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How Seligman's Learned Helplessness Theory Applies to Human Depression and Stress. Resources for Clients & Families | Behavioral Tech. Login Is DBT Right for Me? DBT was originally developed to treat chronically suicidal individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), and it is now recognized as the gold standard psychological treatment for this population. In addition, research has shown that it is effective in treating a wide range of other disorders such as substance dependence, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and eating disorders. To read more about the treatment, click here. DBT skills are widely applicable. There is substantial data and clinical experience suggesting that DBT skills are effective across a wide variety of both clinical and nonclinical populations and across settings. Find a Treatment Provider Find a Comprehensively Trained DBT Therapist If you want to find a therapist, search our clinical resource directory (CRD) for providers who have completed DBT Intensive or Foundational training through Behavioral Tech or the UW Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinics (BRTC).

Psychoeducation for the Therapist | Judith Belmont. Psychoeducation Q & A What is Psychoeducation? Psychoeducation is a therapeutic focus in which clients learn practical and positive emotional and behavioral skills to improve life adjustment, management of emotions and self-awareness. A psychoeducational approach appreciates the importance of education in changing unhealthy or negative emotional and behavioral patterns. In psychotherapy, tools such as therapy handouts, worksheets, individual and group therapy activities and visualizations serve to help clients develop skills to overcome common human problems encountered in daily life.

Psychoeducational Sub-Topics What are Some Examples of Psychoeducational Topics? With the psychoeduational approach, clients learn valuable life skills of how to manage their behavior, emotions, relationships and generally improve their mental health through learning practical life skills strategies. Sample Psychoeducational Topics Isn’t Psychoeducation Just Telling People What to Do? SD Life Plan This Is Your Life July%202016. Dynamic deconstructive psychotherapy. Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy (DDP) is a manual-based treatment for borderline personality disorder. It has been developed by Robert Gregory for severe and treatment-refractory clients, especially those with co-occurring substance use disorders. It is a time-limited treatment that involves weekly individual sessions over 12 months, and combines elements of neuroscience research, object relations theory, and deconstruction philosophy. DDP postulates that individuals suffering from borderline personality disorder need to remediate a neurocognitive deficit in the ability to process emotionally charged experiences, as well as to overcome an embedded sense of badness.

Goals[edit] The goals of DDP are: (1) connecting with one’s own emotional experiences in order to develop an integrated sense of self and (2) connecting with others in more authentic ways, so as to improve the quality of relationships. Focus of treatment[edit] Treatment procedure[edit] Mechanisms of change[edit] Charles Barber, author of Comfortably Numb. 55. Delete Facebook. Religion for the Nonreligious. The mind…can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. ― John Milton The mind is certainly its own cosmos. — Alan Lightman You go to school, study hard, get a degree, and you’re pleased with yourself. But are you wiser? You get a job, achieve things at the job, gain responsibility, get paid more, move to a better company, gain even more responsibility, get paid even more, rent an apartment with a parking spot, stop doing your own laundry, and you buy one of those $9 juices where the stuff settles down to the bottom.

But are you happier? But as you do these things day after day and year after year, are you improving as a human in a meaningful way? In the last post, I described the way my own path had led me to be an atheist—but how in my satisfaction with being proudly nonreligious, I never gave serious thought to an active approach to internal improvement—hindering my own evolution in the process. This wasn’t just my own naiveté at work. The Goal Wisdom. How Do We Get to the Goal? Easy, right? Why Procrastinators Procrastinate. PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-| noun the action of delaying or postponing something: your first tip is to avoid procrastination. Who would have thought that after decades of struggle with procrastination, the dictionary, of all places, would hold the solution.

Avoid procrastination. So elegant in its simplicity. While we’re here, let’s make sure obese people avoid overeating, depressed people avoid apathy, and someone please tell beached whales that they should avoid being out of the ocean. No, “avoid procrastination” is only good advice for fake procrastinators—those people that are like, “I totally go on Facebook a few times every day at work—I’m such a procrastinator!” The thing that neither the dictionary nor fake procrastinators understand is that for a real procrastinator, procrastination isn’t optional—it’s something they don’t know how to not do. It’s a mess. Final Words Project - Home. DrugFacts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

NOTE: This fact sheet discusses research findings on effective treatment approaches for drug abuse and addiction. If you’re seeking treatment, you can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (1-800-662-4357) or go to for information on hotlines, counseling services, or treatment options in your state.

What is drug addiction? Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive, or uncontrollable, drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences and changes in the brain, which can be long lasting. These changes in the brain can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who use drugs. Drug addiction is also a relapsing disease. Relapse is the return to drug use after an attempt to stop. The path to drug addiction begins with the voluntary act of taking drugs. Addiction is a disease that affects both the brain and behavior.

