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Timeline of Changes

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Earth Temperature Timeline. Adolescence. 1.5 million years ago: There was the taming of fire and thousands of years later, control of fire and cooking 500,000 thousand years ago: Shelter construction 400,000 : Pigments in Zambia 400,000 : Spears in Germany 200,000 : Glue in Italy 64,000 : Arrowheads in South Africa 60,000 : Bows 36,000 : Cloth woven from flax fiber in Georgia 28,000 : Twisted rope 16,000 : Pottery in China 10,000 : First things made from metal 8000 : Kilns in Mesopotamia 5300 : the Wheel 5000 : Cuneiform in Mesopotamia: Invention of Writing 5000 : Bronze in Mesopotamia 5000 : Papyrus in Egypt 250: Internal Combustion Engine, Automobile 200 : Telegraph, Aluminum 150 : Light Bulb, Telephone, Electrical Power Grid, Anesthesia 100 : Aircraft, Penicillin, Aspirin 50 : Personal Computer, Transistor, Copier, Nuclear Power Grid We are adolescents of the universe.


Adolescence is characterized by awkwardness, by thinking one is invincible, by believing we known more than we do. Y Worlds. View full timeline. The Broken Thread of Culture. There are times when the deindustrial future seems to whisper in the night like a wind blowing through the trees, sending the easy certainties of the present spinning like dead leaves.

The Broken Thread of Culture

I had one of those moments recently, courtesy of a news story from 1997 that a reader forwarded me, about the spread of secret stories among homeless children in Florida’s Dade County. These aren’t your ordinary children’s stories: they’re myths in the making, a bricolage of images from popular religion and folklore torn from their original contexts and pressed into the service of a harsh new vision of reality. God, according to Dade County’s homeless children, is missing in action; demons stormed Heaven a while back and God hasn’t been seen since.

The mother of Christ murdered her son and morphed into the terrifying Bloody Mary, a nightmare being who weeps blood from eyeless sockets and seeks out children to kill them. That label actually dates from before the period most often assigned it these days. A New Chart of History. Joseph Priestley's A New Chart of History (1769) In 1769, 18th-century British polymath Joseph Priestley published A New Chart of History and its prose explanation as a supplement to his Lectures on History and General Policy.[1] Together with his Chart of Biography (1765), which he dedicated to his friend Benjamin Franklin), Priestley believed these charts would allow students to "trace out distinctly the dependence of events to distribute them into such periods and divisions as shall lay the whole claim of past transactions in a just and orderly manner.

A New Chart of History

"[2] The capital use [of the Charts was as] a most excellent mechanical help to the knowledge of history, impressing the imagination indelibly with a just image of the rise, progress, extent, duration, and contemporary state of all the considerable empires that have ever existed in the world.[3] Notes[edit] Jump up ^ Priestley, Joseph. Further reading[edit] Gibbs, F. External links[edit] The History and Future of Everything.

Tribal to Warrior

Warrior to Traditional. Traditional to Modern. Modern to Postmodern.