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A Frugal Good Life

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Household uses for baking soda. By JulieVR | Years ago, marketing executives in charge of selling boxes of baking soda decreed that it was not only a great way to make your cakes rise and cookies spread, but an effective refrigerator and freezer deodorizer as well.

Household uses for baking soda

It turns out it isn’t the most effective at removing odors from your fridge, but there are dozens of uses that make it an inexpensive household tool that comes in handy for everything from brushing your teeth to scrubbing pots and putting out fires. Baking soda isn’t just for cookies anymore – here are ten great ways to put that little orange box to good use.nggallery id=’120765′ Keep barbecue flare-ups at bay.

The GAPS Diet: What It Is and Why You Might Consider Doing It. Video tutorials on arts and crafts throughout history. Frugal for Life. Sleeping platform and camping storage. I really liked the design nielp worked out.

Sleeping platform and camping storage

Mine is basically the same with a few tweaks here and there. The finished platform is a touch over 73” and allows ample room for a test snooze position from my 6’4” friend lying diagonally. I’m afraid my cost was considerably more than nielp’s as I stiffened up the entire platform to allow for my 200# frame without any chance of give or bounce. The center rail supporting the gull wing doors is a lap joint with the front and center cross rails. Those joints are glued and held together with 4 each countersunk screws and t-nuts. I added two fold down doors in front, a piano hinged front support leg that folds back on the extention, plywood rail and styles to the back to help stiffen up the side-to-side shifting possibilities, and covered the whole thing with carpet. My platform (top) is the same width as the frame (41 ½”) which allows access to all the factory storage pockets.

Pics show construction and several detail dimensions. 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven. Super Easy Naan Bread Recipe - - 350443. Mexican Pan Bread. Oatmeal Bread. Making Bread From Scratch. Build An Ark. Sunday Best: Wrap It! 25 Handmade Gifts Under $5. If your gift list is long and your budget is small here are some great Handmade Gifts that you can make.

25 Handmade Gifts Under $5

Keep in mind that handmade items are not just beautiful but special… I love to give them and I love to receive them. In my opinion they are the best! Jersey Knit Bracelet Lovely! This would make a perfect gift for any of your girlfriends. You can choose the colors and recycle t-shirts that you have around the house. Dirttime. The Slow Movement: Making a Connection. The Idler. The urban guide to being self sufficient'ish. Permaculture Principles.

Installing a Bee Hive: A Nervous Beginners' Experiences. A typical package of bees - Image credit: TheBeeYardHow to Install a Bee Hive: It Really Isn't ScaryI got pretty excited about news that the Obamas were including bee hives in the White House garden.

Installing a Bee Hive: A Nervous Beginners' Experiences

After all, honey bees are one of the most important pollinators for our modern food system (and a great source of, errrm, honey). But many people are still very wary of bees - after all they sting like crazy, right? Well having been preparing for a few weeks now, I finally picked up my first bees over the weekend. I'll be the first to admit that I was more than a little nervous - but those nerves proved unfounded. The experience was a sheer delight and I'd recommend it to anyone. Anyhow - here's what installing bees was like for me: Beekeeping Research and EducationFirst off, I should say that I took a 12 week course a couple of years back on beekeeping. Equipment and PreparationHaving read all I could on the subject, the next step was to get all the equipment together.

Living the Frugal Life. Re-earth the Cities! Home Page. Our Home Planet is in trouble, so what can we do?

Re-earth the Cities! Home Page

See You CAN live lightly on the Earth! Why the Cities? Last Updated 1st.February 2014 | Site Map Lughnasad 2014, New Year, and News Seasons and Calendars This is what I see when I look through my front window in Spring. I was trained as a Permaculture Educator, specializing in urban design & sustainable living in the City, and have been developing an urban Permaculture design here since 1989. I STRONGLY SUPPORT THE ANY BROWSER If you find that any of the external links on my site cause problems with your browserPLEASE email me with details. Web makers, it is often the advertisements on the host which crash older browsers, not your html code. NOTE:So that you will know whether a link will involve leaving this website, all external links are in UPPER CASE, with the exception of We brings. 31 Days to {Cheaply} Organize your Home. Welcome to 31 Days to {cheaply} organize your home.

31 Days to {Cheaply} Organize your Home

You are probably here because you want to learn how to organize. Or, you are here because you like to organize. Right? Many think that organizing equals expensive - I hear it ALL the time! WRONG! (Linkup closed)