Can drug addiction be treated? Withdrawal. Depression: Celebrities Who Struggled With Sadness in Pictures. Reviewed by Joseph Goldberg, MD on May 03, 2015 Sources: 1) Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images 2) Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for AMC 3) John Phillips/UK Press via Getty Images 4) Adrian SanchezZ-Gonzalez/AFP/Getty Images 5) Andrew H. 6) Alberto E. 7) Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Spike TV 8) Jason Merritt/Getty Images 9) Evan Agostini/Getty Images for The National Board of Review 10) Jemal Countess/Getty Images 11) Kevin Winter/Getty Images 12) Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images 13) Getty Images Elle: “Hot Guy/Cold Drink: Absinthe and Secrets with Ryan Phillippe.” This tool does not provide medical advice. THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE VETERINARY ADVICE. . © 2015 WebMD, LLC. WebMD Slideshows View our slideshows to learn more about your health. Serotonin and Depression: 9 Questions and Answers.

1. What is serotonin? Serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, a type of chemical that helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. Although serotonin is manufactured in the brain, where it performs its primary functions, some 90% of our serotonin supply is found in the digestive tract and in blood platelets. 2.

Serotonin is made via a unique biochemical conversion process. 3. As a neurotransmitter, serotonin helps to relay messages from one area of the brain to another. In terms of our body function, serotonin can also affect the functioning of our cardiovascular system, muscles, and various elements in the endocrine system. 4. There are many researchers who believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood in a way that leads to depression. One theory about how depression develops centers on the regeneration of brain cells -- a process that some believe is mediated by serotonin, and ongoing throughout our lives.

Learned helplessness. Psychological behavior Learned helplessness is the behavior exhibited by a subject after enduring repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control. It was initially thought to be caused by the subject's acceptance of their powerlessness, by way of their discontinuing attempts to escape or avoid the aversive stimulus, even when such alternatives are unambiguously presented. Upon exhibiting such behavior, the subject was said to have acquired learned helplessness.[1][2] In humans, learned helplessness is related to the concept of self-efficacy; the individual's belief in their innate ability to achieve goals. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from a real or perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.[3] Foundation of research and theory[edit] Early experiments[edit] From these experiments, it was thought that there was to be only one cure for helplessness.

Later experiments[edit] Expanded theories[edit] The Remarkable Power of Hope. You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter.

Life skills

Science Of Persuasion 1280x720 Master. Erickson's Psychosocial Theory of Human Development. Home Page | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Techniques. CBT - What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? ABC model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Dr. Christine Courtois on Trauma Bonding. Why mirror neurons in your brain can make you feel. Handbook of self help therapies. Slideshare. Four Agreements. Four Agreements - Team Building Activities.

» Four Agreements and Wisdom for Spiritual Warriors based in Common Sense. How to know if you're smart. "Later That Same Life" Sizzle Reel. Circles of Influence. Circles. September | 2012 | PANACEA. The Buddha was sitting under a tree talking to his disciples when a man came and spit on his face. He wiped it off, and he asked the man, “What next? What do you want to say next?” The man was a little puzzled because he himself never expected that when you spit on somebody’s face, he will ask, “What next?” He had no such experience in his past. He had insulted people and they had become angry and they had reacted. Or if they were cowards and weaklings, they had smiled, trying to bribe the man.

Buddha’s disciples became angry, they reacted. Buddha said, “You keep silent. “If you think on it deeply,” Buddha said, “he has spit on his own mind. The man was even more puzzled! Puzzled, confused, the man returned home. The next morning he was back there. The man looked at Buddha and said, “Forgive me for what I did yesterday.” Buddha said, “Forgive? “And you also are new. Like this: Like Loading... Locus of Control. Locus of Control. Dealing with depression, Dr. Andrew Weil's first TV interview on his personal diagnosis. Brief Intro to Metacognition. Andrew Solomon: How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are. Ruby Wax on Mindfulness. Nancy Lublin: The heartbreaking text that inspired a crisis help line.

Simply Psych

You Are Not So Smart. You Are Not So Smart - Book Trailer - Procrastination. Is Your Red The Same as my Red? Stages of Psychosocial Development by Erik Erikson. Why Are Bad Words Bad? Intro to Psychology - Crash Course Psychology #1. Building confidence | Dr Judith Sunley - Life Coach. It sounds corny, but I have been so busy working on some new training material recently that I haven’t had the time to blog about it. My last blog was about self esteem, and I’ve been working on skills and techniques to help people with reflecting on their thought processes, beliefs and “rules” that are limiting, and how to take those first uncertain steps to their new self confident future.

You may be surprised to learn that the things that get in the way of building self confidence are often self-made. Self confidence or self-esteem refers to the way we see and think about ourselves, and is our recollection of all the experiences and interpersonal relationships we’ve had in your life. Our minds lay down patterns of learned responses which can become ingrained and affect how we see the world. Let me ask – do you often: – see yourself failing before you begin? – have a hard time forgiving your mistakes and make yourself pay the price forever? – put on a brave face but feel empty inside?

