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Hell and High Water: Why Isn’t Texas Ready for the Next Big Hurricane? Return to Map It is not if, but when Houston’s perfect storm will hit… They called Ike “the monster hurricane.”

Hell and High Water: Why Isn’t Texas Ready for the Next Big Hurricane?

Hundreds of miles wide. Winds at more than 100 mph. And — deadliest of all — the power to push a massive wall of water into the upper Texas coast, killing thousands and shutting down a major international port and industrial hub. That was what scientists, public officials, economists and weather forecasters thought they were dealing with on Sept. 11, 2008, as Hurricane Ike barreled toward Houston, the fourth-largest city in the United States and home to its largest refining and petrochemical complex. “ALL NEIGHBORHOODS, AND POSSIBLY ENTIRE COASTAL COMMUNITIES, WILL BE INUNDATED,” the alert read. But in the wee hours of Sept. 13, just 50 miles offshore, Ike shifted course. Still, scientists say, Houston’s perfect storm is coming — and it’s not a matter of if but when. Such a storm would devastate the Houston Ship Channel, shuttering one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.

Boomtown, Flood Town. Climate change will bring more frequent and fierce rainstorms to cities like Houston.

Boomtown, Flood Town

But unchecked development remains a priority in the famously un-zoned city, creating short-term economic gains for some while increasing flood risks for everyone. by Neena Satija for The Texas Tribune and Reveal; Kiah Collier for The Texas Tribune; and Al Shaw for ProPublica, December 7, 2016. Live Hacking and Ransomware Tracking Maps Online. CGRU.


OpenData URB. Goo Systems, Screen Goo, Projector Screen Paint, Digital Signage. A global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions. Date | 2016-12-12 16:00 Local ⇄ UTC Data | Wind @ Surface.

a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions

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Where to hate daylight saving time and where to love it

If you’re on Facebook or Twitter or really are any person in America with friends who say things, you hear it twice a year, in March and November: “LIFE IS THE WORST WHY DO WE HAVE TO CHANGE THE CLOCKS WE SHOULD GET RID OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS [sic] TIME!!!!!”. Maybe you’re even one of the people saying it. Usually the whining is short-term shock at the sudden change in the timing of day and night, not a reasoned assessment of what it means for the timing of daylight over the whole year. Programmation sous R. Statistics with R. Warning Here are the notes I took while discovering and using the statistical environment R.

Statistics with R

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Unity Manual

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