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Terry Pratchett. Œuvres principales Terry Pratchett est un écrivain britannique né le 28 avril 1948 à Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire) et mort le 12 mars 2015[1] à Broad Chalke (Wiltshire).

Terry Pratchett

Il est principalement connu pour ses romans de fantasy humoristique prenant place dans l'univers du Disque-monde, dans lequel il détourne les canons du genre pour se livrer à une satire de divers aspects de la société contemporaine. Pratchett publie son premier roman en 1971, mais ce n'est qu'en 1983 qu'il rencontre vraiment le succès avec le premier volume des Annales du Disque-monde. Glossaire de littérature américaine. Thème un: Je de l'écrivain, jeu de l'écriture - Cours d'anglais: replay. Classics of British Literature. British writers who have made a lasting impact on literature is remarkable.

Classics of British Literature

More importantly, Britain's writers have long challenged readers with new ways of understanding an ever-changing world. The 48 fascinating lectures in Classics of British Literature provide you with a rare opportunity to step beyond the surface of Britain's grand literary masterpieces and experience the times and conditions they came from and the diverse issues with which their writers grappled. British-born Professor John Sutherland, the Lord Northcliffe Professor Emeritus of Modern English at University College London and Visiting Professor of Literature at the California Institute of Technology, has spent a lifetime exploring these rich works.

The unique insights he shares into how and why these works succeed as both literature and documents of Britain's social and political history can forever alter the way you experience a novel, poem, or play. Short Stories and Fairy Tales. The 20th Century: Introduction. Global war is one of the defining features of twentieth-century experience, and the first global war is the subject of one of this period’s topics, “Representing the Great War.”

The 20th Century: Introduction

Masses of dead bodies strewn upon the ground, plumes of poison gas drifting through the air, hundreds of miles of trenches infested with rats—these are but some of the indelible images that have come to be associated with World War I (1914-18). It was a war that unleashed death, loss, and suffering on an unprecedented scale. How did recruiting posters, paintings, memoirs, and memorials represent the war? Was it a heroic occasion, comparable to a sporting event, eliciting displays of manly valor and courage? Or was it an ignominious waste of human life, with little gain to show on either side of the conflict, deserving bitterly ironic treatment? Another of the twentieth century’s defining features is radical artistic experiment. Literature Learning Guides & Teacher Resources. No Fear Shakespeare: Shakespeare's plays plus a modern translation you can understand.

Literature Study Guides - SparkNotes. LE THEATRE AU TEMPS DE SHAKESPEARE. SHAKESPEARE. Littérature de jeunesse britannique. Les classiques de la littérature de jeunesse britannique : Alice, Peter Pan, etc. - Conférence de Marie-France Burgain, Professeur agrégée d’anglais, IUFM d’Aquitaine-Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV - « Les classiques européens pour la jeunesse », 96 min.

Littérature de jeunesse britannique

Dès qu’il s’agit de dresser la liste des classiques de la littérature de jeunesse mondiale, de nombreux ouvrages britanniques figurent parmi les premières œuvres citées, des livres qui ont parfois perdu, au détour de leurs nombreuses traductions et rééditions, du moins pour les lecteurs, leur langue et « nationalité » d’origine. Ces œuvres, cependant, dont Alice au Pays des Merveilles de Lewis Carroll et Peter Pan de James Barrie sont sans doute les plus connues, sont certes devenues universelles mais sont, par bien des aspects, typiquement britanniques. L’auteur : Travaux d’étudiants : Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sherlock Holmes

He studied to be a doctor at the University of Edinburgh and set up a small practice at Southsea in Hampshire during his 20s. While the practice proved largely unsuccessful, the lack of patients provided him with the opportunity to create possibly the most popular character ever introduced in the history of fiction, Sherlock Holmes. While at University, Conan Doyle had been greatly influenced by Dr. Mystery Time Line. Ystery and crime stories as we know them today did not emerge until the mid-nineteenth century when Edgar Allan Poe introduced mystery fiction's first fictional detective, Auguste C.

Mystery Time Line

Dupin, in his 1841 story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue. " The acknowledged father of the mystery story, Poe continued Dupin's exploits in novels such as "The Mystery of Marie Roget" (1842) and "The Purloined Letter" (1845). "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is the most famous example of a mystery style known as the locked room, in which "a murder victim is found inside an apparently sealed enclosure and the detective's challenge is to discover the murderer's modus operandi. " (Crime Classics) Poe was one of the first to shift the focus of mystery stories from the aesthetics of the situation to a more intellectual reality, moving the story from "a focus on the superficial trappings of eerie setting and shocking event to a study of the criminal's mind.

" Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie : sa vie, son oeuvre.