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Irina Werning. I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today… Two years ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future.. Now its time for KOREA, TAIWAN AND TOKYO. If you live here and want to participate in my project, email me amazing old pictures to : Pancho 1983 & 2010, Buenos Aires Fer 1970 & 2010 Buenos Aires Mechi 1990 & 2010 Buenos Aires Marita y Coty 1977 & 2010 Bs Aires Demian 1989 & 2010 London Cecile 1987 & 2010 France Nico Mella 1990 & 2010 France Oscar 1978 & 2010 Buenos Aires Ato 1992 & 2010 Buenos Aires Lulu Geraldine 1980 & 2010 Bs Aires Ian 1983 & 2010 London Male Sil Flor 1983 & 2010 Bs Aires Nico 1986 & 2010 Buenos Aires Lucía 1956 & 2010 Buenos Aires Marina 1988 & 2010 Buenos Aires.

Self Esteem, Self Efficacy, and Locus of Control. Kajiura-Teaching Awareness of Stereotyping. The Internet TESL Journal Asako Kajiura Goodmacher Introduction As technology develops, the number of situations of communicating with people from different countries has been increasing. In many fields, learning a non-native language is one of the requirements to be successful. A number of people throughout the world learn English because English is becoming an international language. In order to have successful intercultural communication, it is essential that communicators avoid incorrect stereotyping.

Family, friends, and education provide us with in-group reference to other cultural groups, out-group people. Preparation Collect many photos of people which do not show their occupations: a picture of a black accountant who looks like a basketball player, a female leader of a country students are not familiar with. Write three or four sentences which indicate "likely" occupations of the person in each photograph. Classroom Procedures Activity 1 Next, divide students into small groups. Prisoner Express : home. Know Thyself. A Man's Incomplete Brain Reveals Cerebellum's Role In Thought And Emotion.

Jonathan Keleher is one of a handful of people who have lived their entire lives without a cerebellum. Ellen Webber for NPR hide caption itoggle caption Ellen Webber for NPR Jonathan Keleher is one of a handful of people who have lived their entire lives without a cerebellum. Ellen Webber for NPR Since his birth 33 years ago, Jonathan Keleher has been living without a cerebellum, a structure that usually contains about half the brain's neurons. This exceedingly rare condition has left Jonathan with a distinctive way of speaking and a walk that is slightly awkward. But all that hasn't kept him from living on his own, holding down an office job and charming pretty much every person he meets. "I've always been more into people than anything else," Jonathan tells me when I meet him at his parents' house in Concord, Mass., a suburb of Boston.

Jonathan's Brain Scans These are brain MRI scans of Jon Keleher (A,B) compared to a control person (C,D) of the same age. It's taken decades, Richard says. Three Words to Help Retrain your Brain, by Knowledge@Wharton. To ‘Think Like a Freak,’ Start with These Three Words Are you sure it is a bad idea to quit a job? In Think Like a Freak, Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt argue that we are often overly confident about what we think we know, and they recommend a way to think differently to solve problems and make decisions. Wharton management professor Adam M. An edited transcript of the conversation appears below. Adam Grant: Your books have been fascinating to read. Stephen J. I wrote about Levitt. We hear from people a lot — emails mostly, which is great.

Rather than trying and failing to answer a shard of those questions, we thought, “What if we could write a book that deputizes the entire world or whoever wants to think like we do?” Grant: Well, you certainly accomplished those goals. Dubner: Well, I think that came primarily from the fact that Steve Levitt, my co-author, lives in the world of academia, where you are. That’s something that I think business needs to do much better. Theory of mind in Non-humans. Some thoughts on hope, cynicism and the stories we tell ourselves, Shel Silverstein on the secret of love, a personal remembrance of David Carr & more. A Short Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. Keep Loving: A Universal Love Song.

Opening Doors and Hearts. Seven Paths to a Meaningful Life, by Philip Zimbardo. Learned Optimism: Martin Seligman on Happiness, Depression, and the Meaningful Life. Our research - Suicide prevention - Research. How To Stay Sane: The Art of Revising Your Inner Storytelling. How to Optimize Your Brain: Why Refining Emotional Recall is the Secret to Better Memory. The Backfire Effect: The Psychology of Why We Have a Hard Time Changing Our Minds. Sam Harris: The Self is an Illusion. Cognitive Biases 101, with Peter Baumann. Neuroscience Proves (However Reluctantly) That We Have Free Will | Big Think. Right Brain, Left Brain? Scientists Debunk Popular Theory. What is Positive Psychology? Give me the child until he is seven and I’ll give you the man « Confused at a higher level.

Climate affects the development of human speech. Traumatic Brain Injuries and Whiplash - Understanding the Physics and Cause of these Injuries. TEDxVictoria - Dr. Sean Richardson - Mental Toughness: Think Differently about your World. The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff at TEDxCentennialParkWomen.

Body language, the power is in the palm of your hands | Allan Pease | TEDxMacquarieUniversity. Imposters: The psychology of pretending to be someone you're not: Matthew Hornsey at TEDxUQ. Psychological/ Interpersonal. 6 Ways to Head Off Holiday Angst. Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD. The Healing Power of Mindfulness Part 1/5. Home | Mindful. Amygdala. Your Beliefs.