is a beginner to intermediate level tutorial for web developers getting started with debugging the web, or programmers coming from other languages who want to better understand how to troubleshoot client side JavaScript, the DOM, performance, and network calls. Debugging Markup and CSS to this: Using Express.js for APIs. A few tips and libraries for creating and documenting RESTful APIs with Express.js.

Using Express.js for APIs

See a simple example app that incorporates some of these ideas. Two things really got me sucked into Express when I first started using it: Jade and Stylus. Selenium Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz. By Frank Cohen About Selenium Selenium is a portable software testing framework for Web applications. Selenium works well for QA testers needing record/playback authoring of tests and for software developers needing to author tests in Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, and several other languages using the Selenium API. The Selenium architecture runs tests directly in most modern Web browsers, including MS IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Chrome. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.

A JUnit Tutorial for Beginners. Responsive Nav — Responsive Navigation Plugin. Responsive navigation plugin without library dependencies and with fast touch screen support. Try it out by resizing this window. Download Features. A Conditional Loader For Your Polyfills!