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How to crochet a daisy chain necklace

How to crochet a daisy chain necklace
My mum described this thing she had seen on someone else, part necklace, part scarf, like a bunch of flowers for your neck and I was really taken with this idea of floral jewels. So after a bit of experimentation I came up with this design. It is simple to make with basic crochet stitches, and could have endless variations both in terms of the yarns and flower styles used to make it but also in the way it is worn. Materials * Yarn – I used Rowan Glace cotton in six different colours, a total of 33 gms. I chose the cotton yarn so it could be worn in summer as well as winter and I looked for something that was fine because I wanted the flowers to be small so they wouldn’t curl up too much. Method As I am an aussie I will use Australian/European stitch terminology, but since I learnt to crochet using American patterns, I’ll explain equivalents. Make the flowers first. Make a slip knot and chain 4. Insert the hook into the fist chain and slip stitch to form a ring. put the yarn over the hook

Crochet with Raymond Hellooooo!!! Here I am, back again, to finish what I began yesterday! I wonder if it seemed strange to you all that I post a tutorial on how to make a leaf….. all will come clear today, I promise! Tuto bracelet au crochet October 10th, 2008 Email 131 users recommend Plastic rings, covered with single crochet, make for bold, modern jewelry. And they can be put together in so many different patterns. Diane Gilleland

MaryM's Original Daisy Bullion Edging, tatting with crochet hook, crochet tatting, cro-tat, Cro-Tat, cro tat, edging, trim, tutorial If you like the project you can donate bitcoins to: 1E8rQq9cmv95CrdrLmqaoD6TErUFKok3bF MaryM's Original Daisy Bullion Edging©2001 - tatting with crochet hook, crochet tatting, cro-tat, tutorial, how to - Copyrighted. Please copy, reproduce, collect or redistribute with permission only. Finding little to not-much on the internet for tatting with crochet hook, I dreamed up this little design. (Of course, Crochet Tatting is quite an old art, recently come into vogue again - It is described and pictured in "The Godey's Lady's Book" in the 1850's!)

Flowering Clematis Scarf Pattern and Tutorial Blossom time is slow to arrive here in chilly, drippy Wisconsin (just daffodils and hyacinths so far in my area). But scarf time is always with us. So here's a new offering for you:Flowering Clematis is fast, easy and fun. Like most vines, it grows quickly (my favorite kind of pattern.) I also made a second version in a different gauge, just to see if it would work.

Broomstick Lace Bracelet This weekend I learnt broomstick lace. I saw a photo of a broomstick cuff on Ravely but the pattern just says “work 3 groups of 5 stitches of broomstick lace for the length of your wrist.” which wasn’t quite the level of detail I was hoping for! As with the crocodile stitch I’d been putting off learning this stitch because it looked quite complicated and there seemed to be a lack of left-handed written instructions, and again once I got my head around it it was actually quite easy. The most useful instructions I found were detailed written instructions from - as usual though the instructions are for the right-handed majority so I’ve created a photo tutorial here for all the lefties out there to even things up a little. I think completing this pattern with a fluffy or highly textured yarn would be a bit of a waste – you need a nice smooth yarn that will show up all the stitches.

Do you dare to wear a granny square? I’m not sure if I’d manage a granny square evening dress…. But I’m loving the cowl I made last week and have been quite excited to show you! I must apologise for the photos, I’ve cropped them right down this week, so you can’t see the whole effect, but let me tell you, it really is lovely, I tried it on my friend to see how it looked on someone and couldn’t get it off her and back around my neck fast enough! Being that we are heading into winter at what seems like a veeeeeery fast pace right now, I’m obsessed with cowls and this I have to tell you, is the first of a series of cowl posts. Cowls are my new thing, neck warmey snuggliness without flappy ends, they are perfection.

tutorial conillet de pasqua Nibble nibble, hop hop Posted on Updated on If you are a regular follower you will immediately notice that these bunnies are very closely related to some particularly cute owls made recently. You see a distant aunt on their mother’s side fell in love with a completely unsuitable (if you are an owl) rabbit… the rest, so they say, is history.

First post, first scarf! CLOVER SCARF Tutorial! Make a chain (ch) of 30 +1 Row 1: ch 1, 1 sigle crochet (sc) in the 2nd ch from the hook, *ch 6, 1 clover (ch 7, 1 slip stitch (sl st) in the 7th ch from the hook ch 7, 1 sl st in th 7th ch from the hook, Lots of Bracelets Lots of bracelets I’m lucky enough to be going away for a week, which means I will not be posting next week. You may be hearing about my holiday next time I post!
