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Our approach to innovation is dead wrong. Tony Hsieh, Zappos, and the Art of Great Company Culture. Shoe selling shouldn’t come to mind when you hear the name Zappos.

Tony Hsieh, Zappos, and the Art of Great Company Culture

While the company does sell shoes and other retail goods, it’s not what it sells that makes Zappos successful. It’s how it sells (that is, what it does for its employees and customers) that makes Zappos what it is today. The company has revenues in excess of $1 billion annually, and in 2009 Amazon acquired Zappos for around $1 billion. The acquisition by Amazon wasn’t your typical transaction where the founder and team got rich, retired, and you never heard from the company again. Today, nearly four years after the acquisition, Zappos still operates independently from Amazon. To understand Zappos, you need to know CEO Tony Hsieh (pronounced shay). A Quick Introduction to Tony Hsieh, CEO and Advocate of Company Culture “Our number one priority is company culture. When Hsieh graduated from college, he got a job at Oracle. They needed more people, and they had run out of friends to hire.

Regulating the Trial-and-Error Economy — Welcome to TheFamily. The Elves Leave Middle Earth – Sodas Are No Longer Free. Sometimes financial decisions that are seemingly rational on their face can precipitate mass exodus of your best engineers.

The Elves Leave Middle Earth – Sodas Are No Longer Free

We Hired the CFOLast week as a favor to a friend, I sat in on a board meeting of a fairly successful 3½ year-old startup. Given all that could go wrong in this economy, they were doing well. Their business had just crossed cash flow breakeven, had grown past 50 employees, just raised a substantive follow-on round of financing and had recently hired a Chief Financial Officer. It was an impressive performance. Then the new CFO got up to give her presentation – all kind of expected; Sarbanes Oxley compliance, a new accounting system, beef up IT and security, Section 409A (valuation) compliance, etc. “Do you know how much our company is spending on free sodas and snacks?” There were some experienced VC’s in the room and I was waiting for them to “educate” her about startup culture. “We’re too big for that now” was the shared opinion. The uproar began. Leading Across Cultures Requires Flexibility and Curiosity.

How many nights have you spent in a hotel in a city many miles from home?

Leading Across Cultures Requires Flexibility and Curiosity

Perhaps nervous about the meeting in the morning, you find yourself lying on the bed flicking through the TV channels for something to watch to keep you awake to offset the growing jet-lag. 5 facteurs propres à la start-up qui favorisent la créativité. 1- Le manque de ressources Grâce à l’adversité Ressources humaines, ressources de temps et surtout ressources d’argent… On aurait tendance à penser que faire face à des contraintes fortes empêche l’innovation.

5 facteurs propres à la start-up qui favorisent la créativité

Méthodologie Agile – Scrum. Les méthodes de développement agile, aussi appelé développement adaptatif, sont des méthodes axées sur les personnes avec pour objectif, la satisfaction du client en s’appuyant sur la réalisation d’un logiciel entièrement fonctionnel tout au long de sa fabrication.

Méthodologie Agile – Scrum

Principe et différentes phases. When to Break the Lean Startup Rules. The Growth Hacker’s Guide to Twitter Marketing - Social Quant - Twitter Growth Done Right. It’s not exactly a secret that Twitter is a great platform to grow any kind of business. In fact, 34% of marketers say they use Twitter to successfully generate leads, according to Jeff Bullas. Withings ou l’histoire d’une naïveté française. Le spectaculaire rachat de Withings par Nokia ne traduit pas comme on l’évoque systématiquement la faiblesse de notre système de financement mais le manque de vision et d’engagement de notre scène entrepreneuriale.

Withings ou l’histoire d’une naïveté française

L’incapacité à créer des écosystèmes à l’échelle mondiale afin de se positionner dans la guerre du numérique qui oppose la Chine aux Etats-Unis. Il est temps de se mobiliser pour «faire tomber les GAFA» et défendre notre souveraineté. Why Taking Breaks Is The Key To Productivity. It’s only natural to think you need to be chained to your desk for hours at a time in order to get things done.

Why Taking Breaks Is The Key To Productivity

Workaholics are oft celebrated; they even have their own national holiday. If you aren't taking breaks, however, you're probably decreasing your productivity rather than improving it. Here's the science behind why breaks are so critical to your workflow, as well as some advice on the best ways to unchain yourself from your desk every once in awhile: The Science Behind Taking Breaks Pausing your work might seem counterproductive.

Your brain is like a muscle, however, and it requires an incredible amount of energy. Non-stop focus on one thing for hours on end will only leave you drained. As the New York Times explains, "Although many of us can't increase the working hours in the day, we can measurably increase our energy. 5 choses à savoir sur l'holacratie. Supprimer les positions de pouvoir et la bureaucratie, donner plus d'agilité à l'entreprise...

5 choses à savoir sur l'holacratie

Les bienfaits supposés de l'holacratie sont tels que ce système de gouvernance mis au point en 2001 par un éditeur de logiciels américain, Ternary Software, a depuis fait des émules. Le cas le plus emblématique fut celui de Zappos, qui annonçait début 2014, qu'il passait à ce mode d'organisation enterrant la notion de hiérarchie. "Adopter l'holacratie, c'est tout à coup se voir renvoyer toutes les incohérences de son organisation et se donner la possibilité d'y remédier", explique, enthousiaste, Bernard Marie Chiquet, qui, à travers son cabinet iGi Partners, accompagne Kingfisher, Danone, ou encore bientôt Décathlon, pour tester le "concept" sur des unités pilotes.

Quels sont les grands principes qui régissent l'holacratie ? Le point, avec cet expert. Les 6 règles des récompenses. Les 10 compétences-clés du monde de demain. Aucun doute, le futur nous intéresse.

Les 10 compétences-clés du monde de demain

Et comme le dit Woody Allen, nous avons plutôt intérêt… puisque c’est là que nous allons passer le reste de notre vie. Le Peoplesphere de février 2016 vous emmène dans les méandres des impacts de l’évolution socio-démographique sur nos organisations à l’horizon 2030. Le Forum Economique Mondial quant à lui a publié ce 10 mars un article particulièrement intéressant sur les compétences-clés dans le monde de demain. Les conclusions résultent de l’analyse de 213 enquêtes sur les nouveaux modes d’apprentissage des étudiants et de la mise en perspective avec les enseignements du dernier Forum Economique de Davos qui a eu lieu en janvier 2016. Morceaux choisis. Building Dream Teams. The individuals in each of your teams are the most valuable assets your company has.

Building Dream Teams

To realize the greatest value from each team member, you must invest into, converting the existing individuals into passionate and productive contributors, who add value to your team’s business synergy. If however, any members are unwilling or unable to change, then it is imperative that you have the foresight to assess this as soon as possible and the courage to make the changes you know are necessary. This will allow you to make room to attract the people that do meet your team’s needs and performance criterion. Begin working with passionate, productive, driven people that are working toward a common objective and vision, you have the makings of a “DREAM TEAM”. Each member of the “DREAM TEAM” does not only become a powerful contributor to the overall success of the team, but also gets to really enjoy what they do, thereby gaining richer and deeper career satisfaction along the way.

Author: Andrew Horton. Work As We Know It Is Dead: le #Consultant — SWITCH COLLECTIVE. Forbes Welcome.