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LLJS : Low-Level JavaScript mozilla/pdf.js Crossplatform Framework for NUI STJS: Javascript code generation from Java source code The subject is not new (GWT is there for a while already). Strongly –typed languages seem to keep being interesting in a developers’ world very attracted currently by dynamic, weakly typed languages. Dart is also another example. We believe that for bigger Javascript projects (let’s say more than 2000 lines of code), the Javascript becomes very hard to maintain, almost impossible to refactor. GWT seemed to be the ideal solution, but as with any development project, it’s very hard to satisfy everybody! Our open source project “Strongly-typed Javascript” (STJS) focuses only on that part – generate the Javascript code from a Java code. The project is provided as a Maven plugin that is executed after the Java sources of your project are compiled. Our main concern when we built the library was to stay as close as possible to the initial code. Java: form.find(".ok").click(new EventHandler() { public boolean onEvent(Event evt, Element THIS) { $(that.row(stockData)).appendTo("table tbody");

New Tricks in XMLHttpRequest2 Introduction One of the unsung heros in the HTML5 universe is XMLHttpRequest. Strictly speaking XHR2 isn't HTML5. Turns out our old friend got a huge makeover but many folks are unaware of its new features. This tutorial highlights some of the new features in XMLHttpRequest, especially those that can be used for working with files. Fetching data Fetching a file as a binary blob has been painful with XHR. The old way to fetch an image: var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/path/to/image.png', true); // Hack to pass bytes through unprocessed.xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var binStr = this.responseText; for (var i = 0, len = binStr.length; i < len; ++i) { var c = binStr.charCodeAt(i); //String.fromCharCode(c & 0xff); var byte = c & 0xff; // byte at offset i } }}; xhr.send(); While this works, what you actually get back in the responseText is not a binary blob.

WebKit.js: Yes it has finally happened! Browser Inception is now possible. I knew this was going to happen eventually, it was just a matter of time. WebKit has been ported to JavaScript, and no, this is not just some Emscripten compile, it is a full hand port of the popular browser engine to JS. WebKit.js uses WebGL as a rendering backend and basically enables developers to never worry about browser differences again since we can now control what browser our users are using on our site. Of course, it includes fallback renderers in 2d canvas and by generating PNG images on the fly for older browsers as well. Of course, this has some standardistas on their soapboxes about why monoculture is bad for the web, but the ease of development that it enables for developers will probably win out in the long run. WebKit.js is a full browser engine with full support for everything in WebKit including HTML, CSS and even a full JavaScript engine - written in JavaScript of course. Update: This was an April fools joke.

libstatgrab homepage What is libstatgrab? libstatgrab is a library that provides cross platform access to statistics about the system on which it's run. It's written in C and presents a selection of useful interfaces which can be used to access key system statistics. The current list of statistics includes CPU usage, memory utilisation, disk usage, process counts, network traffic, disk I/O, and more. The current list of supported and tested platforms includes FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, DragonFly BSD, HP-UX and AIX. We are always happy to accept patches to extend support to other operating systems. The package also includes a couple of useful tools. News Thursday 8 August 2013 Version 0.90 of libstatgrab has been released. Please note that the API in 0.90 has changed, so applications using libstatgrab will need to be updated to support the changes. There are a large number of changes in this version of libstatgrab. Thread safety and reentrant functions. Sunday 21 February 2010 Friday 30 May 2008

Revelo – De-obfusquer du Javascript Revelo – De-obfusquer du Javascript Le langage Javascript étant interprété par le navigateur, il n'est pas possible de le protéger avec un chiffrement fort. Mais il existe pourtant une méthode qui permet de le rendre incompréhensible par un humain mais toujours interprétable par le navigateur. Cette méthode s'appelle l'obfuscation et est malheureusement utilisé aussi pour certains malware qui se cachent dans les pages web. Toutefois, attention si vous vous amusez avec des malwares. Revelo intègre aussi un sniffer de paquets et un proxy qui permet d'intercepter les requêtes HTTP sans aller sur les sites "sensibles". Si l'outil vous intéresse, sachez qu'il est disponible ici. Source Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Benvie/continuum Badass JavaScript Présentation complète de Glances Il y a quelques jours, je vous avez présenté la première version de Glances, mon logiciel pour surveiller simplement ses systèmes en mode texte à partir d'une console ou d'un terminal. Quelques versions plus tard (Glances est actuellement disponible en version 1.3.7), il était temps pour moi de vous en faire une présentation un peu plus complète. Glances est un logiciel libre (distribué sous licence LGPL) permettant de surveiller votre système d'exploitation GNU/Linux ou BSD à partir d'une interface texte. Glances utilise la librairie libstatgrab pour récupérer les informations de votre système. Il est développé en langage Python. Depuis le gestionnaire de paquet de votre système Des paquets existent pour plusieurs distributions: Arch, Fedora/Redhat... Le processus de packaging est actuellement en cours sur d'autres distribs, je vous conseille donc de rechercher Glances (avec un s !) Merci de laisser un commentaire dans ce billet si vous trouvez Glances sur votre système Depuis le PPA [/cc]
