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Crochet patterns

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The Wench's Crafty Corner: Joining Squares Part Three - Join on Two Sides. If you have been following the various parts to this guide you should now be in a position to set in a square, that is make a join on two sides.

The Wench's Crafty Corner: Joining Squares Part Three - Join on Two Sides

In reality this isn't any more difficult than the other joins. In past parts to this joining method I have included pictures for each stitch, for this one I will be using less pictures. So from here on I will be showing the picture for the first chain, first 2 DC (the stitches that form the first corner) and the 2dc and 1 chain at the end. In the case of this tutorial there will be 2 sets of pictures, one for each side that is joined.

So lets get started, picture one shows us set up for the next join, as always the first corner of the red square begins with 2 DC chain 1. Now we are onto the 2nd corner which joins at point B on picture 1. Now we are on to the corner in the middle, first we need to join the first chain of this corner on the red square to the green square. Cornflower Blue: how to crochet a heart. Grietjekarwietje: Het netjes afwerken van je haakwerk. Als je bijna klaar bent met de laatste toer...sluit je niet met een halve vaste. Je maakt een lange lus en knipt de lus door.When you are almiost done, don't finish your work with a slip stitch. Cut thread before last sc. Met een stopnaald ga je (aan de voorkant van je werk) door het Vtje heen.Use a needle and go through the first V of the beginning of this tour.

Dan ga je terug in het Vtje van het draadje. Wacht even voor je de naald er doorheen haalt en kijk eerst even goed naar de volgende foto. Put needle in biginning point thread. Dit is de achterkant van je werk. Free Crochet Pattern – Medium Star #9. Medium Pink Star. Liv´s playrug. YarnPickles Pure Thick Alpaca 100 g of 5 different colours Crochet hookN/15 Please note: This pattern uses American terminology. English (British) in the first coloumn. Change colours when you want. Not all rounds have enough stitches to complete the repetitions. 5 ch. Talking crochet ... Small Triangle Granny (One-Quarter Granny Square) Materials Medium (worsted) weight yarn: Small amounts of various colors as desiredSize G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed for gaugeYarn needle Gauge Row 1 of motif = 1 1/2 inches in length.

Talking crochet ...

Row 1: With first color, ch 5, sk 4 chs, (3 dc, ch 1, dc) in last ch, fasten off. Row 2: Attach next color in beg ch-4 sp, ch 4 (counts as dc and ch-1), 3 dc in same sp, ch 1, (3 dc, ch 1, dc) in next ch-1 sp, fasten off. HeloiseV: crochet. So, I'd never even heard of one of these apple cosy things until recently!

HeloiseV: crochet

When I spotted someone with one, I my first thought was 'what a fab idea' and secondly 'I bet I could make one better than that'!! So off I went trawling the internet for a pattern. HeloiseV: Free Crochet Heart Pattern. **Check here for my new and improved heart patterns!

HeloiseV: Free Crochet Heart Pattern

** Follow the links on the pictures if you'd rather buy than make! All stiches are US. Blue Corduroy: crochet basics {the magic circle} I wanted to do a series of crochet tutorials.

Blue Corduroy: crochet basics {the magic circle}

There are so many fun stitches and patterns out there. And whether you're learning them for the first time, or if you're like me, you forget from time to time, it's nice to have a source of compiled crochet basics. The Magic Circle The magic circle is my preferred way for beginning any crochet pattern that begins with a circle. You can modify any circular pattern to begin this way. 1) Wind your yarn around your finger 3 times. 2) Slide your hook under all three strands and grab the third with your hook. 3) Pull that third strand under the other strands on your finger, and keep it on your hook. 4) Do a chain stitch with the loop still on your finger. 5) Pull the whole loop off your finger. Ondori motif edging designs - annie mendoza. Crochet motifs. These motifs patterns from Japanese magazine.

Crochet motifs

About crochet - Filed under 'garlands' Colour in a simple life: Puffed Daisy Hexagon. Season's Greetings!

colour in a simple life: Puffed Daisy Hexagon

I'm sorry that it has been a while since my last post, but I've had some technical gremlins here that have kept me off-line! It's been wet, wet, wet here for so long that I've forgotten the last completely dry day we've had – mainly miserable rain, but mixed with some snow for the last few days. Not pleasant to be out in, but the perfect excuse to stay by the fire and crochet! I'm still bobbling along, but the rounds seem to take an age to complete now, so I can only manage one or two rounds at a time... Of course, my itchy fingers have needed something smaller and quicker to create between marathon rounds so some experimenting was in order. Puffed Daisy Hexagon - FOR A PRINTABLE PDF OF THE PATTERN CLICK HERE. Jan-Knit's Free Patterns: Daisy-Chain Scarf. This scarf was made from vintage tapestry yarns in five shades of green found at a thrift store.

Jan-Knit's Free Patterns: Daisy-Chain Scarf

It would be fun out of most any yarn, even using a variety of textures and colors. Make 30 or more Five-Petal Crocheted Flowers for desired length of scarf. Stitch flowers end-to-end, alternating attachment at third or fouth petal. (See photo.) Five Petal Crocheted Flower With desired yarn and appropriate size crochet hook (ie: worsted and size G, etc.), chain 5 and join with sl st to first chain to form ring.

Soozs: how to crochet a daisy chain necklace. My mum described this thing she had seen on someone else, part necklace, part scarf, like a bunch of flowers for your neck and I was really taken with this idea of floral jewels.

soozs: how to crochet a daisy chain necklace

So after a bit of experimentation I came up with this design. It is simple to make with basic crochet stitches, and could have endless variations both in terms of the yarns and flower styles used to make it but also in the way it is worn. Materials * Yarn – I used Rowan Glace cotton in six different colours, a total of 33 gms.